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[[Category:Mudlet Manual]]
[[Category:Mudlet Manual]]

Revision as of 03:34, 5 January 2012

What is a Mudlet package

It's a archive file that ends with .mpackage or .zip that contains xml files to import along with any resources a package might have (images, sounds and etc). Packages can be installed / uninstalled via a window in Mudlet.

The system is backwards-compatible and existing .xml files will also be recognized as packages.

You'll see packages represented in brown in the script editor everywhere - triggers, aliases, etc. All items of a package have to go into a package folder that they belong in - so the user can know which package do items belong to, and modify the package for their needs (if it didn't have a folder, then you wouldn't be able to 'add' anything to a package).

Mudlet Packages were introduced to Mudlet in the 2.0-rc6 release.

How to install a Mudlet package


Toolbox→Package Manager will open the window where you can 'Install' to install a package.

(xmls installed via Import will be converted to packages too, but do not Import packages.)

from the MUD

Packages can also be auto-installed from the MUD server via ATCP - the server should send "Client.GUI <package version>\n<url>", ie "Client.GUI 1\nhttp://www.godwars2.org/download/mudlet/GW2_GUI.mpackage" and Mudlet will offer the user an option of downloading and using it automatically.

How to create a Mudlet package

Create a zip file - the name of the file will be the name of the package - that ends with either .mpackage (preferred) or .zip. Include all xml's that you'd like to be installed in the top level folder of the package (that is, don't have them within a folder in the archive - just have them be upfront).

If you'd like to include other folders or files in the package, you can - they will be copied into getMudletHomeDir().."/"..packagename upon installation, so your scripts can use them - or example, if your package is called "sipper" (thus you have sipper.mpackage as the file) and you have health.png as an image in it, you can place on a label like so:

<lua> -- you don't have to worry about \ versus / for file paths - use / everywhere, Lua will make it work on Windows fine

setBackgroundImage("my health", getMudletHomeDir().."/sipper/health.png") </lua>