IRE mapping script

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Revision as of 08:37, 14 May 2011 by Vadi (talk | contribs)
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This is the Lua component to make the Mudlet Mapper work for IRE games. You'll need to import the xml below in order for autowalking to work on Achaea, Aetolia, Lusternia, Imperian, or Midkemia Online.


latest version (updated February 21st, 2011)


  • make sure you're using a version of Mudlet that has a mapper (either a Map button or a Toolbox -> Show Map option)
  • import this script
  • done!


To update the xml, firstly delete all the Mudlet Mapper trigger, alias and script folders. Then, download the new xml and import it.

To make Mudlet re-download the map, close Mudlet, find the ~/.config/mudlet/profiles/<your profile>/map folder and delete it. ~ is your home folder. Start Mudlet again, click the Map button and it'll download the latest map.

Mapper changelog is available here.



  • goto <id> - goes to a room of that id
  • mpp [on|off] - toggles or sets mapper to be paused
  • mstop - stops the mapper completely
  • rf <name>, room find <name> - searches for a room of a given name
  • area list - shows the known area list
  • room list <area> - shows the list of rooms in an area
  • arealock, arealock <area> - displays a list of areas you can lock/unlock, can also give it an area name to filter by
  • rl, rl <room name or room id>, room look, room look <room name or room id> - displays information about a room




mudlet events

  • mmapper failed path - tried to go from A to B, but failed because there is no known path (or we were walking, got moved offcourse, and can't get to the destination anymore)
  • mmapper arrived - arrived at our destination successfully
  • mmapper stopped - mapper's stop function was called (this will be raised anytime it was, even if we weren't moving)
  • mmapper updated pdb - mmp.pdb table was updated with new data


Code is hosted on a bzr branch in If you'd like to help develop, please feel free to create a branch, add your changes, and then request a merge of your code

What else needs to be done

General things that need work are triggers for where room detection is necessary - player-locating abilities, shrine defilement warnings, mindsense area reports, etc. The general format is that the room ID should be prefixed to the line the room name is given + be made clickable - so the player can click on it and go. An example is provided for the Lusternian scent ability that implements this. Also needs to recognize the need to swim, right now if you don't have waterwalking - it'll loop trying to walk. Another small problem is that if it gets off the path once, it'll keep saying that it ended up off the path, and not realize when it arrived at the location properly (but it does arrive).

I've also started a bit on a person db - it stores the last known locations of players. This is something that is useful to everybody, so it's best that we don't have to keep reimplementing ourselves but use a common version. This requires more triggers to feed it's hunger for data as well!

Lastly, mapping aliases need to be added in along with some logic. The functions are already there, but need to be interfaced nicely.