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== Miscellaneous Functions ==
== Miscellaneous Functions ==
: Disconnects you from the game right away. Note that this will ''not'' properly log you out of the game.
; display(value)
: This function will do it's best to show whatever you ask it (a number, string, table, function). This function can be useful for seeing what values does a table have, for example. Note that this doesn't handle recursive references and will loop infinitely at the moment (Mudlet 2.0-test4). If a value is a string, it'll be in single quotes, and if it's a number, it won't be quoted.
-- ask it to display a table
display({a = "somevalue", 1,2,3})
-- or some other target
;downloadFile(saveto, url)
: Downloads the resource at the given url into the saveto location on disk. This does not pause the script until the file is downloaded - instead, it lets it continue right away and downloads in the background. When a download is finished, the [[Manual:Scripting#sysDownloadDone|sysDownloadDone]] event is raised (with the saveto location as the argument), or when a download fails, the [[Manual:Scripting#sysDownloadError|sysDownloadError]] event is raised with the reason for failure. You may call downloadFile multiple times and have multiple downloads going on at once - but they aren’t guaranteed to be downloaded in the same order that you started them in.
{{note}} Requires Mudlet 2.0+
-- this example will check the Imperian homepage to see how many players are on right now
-- in an alias, download the Imperian homepage for stats processing
downloadFile(getMudletHomeDir().."/page.html", "http://www.imperian.com/")
-- then create a new script with the name of downloaded_file, add the event handler
-- for sysDownloadDone, and use this to parse the webpage and display the amount
function downloaded_file(_, filename)
  -- is the file that downloaded ours?
  if not filename:match("page", 1, true) then return end
  -- parse our ownloaded file for the player count
  local s = io.read("*all")
  local pc = s:match([[<a href='players.php%?search=who'>(%d+)</a>]])
  display("Imperian has "..tostring(pc).." players on right now.")
Line 105: Line 55:
; getNetworkLatency()
: Returns the last measured response time between the sent command and the server reply e.g. 0.058 (=58 milliseconds lag) or 0.309 (=309 milliseconds). Also known as server lag.
''Need example''
; io.exists()
: Checks to see if a given file or folder exists.
: If it exists, it’ll return the Lua true boolean value, otherwise false.
: Note: Behavior varies based on the user's operating system. Windows requires a specific file, while Linux will accept directories.
: See [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#lfs.attributes|lfs.attributes()]] for a cross-platform solution.
-- This example works on Linux only
if io.exists("/home/vadi/Desktop") then
  echo("This folder exists!")
  echo("This folder doesn't exist.")
-- This example will work on both Windows and Linux.
if io.exists("/home/vadi/Desktop/file.tx") then
  echo("This file exists!")
  echo("This file doesn't exist.")
; lfs.attributes(path)
: Returns a table with detailed information regarding a file or directory, or nil if path is invalid.
fileInfo = lfs.attributes("/path/to/file_or_directory")
if fileInfo then
    if fileInfo.mode == "directory" then
        echo("Path points to a directory.")
    elseif fileInfo.mode == "file" then
        echo("Path points to a file.")
        echo("Path points to: "..fileInfo.mode)
    display(fileInfo) -- to see the detailed information
    echo("The path is invalid (file/directory doesn't exist)")
;openUrl (url)
:Opens the default OS browser for the given URL.
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-- play a sound from a package
-- play a sound from a package
playSoundFile(getMudletHomeDir().. [[/mypackage/boingboing.wav]])
playSoundFile(getMudletHomeDir().. [[/mypackage/boingboing.wav]])
: Force-reconnects (so if you're connected, it'll disconnect) you to the game.
-- you could trigger this on a log out message to reconnect, if you'd like
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; sendAll(list of things to send, [echo back or not])
: ''send()'''s a list of things to the game. If you'd like the commands not to be shown, include ''false'' at the end.
-- instead of using many send() calls, you can use one sendAll
sendAll("outr paint", "outr canvas", "paint canvas")
-- can also have the commands not be echoed
sendAll("hi", "bye", false)
: Sends a GMCP message to the server.  The [http://www.ironrealms.com/gmcp-doc IRE document on GMCP] has information about what can be sent, and what tables it will use, etcetera.
: See Also: [[Manual:Scripting#GMCP|GMCP Scripting]]
--This would send "Core.KeepAlive" to the server, which resets the timeout
--This would send a request for the server to send an update to the gmcp.Char.Skills.Groups table.
sendGMCP("Char.Skills.Get {}")
--This would send a request for the server to send a list of the skills in the
--vision group to the gmcp.Char.Skills.List table.
sendGMCP([[Char.Skills.Get { "group": "vision"}]])
--And finally, this would send a request for the server to send the info for
--hide in the woodlore group to the gmcp.Char.Skills.Info table
sendGMCP([[Char.Skills.Get { "group": "woodlore", "name": "hide"}]])
;sendIrc(channel, message)
: Sends a message to an IRC channel or person. You must have the IRC window open, and if speaking to a channel, be joined in that channel. IRC currently only works on the freenode network and password-protected channels aren't supported.
* ''channel:''
: The channel to send the message to. Can be #<channelname> to send to a channel, or <person name> to send to a person. Passed as a string.
* ''message:''
: The message to send. Passed as a string.
--This would send "hello from Mudlet!" to the channel #mudlet on freenode.net
sendIrc("#mudlet", "hello from Mudlet!")
--This would send "identify password" in a private message to Nickserv on freenode.net
sendIrc("Nickserv", "identify password")
; sendTelnetChannel102(msg)
: Sends a message via the 102 subchannel back to the MUD (that's used in Aardwolf). The msg is in a two byte format - see `help telopts` in Aardwolf on how that works.
-- turn prompt flags on:
-- turn prompt flags off:
: shows the named colors currently available in Mudlet's color table. These colors are stored in color_table, in table form. The format is color_table.colorName = {r,g,b}
: See Also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#bg|bg()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#fg|fg()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#cecho|cecho()]]
* ''columns:''
: Number of columns to print the color table in. Passed as an integer number.
The output for this is:
Line 312: Line 106:
;wrapLine( windowName, lineNumber )
:Wrap line lineNumber of mini console (window) windowName. This function will interpret \n characters, apply word wrap and display the new lines on the screen. This function may be necessary if you use deleteLine() and thus erase the entire current line in the buffer, but you want to do some further echo() calls after calling deleteLine(). You will then need to re-wrap the last line of the buffer to actually see what you have echoed and get you \n interpreted as newline characters properly. Using this function is no good programming practice and should be avoided. There are better ways of handling situations where you would call deleteLine() and echo afterwards.
--This will effectively have the same result as a call to deleteLine() but the buffer line will not be entirely removed.
--Consequently, further calls to echo() etc. sort of functions are possible without using wrapLine() unnecessarily.
[[Category:Mudlet Manual]]
[[Category:Mudlet Manual]]
[[Category:Mudlet API]]
[[Category:Mudlet API]]

Revision as of 17:48, 3 December 2012

Miscellaneous Functions


feedTriggers( text )
This function will have Mudlet parse the given text as if it came from the MUD - one great application is trigger testing. You can use \n to represent a new line - you also want to use it before and after the text you’re testing, like so:

<lua> feedTriggers("\nYou sit yourself down.\n") </lua>

The function also accept ANSI color codes that are used in MUDs. A sample table can be found here.

<lua> feedTriggers("\nThis is \27[1;32mgreen\27[0;37m, \27[1;31mred\27[0;37m, \27[46mcyan background\27[0;37m," .. "\27[32;47mwhite background and green foreground\27[0;37m.\n") </lua>


Runs the command as if it was from the command line - so aliases are checked and if none match, it's sent to the the game. If the second argument is false, it will hide the command from being echoed back in your buffer. Defaults to true.

<lua> expandAlias("t rat")

-- don't echo the command expandAlias("t rat", false) </lua>

Note Note: If you want to be using the matches table after calling expandAlias, you should save it first as local oldmatches = matches before calling expandAlias, since expandAlias will overwrite it after using it again.


feedTriggers( text )
This function will have Mudlet parse the given text as if it came from the MUD - one great application is trigger testing. You can use \n to represent a new line - you also want to use it before and after the text you’re testing, like so:

<lua> feedTriggers("\nYou sit yourself down.\n") </lua>

The function also accept ANSI color codes that are used in MUDs. A sample table can be found here.

<lua> feedTriggers("\nThis is \27[1;32mgreen\27[0;37m, \27[1;31mred\27[0;37m, \27[46mcyan background\27[0;37m," .. "\27[32;47mwhite background and green foreground\27[0;37m.\n") </lua>


Returns the current home directory of the current profile. This can be used to store data, save statistical information, or load resource files from packages.

<lua> -- save a table table.save(getMudletHomeDir().."/myinfo.dat", myinfo)

-- or access package data. The forward slash works even on Windows fine local path = getMudletHomeDir().."/mypackagename" </lua>


This function plays a sound file. On 2.0, it can play most sound formats and up to 4 sounds simulaneously.
  • fileName:
Exact path of the sound file.

<lua> -- play a sound in Windows playSoundFile(C:\My folder\boing.wav)

-- play a sound in Linux playSoundFile(/home/myname/Desktop/boingboing.wav)

-- play a sound from a package playSoundFile(getMudletHomeDir().. /mypackage/boingboing.wav) </lua>


registerAnonymousEventHandler(event name, function name)
Registers a function to an event handler, not requiring you to set one up via s cript.
At the moment, it's not possible to use handlers inside namespaces, or unregister them.

<lua> -- example taken from the God Wars 2 (http://godwars2.org) Mudlet UI - forces the window to keep to a certain size function keepStaticSize()


end -- keepStaticSize

registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysWindowResizeEvent", "keepStaticSize") </lua>


spawn(read function, process to spawn)
Spawns a process and opens a communicatable link with it - read function is the function you'd like to use for reading output from the process, and t is a table containing functions specific to this connection - send(data), true/false = isRunning(), and close().

<lua> -- simple example on a program that quits right away, but prints whatever it gets using the 'display' function local f = spawn(display, "ls") display(f.isRunning()) f.close() </lua>