
From Mudlet
Revision as of 15:35, 7 August 2017 by Keneanung (talk | contribs)
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Currently the biggest item missing from the IRE samples (and the Mudlet interpreter) is handling of Special Exits.

I have added support for our door types (IRE MUDs do use a `door="1"` as an exit attribute and also a `hidden="1"`) so that door type "1" corresponds to our "open door" marking, "2" to "closed door" and "3" (and `hidden="1"`) to our "locked door".

Not documented here is that all of the official five (now four) IRE Mud XML files now include an "HTLMColor" attribute as well as a "Color" number attribute. Last time I checked four (now three) of them all had the same color number to HTMLcolor "names" (actually a 6 hex digit/24 bit "rrggbb" code that Qt can comprehend as a QColor::name if it is prefix with a '#' IIRC) but one use different shades of similar colours for a richer colour experience - e.g. swimmable water might be a different shade of blue to deep water as their HTMLColor attribute - but still had the same basic (16 colour) "Color" attribute for those different "environments". As for environments we do not currently capture the "Description" data and we map the colour "Color" codes to our "ColorID"s with a generated lookup table that is totally inaccessible and unmodifiable (but stored in the Mudlet binary map file format so it persists) by the end user!!!

slysven (talk) 04:32, 3 August 2017 (UTC)

There are some more features in the MMP files that are used by IRE right now. I have an XSD file ready that validates against the current files, but I'd like to add some more comments to it first before publishing it
keneanung (talk) 15:35, 7 August 2017 (UTC)