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Please use the [[Area_51/Template]] to add new entries in the sections below.
Please use the [[Area_51/Template]] to add new entries in the sections below.
Links to other functions or parts in other sections (i.e. the main Wiki area) need to include the section details before the <nowiki>'#'</nowiki> character in the link identifier on the left side of the <nowiki>'|'</nowiki> divider between the identifier and the display text. e.g.
:: <nowiki>[[Manual:Mapper_Functions#getCustomLines|getCustomLines()]]</nowiki>
rather than:
:: <nowiki>[[#getCustomLines|getCustomLines()]]</nowiki>
which would refer to a link within the ''current'' (in this case '''Area 51''') section. Note that this ought to be removed once the article is moved to the main wiki area!
The following headings reflect those present in the main Wiki area of the Lua API functions. It is suggested that new entries are added so as to maintain a sorted alphabetical order under the appropriate heading.
The following headings reflect those present in the main Wiki area of the Lua API functions. It is suggested that new entries are added so as to maintain a sorted alphabetical order under the appropriate heading.
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=Mapper Functions=
=Mapper Functions=
: A collection of functions that manipulate the mapper and its related features.
: A collection of functions that manipulate the mapper and its related features.
==createMapLabel, merged #7598==
;labelID = createMapLabel(areaID, text, posX, posY, posZ, fgRed, fgGreen, fgBlue, bgRed, bgGreen, bgBlue[, zoom, fontSize, showOnTop, noScaling, fontName, foregroundTransparency, backgroundTransparency, temporary, outlineRed, outlineGreen, outlineBlue])
:Creates a text label on the map at given coordinates, with the given background and foreground colors. It can go above or below the rooms, scale with zoom or stay a static size. From Mudlet 4.17.0 an additional parameter (assumed to be false if not given from then) makes the label NOT be saved in the map file which, if the image can be regenerated on future loading from a script can reduce the size of the saved map somewhat. It returns a label ID that you can use later for deleting it.
:The coordinates 0,0 are in the middle of the map, and are in sync with the room coordinates - so using the x,y values of [[#getRoomCoordinates|getRoomCoordinates()]] will place the label near that room.
: See also: [[#getMapLabel|getMapLabel()]], [[#getMapLabels|getMapLabels()]], [[#deleteMapLabel|deleteMapLabel]], [[#createMapImageLabel|createMapImageLabel()]]
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="overflow:auto;">
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Historical Version Note</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{note}} Some changes were done prior to 4.13 (which exactly? function existed before!) - see corresponding PR and update here!
* ''areaID:''
: Area ID where to put the label.
* ''text:''
: The text to put into the label. To get a multiline text label add a '\n' between the lines.
* ''posX, posY, posZ:''
: Position of the label in (floating point numbers) room coordinates.
* ''fgRed, fgGreen, fgBlue:''
: Foreground color or text color of the label.
* ''bgRed, bgGreen, bgBlue:''
: Background color of the label.
* ''zoom:''
: (optional) Zoom factor of the label if noScaling is false. Higher zoom will give higher resolution of the text and smaller size of the label. Default is 30.0.
* ''fontSize:''
: (optional, but needed if zoom is provided) Size of the font of the text. Default is 50.
* ''showOnTop:''
: (optional) If true the label will be drawn on top of the rooms and if it is false the label will be drawn as a background, defaults to true if not given.
* ''noScaling:''
: (optional) If true the label will have the same size when you zoom in and out in the mapper, If it is false the label will scale when you zoom the mapper, defaults to true if not given.
* ''fontName:''
: (optional) font name to use.
* ''foregroundTransparency''
: (optional) transparency of the text on the label, defaults to 255 (in range of 0 to 255) or fully opaque if not given.
* ''backgroundTransparency''
: (optional) transparency of the label background itself, defaults to 50 (in range of 0 to 255) or significantly transparent if not given.
* ''temporary''
: (optional) if true does not save the image that the label makes in map save files, defaults to false if not given, or for prior versions of Mudlet.
* ''outlineRed, outlineGreen, outlineBlue''
: (optional) the outline colour of the displayed text
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- the first 50 is some area id, the next three 0,0,0 are coordinates - middle of the area
-- 255,0,0 would be the foreground in RGB, 23,0,0 would be the background RGB
-- zoom is only relevant when when you're using a label of a static size, so we use 0
-- and we use a font size of 20 for our label, which is a small medium compared to the map
local labelid = createMapLabel( 50, "my map label", 0,0,0, 255,0,0, 23,0,0, 0,20)
-- to create a multi line text label add '\n' between lines
-- the position is placed somewhat to the northeast of the center of the map
-- this label will be scaled as you zoom the map.
local labelid = createMapLabel( 50, "1. Row One\n2. Row 2", .5,5.5,0, 255,0,0, 23,0,0, 30,50, true, false)
local x,y,z = getRoomCoordinates(getPlayerRoom())
createMapLabel(getRoomArea(getPlayerRoom()), "my map label", x,y,z, 255,0,0, 23,0,0, 0,20, false, true, "Ubuntu", 255, 100)
-- create a temporary, multiline label with purple text and a white outline
lua createMapLabel(1, "This is a really long text\nwith multiple lines.", 0, 0, 0, 125, 0, 125, 0, 0, 0, 50, 48, true, false, "Noto Sans", 255, 0, true, 255, 255, 255)
==mapSymbolFontInfo, PR #4038 closed==
==mapSymbolFontInfo, PR #4038 closed==
Line 38: Line 110:
::As the symbol font details are stored in the (binary) map file rather than the profile then this function will not work until a map is loaded (or initialized, by activating a map window).
::As the symbol font details are stored in the (binary) map file rather than the profile then this function will not work until a map is loaded (or initialized, by activating a map window).
==moveMapLabel, PR #6014 open==
;moveMapLabel(areaID/Name, labeID/Text, coordX/deltaX, coordY/deltaY[, coordZ/deltaZ][, absoluteNotRelativeMove])
Re-positions a map label within an area in the 2D mapper, in a similar manner as the [[#moveRoom|moveRoom()]] function does for rooms and their custom exit lines. When moving a label to given coordinates this is the position that the top-left corner of the label will be positioned at; since the space allocated to a particular room on the map is ± 0.5 around the integer value of its x and y coordinates this means for a label which has a size of 1.0 x 1,0 (w x h) to position it centrally in the space for a single room at the coordinates (x, y, z) it should be positioned at (x - 0.5, y + 0.5, z).
:See also: [[Manual:Mapper_Functions#getMapLabels|getMapLabels()]], [[Manual:Mapper_Functions#getMapLabel|getMapLabel()]].
{{MudletVersion| ?.??}}
{{note}} pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/6014
* ''areaID/Name:''
: Area ID as number or AreaName as string containing the map label.
* ''labelID/Text:''
: Label ID as number (which will be 0 or greater) or the LabelText on a text label. All labels will have a unique ID number but there may be more than one ''text'' labels with a non-empty text string; only the first matching one will be moved by this function and image labels also have no text and will match the empty string.  with mo or AreaName as string containing the map label.
* ''coordX/deltaX:''
: A floating point number for the absolute coordinate to use or the relative amount to move the label in "room coordinates" along the X-axis.
* ''coordY/deltaY:''
: A floating point number for the absolute coordinate to use or the relative amount to move the label in "room coordinates" along the Y-axis.
* ''coordZ/deltaZ:''
: (Optional) A floating point number for the absolute coordinate to use or the relative amount to move the label in "room coordinates" along the Z-axis, if omitted the label is not moved in the z-axis at all.
* ''absoluteNotRelativeMove:''
: (Optional) a boolean value (defaults to ''false'' if omitted) as to whether to move the label to the absolute coordinates (''true'') or to move it the relative amount from its current location (''false'').
: ''true'' on success or ''nil'' and an error message on failure, if successful it will also refresh the map display to show the result.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- move the first label in the area with the ID number of 2, three spaces to the east and four spaces to the north
moveMapLabel(0, 2, 3.0, 4.0)
-- move the first label in the area with the ID number of 2, one space to the west, note the final boolean argument is unneeded
moveMapLabel(0, 2, -1.0, 0.0, false)
-- move the second label in the area with the ID number of 2, three and a half spaces to the west, and two south **of the center of the current level it is on in the map**:
moveRoom(1, 2, -3.5, -2.0, true)
-- move the second label in the area with the ID number of 2, up three levels
moveRoom(1, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0)
-- move the second label in the "Test 1" area one space to the west, note the last two arguments are unneeded
moveRoom("Test 1", 1, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, false)
-- move the (top-left corner of the first) label with the text "Home" in the area with ID number 5 to the **center of the whole map**, note the last two arguments are required in this case:
moveRoom(5, "Home", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true)
-- all of the above will return the 'true'  boolean value assuming there are the indicated labels and areas
==moveRoom, PR #6010 open==
;moveRoom(roomID, coordX/deltaX, coordY/deltaY[, coordZ/deltaZ][, absoluteNotRelativeMove])
Re-positions a room within an area, in the same manner as the "move to" context menu item for one or more rooms in the 2D mapper. Like that method this will also shift the entirety of any custom exit lines defined for the room concerned. This contrasts with the behavior of the [[Manual:Mapper_Functions#setRoomCoordinates|setRoomCoordinates()]] which only moves the starting point of such custom exit lines so that they still emerge from the room to which they belong but otherwise remain pointing to the original place.
:See also: [[Manual:Mapper_Functions#setRoomCoordinates|setRoomCoordinates()]]
{{MudletVersion| ?.??}}
{{note}} pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/6010
* ''roomID:''
: Room ID number to move.
* ''coordX/deltaX:''
: The absolute coordinate or the relative amount as a number to move the room in "room coordinates" along the X-axis.
* ''coordY/deltaY:''
: The absolute coordinate or the relative amount as a number to move the room in "room coordinates" along the Y-axis.
* ''coordZ/deltaZ:''
: (Optional) the absolute coordinate or the relative amount as a number to move the room in "room coordinates" along the Z-axis, if omitted the room is not moved in the z-axis at all.
* ''absoluteNotRelativeMove:''
: (Optional) a boolean value (defaults to ''false'' if omitted) as to whether to move the room to the absolute coordinates (''true'') or the relative amount from its current location (''false'').
: ''true'' on success or ''nil'' and an error message on failure, if successful it will also refresh the map display to show the result.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- move the first room one space to the east and two spaces to the north
moveRoom(1, 1, 2)
-- move the first room one space to the west, note the final boolean argument is unneeded
moveRoom(1, -1, 0, false)
-- move the first room three spaces to the west, and two south **of the center of the current level it is on in the map**:
moveRoom(1, -3, -2, true)
-- move the second room up three levels
moveRoom(2, 0, 0, 3)
-- move the second room one space to the west, note the last two arguments are unneeded
moveRoom(2, -1, 0, 0, false)
-- move the second room to the **center of the whole map**, note the last two arguments are required in this case:
moveRoom(2, 0, 0, 0, true)
-- all of the above will return the 'true'  boolean value assuming there are rooms with 1 and 2 as ID numbers
==setupMapSymbolFont, PR #4038 closed==
==setupMapSymbolFont, PR #4038 closed==
Line 64: Line 242:
: Miscellaneous functions.
: Miscellaneous functions.
==getCharacterName, PR #3952 open==
==createVideoPlayer, PR #6439 on-hold==
;createVideoPlayer([name of userwindow], x, y, width, height)
:Creates a miniconsole window for the video player to render in, the with the given dimensions. One can only create one video player at a time (currently), and it is not currently possible to have a label on or under the video player - otherwise, clicks won't register.
{{note}} A video player may also be created through use of the [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]], the [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]] API command, or adding a Geyser.VideoPlayer object to ones user interface such as the example below.
:Returns the name entered into the "Character name" field on the Connection Preferences form. Can be used to find out the name that might need to be handled specially in scripts or anything that needs to be personalized to the player. If there is nothing set in that entry will return an empty string.
{{Note}} The Main Toolbar will show a '''Video''' button to hide/show the video player, which is located in a userwindow generated through createVideoPlayer, embedded in a user interface, or a dock-able widget (that can be floated free to anywhere on the Desktop, it can be resized and does not have to even reside on the same monitor should there be multiple screens in your system). Further clicks on the '''Video''' button will toggle between showing and hiding the map whether it was created using the ''createVideo'' function or as a dock-able widget.
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function that may be replaced for more sophisticated requirements.
:See also: [[#sendCharacterName|sendCharacterName()]], [[#sendCharacterPassword|sendCharacterPassword()]], [[#sendCustomLoginText|sendCustomLoginText()]], [[#getCustomLoginTextId|getCustomLoginTextId()]].
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
lua send("cast 'glamor' " .. getCharacterName())
-- Create a 300x300 video player in the top-left corner of Mudlet
You get a warm feeling passing from your core to the tips of your hands, feet and other body parts.
-- Alternative examples using Geyser.VideoPlayer
A small twittering bird settles on your shoulder and starts to look adoringly at you.
GUI.VideoPlayer = GUI.VideoPlayer or Geyser.VideoPlayer:new({name="GUI.VideoPlayer", x = 0, y = 0, width = "25%", height = "25%"})
A light brown faun gambles around you and then nuzzles your hand.
A tawny long-haired cat saunters over and start to rub itself against your ankles.
GUI.VideoPlayer = GUI.VideoPlayer or Geyser.VideoPlayer:new({
A small twittering bird settles on your shoulder and starts to look adoringly at you.
  name = "GUI.VideoPlayer",
A light brown faun gambles around you and then nuzzles your hand.
  x = "70%", y = 0, -- edit here if you want to move it
A small twittering bird settles on your shoulder and starts to look adoringly at you.
  width = "30%", height = "50%"
A mangy dog trots up to you and proceeds to mark the bottom of your leggings.
}, GUI.Right)
==getCustomLoginTextId, PR #3952 open==
==loadVideoFile, PR #7721 closed==
;loadVideoFile(settings table) or loadVideoFile(name, [url])
:Loads video files from the Internet or the local file system to the "media" folder of the profile for later use with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]] and [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]]. Although files could be loaded or streamed directly at playing time from [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], loadVideoFile() provides the advantage of loading files in advance.
Returns the Id number of the custom login text setting from the profile's preferences. Returns ''0'' if the option is disabled or a number greater than that for the item in the table; note it is possible if using an old saved profile in the future that the number might be higher than expected. As a design policy decision it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, this function is intended to allow a script or package to check that the setting is what it expects.
{{note}} Video files consume drive space on your device. Consider using the streaming feature of [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]] for large files.
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function, a replacement for which is shown below.
:See also: [[#getCharacterName|getCharacterName()]], [[#sendCharacterName|sendCharacterName()]], [[#sendCustomLoginText|sendCustomLoginText()]], [[#sendPassword|sendPassword()]].
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
Only one custom login text has been defined initially:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Predefined custom login texts
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
|- style="color: green;"
| style="text-align:center;" |Yes
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
*May contain directory information (i.e. weather/maelstrom.mp4).
*May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/congratulations.mp4")
*May be on the local device (i.e. "C:/Users/YourNameHere/Movies/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp4")
|- style="color: blue;"
| style="text-align:center;" |Maybe
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
*Only required if file to load is not part of the profile or on the local file system.
! Id !! Custom text !! Introduced in Mudlet version
| 1 || "connect {character name} {password}" || TBD
The addition of further texts would be subject to negotiation with the Mudlet Makers.
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- A replacement for the default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
function doLogin()
  if getCustomLoginTextId() ~= 1 then
-- Download from the Internet
    -- We need this particular option but it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, it can only check what it is
    echo("\nUnable to login - please select the 'connect {character name} {password}` custom login option in the profile preferences.\n")
    name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , url = "https://d2qguwbxlx1sbt.cloudfront.net/"
    tempTime(2.0, [[sendCustomLoginText()]], 1)
-- OR download from the profile
loadVideoFile({name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})
-- OR download from the local file system
loadVideoFile({name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Movies/TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})
==loadMusicFile, PR #5799 merged ==
==playVideoFile, PR #7721 closed==
;loadMusicFile(settings table)
;playVideoFile(settings table)
:Loads media files from the Internet or the local file system to the "media" folder of the profile for later use with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]] and [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]].
:Plays video files from the Internet or the local file system for later use with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]]. Video files may be downloaded to the device and played, or streamed from the Internet when the value of the <code>stream</code> parameter is <code>true</code>.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Required
! Key
! Value
! style="text-align:left;"| Purpose
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
|- style="color: green;"
| style="text-align:center;" |Yes
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
*May contain directory information (i.e. weather/maelstrom.mp4).
*May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.mp4")
*May be on the local device (i.e. "C:/Users/YourNameHere/Documents/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp4")
*Wildcards ''*'' and ''?'' may be used within the name to randomize media files selection.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| 1 to 100
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Relative to the volume set on the player's client.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Begin play at the specified position in milliseconds.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
*Finish play at the specified position in milliseconds.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| -1, or >= 1
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Number of iterations that the media plays.
* A value of -1 allows the media to loop indefinitely.
|- style="color: green;"
|- style="color: green;"
| style="text-align:center;"| Yes
| style="text-align:center;" |Yes
| name
| <file name>
| style="text-align:left;"|
* Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:left;" |
* May contain directory information (i.e. weather/lightning.wav).
*Identifies the label or window the video will appear on the user interface.
* May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.mp3")
*Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
* May be on the local device (i.e. ""C:/Users/YourNameHere/Documents/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp3"")
*Halts the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
|true or false
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Continues playing matching new video files when true.
*Restarts matching new video files when false.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
|true or false
*Closes the label or window when playback is complete.
|- style="color: blue;"
|- style="color: blue;"
| style="text-align:center;"| Maybe
| style="text-align:center;" |Maybe
| url
| <url>
| style="text-align:left;"|
* Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
| style="text-align:left;" |
* Only required if file to load is not part of the profile or on the local file system.
*Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
*Only required if the file is to be downloaded remotely or for streaming from the Internet.
|- style="color: blue;"
| style="text-align:center;" |Maybe
|true or false
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Streams files from the Internet when true.
*Download files when false (default).
*Used in combination with the `url` key.
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]]
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- Ordered Parameter Syntax
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
---- Download from the Internet
    , "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StickMUD/StickMUDSounds/master/sounds/"
---- OR download from the profile
loadMusicFile(getMudletHomeDir().. "/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3")
---- OR download from the local file system
-- Table Parameter Syntax
-- Stream a video file from the Internet and play it.
---- Download from the Internet
     name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
     name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
     , url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StickMUD/StickMUDSounds/master/sounds/"
     , url = "https://d2qguwbxlx1sbt.cloudfront.net/"
    , stream = true
---- OR download from the profile
loadMusicFile({name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})
---- OR download from the local file system
loadMusicFile({name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Documents/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})
==playMedia, PR #5799 open==
-- Play a video file from the Internet, storing it in the profile's media directory (i.e. /Users/Tamarindo/mudlet-data/profiles/StickMUD/media) so you don't need to download it over and over.  You could add ", stream = false" below, but that is the default and is not needed.
; playMedia(settings table)
:Plays media files from the Internet or the local file system from the "media" folder of the profile.
See also: [[Manual:Networking_Functions#loadMedia|loadMedia()]], [[Manual:Networking_Functions#sourceMedia|sourceMedia()]], [[Manual:Networking_Functions#stopMedia|stopMedia()]]
    name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
    , url = "https://d2qguwbxlx1sbt.cloudfront.net/"
-- Play a video file stored in the profile's media directory (i.e. /Users/Tamarindo/mudlet-data/profiles/StickMUD/media)
    name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
-- OR copy once from the game's profile, and play a video file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
    , volume = 75
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- OR copy once from the local file system, and play a video file stored in the profile's media directory
--Set the url where media files are loaded by default. Guidance is to perform upo
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Movies/TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
    , volume = 75
--Play two sounds, from the "media" folder of the profile.
-- OR download once from the Internet, and play a video stored in the profile's media directory
cow_sound = {
---- [fadein] and increase the volume from 1 at the start position to default volume up until the position of 10 seconds
     name = "cow.wav",
---- [fadeout] and decrease the volume from default volume to one, 15 seconds from the end of the video
     volume = 75,
---- [start] 5 seconds after position 0 (fadein scales its volume increase over a shorter duration, too)
     loops = 3
---- [key] reference of "textinmotion" for targeting label or window playback
---- [tag] reference of "ambience" to stop any video later with the same tag
---- [continue] playing this video if another request for the same video comes in (false restarts it)
---- [url] resource location where the file may be accessed on the Internet
ambience_music = {
---- [stream] download once from the Internet if the video does not exist in the profile's media directory when false (true streams from the Internet and will not download to the device)
     name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/traveling_music.mp3",
     type = "music",
     name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    key = "t1",
     , volume = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
     tag = "ambience",
     , start = 10000
     volume = 100,
    , finish = 20000
     fadein = 20000,
     , loops = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
     fadeout, 53000,
     , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window where this will play
     loops = 1,
     , tag = "ambience"
    continue = true -- This is only used for music
     , continue = true
     , close = true -- close the label or window when playback completes
     , url = "https://d2qguwbxlx1sbt.cloudfront.net/"
     , stream = false
==sendCharacterName, PR #3952 open ==
==stopVideos, PR #7721 closed==
;stopVideos(settings table)
:Stop all videos (no filter), or videos that meet a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]].
Sends the name entered into the "Character name" field on the Connection Preferences form directly to the game server. Returns ''true'' unless there is nothing set in that entry in which case a ''nil'' and an error message will be returned instead.
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
| style="text-align:center;" |No
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
* Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
* Halts the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function that may be replaced for more sophisticated requirements.
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
:See also: [[#getCharacterName|getCharacterName()]], [[#sendCharacterPassword|sendCharacterPassword()]], [[#sendCustomLoginText|sendCustomLoginText()]], [[#getCustomLoginTextId|getCustomLoginTextId()]].
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
==sendCharacterPassword, PR #3952 open==
; Example
Sends the password entered into the "Password" field on the Connection Preferences form directly to the game server. Returns ''true'' unless there is nothing set in that entry or it is too long after (or before) a connection was successfully made in which case a ''nil'' and an error message will be returned instead.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function, reproduced below, that may be replaced for more sophisticated requirements.
-- Stop all playing video files for this profile associated with the API
: See also: [[#getCharacterName|getCharacterName()]], [[#sendCustomLoginText|sendCustomLoginText()]], [[#getCustomLoginTextId|getCustomLoginTextId()]], [[#sendCharacterName|sendCharacterName()]].
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
-- Stop playing the text mp4 by name
stopVideos({name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})
-- Stop playing the unique sound identified as "text"
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- The default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
function doLogin()
    , key = "text" -- key
  if getCharacterName() ~= "" then
     , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
     tempTime(2.0, [[sendCharacterName()]], 1)
    tempTime(3.0, [[sendCharacterPassword()]], 1)
== sendCustomLoginText, PR #3952 open ==
==getPausedMusic, PR #7721 closed==
;getPausedMusic(settings table)
: List all paused music (no filter), or paused music that meets a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]].
Sends the custom login text (which does NOT depend on the user's choice of GUI language) selected in the preferences for this profile. The {password} (and {character name} if present) fields will be replaced with the values entered into the "Password" and "Character name" fields on the Connection Preferences form and then sent directly to the game server. Returns ''true'' unless there is nothing set in either of those entries (though only if required for the character name) or it is too long after (or before) a connection was successfully made or if the custom login feature is disabled, in which case a ''nil'' and an error message will be returned instead.
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function, a replacement for which is shown below.
: See also: [[#getCharacterName|getCharacterName()]], [[#sendCharacterName|sendCharacterName()]], [[#sendPassword|sendPassword()]], [[#getCustomLoginTextId|getCustomLoginTextId()]].
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
Only one custom login text has been defined initially:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+Predefined custom login texts
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
| style="text-align:center;" |No
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
* Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
!Id!!Custom text!! Introduced in Mudlet version
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
|1||"connect {character name} {password}"||TBD
The addition of further texts would be subject to negotiation with the Mudlet Makers.
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
; Example
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- A replacement for the default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
function doLogin()
  if getCustomLoginTextId() ~= 1 then
-- List all paused music files for this profile associated with the API
    -- We need this particular option but it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, it can only check what it is
    echo("\nUnable to login - please select the 'connect {character name} {password}` custom login option in the profile preferences.\n")
-- List all paused music matching the rugby mp3 name
     tempTime(2.0, [[sendCustomLoginText()]], 1)
getPausedMusic({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})
-- List all paused music matching the unique key of "rugby"
     name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
==sourceMedia, PR #5799 open==
== getPausedSounds, PR #7721 closed==
;getPausedSounds(settings table)
:Sets the default url prefix for loading media files for the given profile.
:List all paused sounds (no filter), or paused sounds that meets a combination of filters (name, key, tag, and priority) intended to be paired with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]].
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
| style="text-align:center;" | No
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
* Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
See also: [[Manual:Networking_Functions#loadMedia|loadMedia()]], [[Manual:Networking_Functions#playMedia|playMedia()]], [[Manual:Networking_Functions#stopMedia|stopMedia()]]
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
; Example
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
--Set the url where media files are loaded by default. Guidance is to perform upo
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
-- List all paused sounds for this profile associated with the API
-- List all paused sounds matching the rugby mp3 name
getPausedSounds({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})
--Play a sound, first downloaded from the source define above, then played from the "media" folder of the profile thereafter.
-- List the paused sound matching the unique key of "rugby"
local cow_sound = {
     name = cow.wav,
     name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
     volume = 75,
     , key = "rugby" -- key
     loops = 3
     , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
==stopMedia, PR #5799 open==
== getPausedVideos, PR #7721 closed==
; stopMedia([settings table])
;getPausedVideos(settings table)
:Stops media files playing. Send no argument to stop everything, or define a table with filters to stop matching sounds or music.
:List all paused videos (no filter), or playing videos that meets a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]].
See also: [[Manual:Networking_Functions#loadMedia|loadMedia()]], [[Manual:Networking_Functions#playMedia|playMedia()]], [[Manual:Networking_Functions#sourceMedia|sourceMedia()]]
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
| style="text-align:center;" | No
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPlayingVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
; Example
; Example
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
--Play two sounds, from the "media" folder of the profile.
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
cow_sound = {
    name = "cow.wav",
    type = "sound",
    volume = 75,
    loops = 3
ambience_music = {
-- List all paused videos files for this profile associated with the API
    name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/traveling_music.mp3",
    type = "music",
    key = "t1",
    tag = "ambience",
    volume = 100,
    fadein = 20000,
    fadeout, 53000,
    loops = 1,
    continue = true -- This is only used for music
-- Stop the matching ambience music.
-- List all paused videos matching the unique textinmotion key name
local filter = {
getPausedVideos({name = "textinmotion"})
    name = "traveling_music.mp3"
-- Stop any media matching type sound (i.e. the cow)
-- List all paused videos matching the textinmotion mp4 name
filter = {
getPausedVideos({name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})
     type = "sound"
-- List all paused videos matching the unique key of "textinmotion"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
     , key = "textinmotion" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
==getPlayingVideos, PR #7721 closed==
; getPlayingVideos(settings table)
:List all playing videos (no filter), or playing videos that meets a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]].
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
| style="text-align:center;" | No
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
* Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
=Mudlet Object Functions=
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
:A collection of functions that manipulate Mudlets scripting objects - triggers, aliases, and so forth.
; Example
== getProfileStats PR 5706 ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
:Returns a table with profile statistics for how many triggers, aliases, keys, timers, and scripts the profile has. Similar to the Statistics button in the script editor, accessible to Lua scripting.
-- List all playing videos files for this profile associated with the API
-- List all playing videos matching the unique textinmotion key name
getPlayingVideos({name = "textinmotion"})
-- List all playing videos matching the textinmotion mp4 name
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
getPlayingVideos({name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})
-- show all stats
-- check how many active triggers there are
-- List all playing videos matching the unique key of "textinmotion"
activetriggers = getProfileStats().triggers.active
cecho(f"<PaleGreen>We have <SlateGrey>{activetriggers}<PaleGreen> active triggers!\n")
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "textinmotion" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
=Networking Functions=
==pauseMusic, PR #7721 closed==
:A collection of functions for managing networking.
;pauseMusic(settings table)
:Pause all music (no filter), or music that meet a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]].
=String Functions=
{| class="wikitable"
:These functions are used to manipulate strings.
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
| style="text-align:center;" |No
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
*Pauses the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
== string.patternEscape, utf8.patternEscape PR 5806==
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
;escapedString = string.patternEscape(str) or escapedString = utf8.patternEscape(str)
:Returns a version of str with all Lua pattern characters escaped to ensure string.match/find/etc look for the original str.
;See also:[[Manual:Lua_Functions#string.trim|string.trim()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#string.genNocasePattern|string.genNocasePattern()]]
; Example
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
-- Pause all playing music files for this profile associated with the API
:The string to escape lua pattern characters in.
-- Pause playing the music matching the rugby mp3 name
*The string with all special Lua pattern characters escaped.
pauseMusic({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})
-- Pause playing the unique music identified as "rugby"
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- searching for a url inside of a string.
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
local helpString = [[
    , key = "rugby" -- key
This feature can be accessed by going to https://some-url.com/athing.html?param=value and
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
retrieving the result!
local url = "https://some-url.com/"
-- nil
-- 42
-- 62
-- "https://some%-url%.com/"
=Table Functions=
==pauseSounds, PR #7721 closed ==
:These functions are used to manipulate tables. Through them you can add to tables, remove values, check if a value is present in the table, check the size of a table, and more.
;pauseSounds(settings table)
:Pause all sounds (no filter), or sounds that meet a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]].
=Text to Speech Functions =
{| class="wikitable"
:These functions are used to create sound from written words. Check out our [[Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Text-to-Speech|Text-To-Speech Manual]] for more detail on how this all works together.
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
| style="text-align:center;" |No
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
* Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
*Pauses the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
=UI Functions=
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseVideos|pauseVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
:These functions are used to construct custom user GUIs. They deal mainly with miniconsole/label/gauge creation and manipulation as well as displaying or formatting information on the screen.
==ansi2decho PR# 5670 merge, PR5719 merged==
;ansi2decho(text, default_colour)
:Converts ANSI colour sequences in <code>text</code> to colour tags that can be processed by the decho() function.
:See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#decho|decho()]]
; Example
{{note}} ANSI bold is available since Mudlet 3.7.1+.
{{note}} underline, italics, overline, and strikethrough supported since Mudlet 4.15+
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
-- Pause all playing sound files for this profile associated with the API
:String that contains ANSI colour sequences that should be replaced.
:Optional - ANSI default colour code (used when handling orphan bold tags).
; Return values
-- Pause all playing sounds matching the rugby mp3 name
*''string text:''
getPlayingSounds({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})
:The decho-valid converted text.
*''string colour:''
:The ANSI code for the last used colour in the substitution (useful if you want to colour subsequent lines according to this colour).
-- Pause all playing sound matching the unique key of "rugby"
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
local replaced = ansi2decho('\27[0;1;36;40mYou say in a baritone voice, "Test."\27[0;37;40m')
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
-- 'replaced' should now contain <r><0,255,255:0,0,0>You say in a baritone voice, "Test."<r><192,192,192:0,0,0>
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
Or show a complete colourful squirrel! It's a lotta code to do all the colours, so click the '''Expand''' button on the right to show it:
==pauseVideos, PR #7721 closed ==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
;pauseVideos(settings table)
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
:Pause all videos (no filter), or videos that meet a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]].
                                                  �[38;5;95m▄�[48;5;95;38;5;130m▄▄▄�[38;5;95m█�[49m▀�[0m    �[0m
╭───────────────────────╮          �[38;5;95m▄▄�[0m          �[38;5;95m▄�[48;5;95;38;5;130m▄▄�[48;5;130m█�[38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137;38;5;95m▄�[49m▀�[0m      �[0m
│                      │        �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;137;38;5;137m██�[48;5;95m▄�[49;38;5;95m▄▄▄�[48;5;95;38;5;137m▄▄▄�[49;38;5;95m▄▄�[48;5;95;38;5;130m▄�[48;5;130m███�[38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m█�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m      �[0m
│  Encrypt everything!  │      �[38;5;95m▄�[48;5;187;38;5;16m▄�[48;5;16;38;5;187m▄�[38;5;16m█�[48;5;137;38;5;137m███�[38;5;187m▄�[38;5;16m▄▄�[38;5;137m██�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m█████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m██�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m      �[0m
│                      ├────  �[38;5;95m▄�[48;5;95;38;5;137m▄�[48;5;16m▄▄▄�[48;5;137m███�[48;5;16;38;5;16m█�[48;5;187m▄�[48;5;16m█�[48;5;137;38;5;137m█�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m██████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m███�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m      �[0m
╰───────────────────────╯      �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;137;38;5;137m██�[48;5;16m▄�[38;5;16m█�[38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m██████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m██████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m████�[48;5;95m▄�[49;38;5;95m▄�[0m    �[0m
                                �[38;5;95m▀�[48;5;137m▄�[38;5;137m███████�[38;5;95m▄�[49m▀�[0m �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m██████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m████�[48;5;95m▄�[49;38;5;95m▄�[0m  �[0m
                                  �[48;5;95;38;5;187m▄▄▄�[38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m██�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m    �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m███████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m███�[48;5;95m▄�[49;38;5;95m▄�[0m  �[0m
                                �[38;5;187m▄�[48;5;187m███�[48;5;137;38;5;137m████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m  �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m█████████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m███�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m �[0m
                                �[38;5;187m▄�[48;5;187m███�[38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m█�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;137;38;5;137m███�[48;5;95m▄�[49;38;5;95m▄�[0m  �[38;5;95m▀�[48;5;130m▄�[38;5;130m███████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m�[0m
                              �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;187;38;5;187m████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m██�[48;5;95m▄�[48;5;137;38;5;95m▄�[38;5;137m██�[38;5;95m▄�[38;5;137m█�[48;5;95m▄�[49;38;5;95m▄�[0m �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m███████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m�[0m
                              �[38;5;95m▄�[48;5;95;38;5;137m▄�[48;5;187;38;5;187m████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m███�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;137;38;5;137m██�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;137;38;5;137m██�[48;5;95m▄�[49;38;5;95m▄�[0m �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m██████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m�[0m
                          �[38;5;95m▄�[48;5;95m██�[48;5;137m▄▄�[48;5;187;38;5;187m████�[48;5;137;38;5;95m▄▄�[48;5;95;38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m█�[38;5;95m▄�[48;5;95;38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m██████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m�[0m
                                �[48;5;187;38;5;95m▄�[38;5;187m████�[48;5;137;38;5;137m█�[38;5;95m▄�[48;5;95;38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m█████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;130;38;5;130m███████�[38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m �[0m
                                �[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;187;38;5;137m▄�[38;5;187m███�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[48;5;137;38;5;137m██████�[48;5;95m▄▄�[48;5;130m▄▄▄▄▄�[48;5;137m██████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m  �[0m
                              �[38;5;95m▄▄▄�[48;5;95;38;5;137m▄�[48;5;187m▄�[38;5;187m██�[48;5;95m▄�[48;5;137;38;5;95m▄�[38;5;137m█████�[38;5;95m▄�[38;5;137m███████████�[48;5;95;38;5;95m█�[0m  �[0m
                            �[38;5;95m▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀�[48;5;187m▄▄▄�[48;5;95;38;5;137m▄�[48;5;137m██�[38;5;95m▄�[49m▀�[0m �[38;5;95m▀▀�[48;5;137m▄▄▄▄▄▄�[49m▀▀▀�[0m    �[0m
                                  �[38;5;95m▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀�[0m                �[0m
{| class="wikitable"
! Required
! style="text-align:left;" |Purpose
| style="text-align:center;" |No
|<file name>
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Name of the media file.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
* Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
*Pauses the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
| style="text-align:center;" |No
| style="text-align:left;" |
*Helps categorize media.
==cecho PR #5669 merged, PR5719 merged, PR5751 merged==
See also: [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedMusic|getPausedMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedSounds|getPausedSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPausedVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingMusic|getPlayingMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingSounds|getPlayingSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#getPlayingVideos|getPausedVideos()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadMusicFile|loadMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadSoundFile|loadSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#loadVideoFile|loadVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseMusic|pauseMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#pauseSounds|pauseSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playMusicFile|playMusicFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playSoundFile|playSoundFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#playVideoFile|playVideoFile()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#purgeMediaCache|purgeMediaCache()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#receiveMSP|receiveMSP()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopMusic|stopMusic()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopSounds|stopSounds()]], [[Manual:Miscellaneous_Functions#stopVideos|stopVideos()]], [[Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|Mud Client Media Protocol]]
; cecho([window], text)
:Echoes text that can be easily formatted with colour, italics, bold, strikethrough, and underline tags. You can also include unicode art in it - try some examples from [http://1lineart.kulaone.com/#/ 1lineart].
:See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#decho|decho()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#hecho|hecho()]], [[Manual:UI Functions#creplaceLine|creplaceLine()]]
{{Note}} Support for labels added in Mudlet 4.15; however, it does not turn a label into a miniconsole and every time you cecho it will erase any previous echo sent to the label.
; Example
:Optional - the window name to echo to - can either be none or "main" for the main window, or a miniconsole, userwindow, or label name.
:The text to display, with color names inside angle brackets <>, ie ''<red>''. If you'd like to use a background color, put it after a colon : - ''<:red>''. You can use the ''<reset''> tag to reset to the default color. You can select any from this list: [[File:ShowColors.png|50px|frameless|Color Table]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
cecho("Hi! This text is <red>red, <blue>blue, <green> and green.")
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----
cecho("<:green>Green background on normal foreground. Here we add an <ivory>ivory foreground.")
-- Pause all playing video files for this profile associated with the API
cecho("<blue:yellow>Blue on yellow text!")
-- Pause playing the text mp4 by name
pauseVideos({name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})
cecho("\n<red>Red text with <i>italics</i>, <u>underline</u>, <s>strikethrough</s>, <o>overline</o>, and <b>bold</b>.")
-- Pause playing the unique video identified as "text"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "text" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
==getCustomLoginTextId, PR #3952 open==
cecho("\n<green><o><u>Green text with over and underline at the same time.</o></u>")
Returns the Id number of the custom login text setting from the profile's preferences. Returns ''0'' if the option is disabled or a number greater than that for the item in the table; note it is possible if using an old saved profile in the future that the number might be higher than expected. As a design policy decision it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, this function is intended to allow a script or package to check that the setting is what it expects.
-- \n adds a new line
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function, a replacement for which is shown below.
cecho("<red>one line\n<green>another line\n<blue>last line")
:See also: [[#getCharacterName|getCharacterName()]], [[#sendCharacterName|sendCharacterName()]], [[#sendCustomLoginText|sendCustomLoginText()]], [[#sendPassword|sendPassword()]].
cecho("myinfo", "<green>All of this text is green in the myinfo miniconsole.")
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
cecho("<green>(╯°□°)<dark_green>╯︵ ┻━┻")
Only one custom login text has been defined initially:
{| class="wikitable"
|+Predefined custom login texts
!Id!!Custom text!!Introduced in Mudlet version
|1|| "connect {character name} {password}"||TBD
The addition of further texts would be subject to negotiation with the Mudlet Makers.
██╗    ██╗    ██╗███╗   ██╗███████╗     █████╗ ██████╗ ████████╗
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
███║    ██║     ██║████╗  ██║██╔════╝    ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝
-- A replacement for the default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
╚██║    ██║    ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗      ███████║██████╔╝   ██║
function doLogin()
██║    ██║     ██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝      ██╔══██║██╔══██╗  ██║
   if getCustomLoginTextId() ~= 1 then
██║    ███████╗██║██║ ╚████║███████╗    ██║  ██║██║  ██║  ██║
     -- We need this particular option but it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, it can only check what it is
╚═╝    ╚══════╝╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚══════╝    ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝
     echo("\nUnable to login - please select the 'connect {character name} {password}` custom login option in the profile preferences.\n")
     tempTime(2.0, [[sendCustomLoginText()]], 1)
==cecho2ansi PR# 5672 merged==
==sendCharacterName, PR #3952 open==
;ansiFormattedString = cecho2ansi(text)
Sends the name entered into the "Character name" field on the Connection Preferences form directly to the game server. Returns ''true'' unless there is nothing set in that entry in which case a ''nil'' and an error message will be returned instead.
:Converts cecho formatted text to ansi formatted text. Used by cfeedTriggers, but useful if you want ansi formatted text for any other reason.
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function that may be replaced for more sophisticated requirements.
:See also: [[#getCharacterName|getCharacterName()]], [[#sendCharacterPassword|sendCharacterPassword()]], [[#sendCustomLoginText|sendCustomLoginText()]], [[#getCustomLoginTextId|getCustomLoginTextId()]].
;See also:[[Manual:Lua_Functions#cecho|cecho()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#cfeedTriggers|cfeedTriggers()]]
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
== sendCharacterPassword, PR #3952 open==
{{note}} This function uses the ansi short colors (0-15) for color names which have base 16 ansi equivalents, such as 'red', 'blue', "lightBlue", "cyan", etc rather than the values defined in the color_table. If there is no base ansi equivalent then it will use the rgb values from the color_table for the color.
Sends the password entered into the "Password" field on the Connection Preferences form directly to the game server. Returns ''true'' unless there is nothing set in that entry or it is too long after (or before) a connection was successfully made in which case a ''nil'' and an error message will be returned instead.
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function, reproduced below, that may be replaced for more sophisticated requirements.
:See also: [[#getCharacterName|getCharacterName()]], [[#sendCustomLoginText|sendCustomLoginText()]], [[#getCustomLoginTextId|getCustomLoginTextId()]], [[#sendCharacterName|sendCharacterName()]].
:The cecho formatted text for conversion
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
*String converted to ansi formatting
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- replicates the functionality of cfeedTriggers() for a single line.
-- The default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
-- you would most likely just use cfeedTriggers, but it makes for a tidy example.
function doLogin()
feedTriggers(cecho2ansi("\n<red>This is red.<reset> <i>italic</i>, <b>bold</b>, <s>strikethrough</s>, <u>underline</u>\n"))
  if getCharacterName() ~= "" then
    tempTime(2.0, [[sendCharacterName()]], 1)
    tempTime(3.0, [[sendCharacterPassword()]], 1)
;Additional development notes
==sendCustomLoginText, PR #3952 open==
==createScrollBox PR #5739==
Sends the custom login text (which does NOT depend on the user's choice of GUI language) selected in the preferences for this profile. The {password} (and {character name} if present) fields will be replaced with the values entered into the "Password" and "Character name" fields on the Connection Preferences form and then sent directly to the game server. Returns ''true'' unless there is nothing set in either of those entries (though only if required for the character name) or it is too long after (or before) a connection was successfully made or if the custom login feature is disabled, in which case a ''nil'' and an error message will be returned instead.
;createScrollBox([name of parent window], name, x, y, width, height)
: creates a graphical elements able to hold other graphical elements such as labels, miniconsoles, command lines etc. in it.
Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined ''doLogin()'' function, a replacement for which is shown below.
If the added elements don't fit into the ScrollBox scrollbars appear and allow scrolling.
:See also: [[#getCharacterName|getCharacterName()]], [[#sendCharacterName|sendCharacterName()]], [[#sendPassword|sendPassword()]], [[#getCustomLoginTextId|getCustomLoginTextId()]].
: Returns true or false.
: See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#createLabel|createLabel()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#hideWindow|hideWindow()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#showWindow|showWindow()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#resizeWindow|resizeWindow()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#moveWindow|moveWindow()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#setWindow|setWindow()]]
{{note}} Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952
Only one custom login text has been defined initially:
{| class="wikitable"
|+Predefined custom login texts
!Id!!Custom text!!Introduced in Mudlet version
|1||"connect {character name} {password}"||TBD
The addition of further texts would be subject to negotiation with the Mudlet Makers.
* ''name of parent window:''
: (Optional) name of the parent window the scrollBox is created in. Defaults to the main window if not provided.
* ''name:''
: The name of the scrollBox. Must be unique. Passed as a string.
* ''x'', ''y'', ''width'', ''height''
: Parameters to set set the window size and location
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- create a ScrollBox with the name sBox
-- A replacement for the default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
function doLogin()
  if getCustomLoginTextId() ~= 1 then
    -- We need this particular option but it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, it can only check what it is
    echo("\nUnable to login - please select the 'connect {character name} {password}` custom login option in the profile preferences.\n")
    tempTime(2.0, [[sendCustomLoginText()]], 1)
==setConfig PR #7654==
;setConfig(option, value)
: Sets a Mudlet option to a certain value. This comes in handy for scripts that want to customise Mudlet settings to their preferences - for example, setting up mapper room and exit size to one that works for a certain map, or enabling MSDP for a certain game. For transparency reasons, the Debug window (when open) will show which options were modified by scripts.
:To set many options at once, pass in a table of options. More options will be added over time / per request.
-- create 3 Labels and put them into the ScrollBox
;See also:[[Manual:Lua_Functions#enableMapInfo|enableMapInfo()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#disableMapInfo|disableMapInfo()]]
-- put some text on the labels
-- change the colours of the labels to make it easier to distinguish them
:Particular option to change - see list below for available ones.
:Value to set - can be a boolean, number, or text depending on the option.
==decho PR #5669 merged PR5719 merged PR5751 merged ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
;decho ([name of console,] text)
|+General options
:Color changes can be made using the format <FR,FG,FB:BR,BG,BB,[BA]> where each field is a number from 0 to 255. The background portion can be omitted using <FR,FG,FB> or the foreground portion can be omitted using <:BR,BG,BB,[BA]>. Arguments 2 and 3 set the default fore and background colors for the string using the same format as is used within the string, sans angle brackets, e.g. ''decho("<50,50,0:0,255,0>test")''.
:You can also include <code><nowiki><i>italics</i></nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki><b>bold</b></nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki><s>strikethrough</s></nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki><o>overline</o></nowiki></code>, and <code><nowiki><u>underline</u></nowiki></code> tags.
!Option !!Default!!Description!!Available in Mudlet
|enableGMCP||true ||Enable GMCP (Reconnect after changing)||4.16
|enableMSDP||false ||Enable MSDP (Reconnect after changing)||4.16
|enableMSSP||true ||Enable MSSP (Reconnect after changing)||4.16
|enableMSP||true||Enable MSP (Reconnect after changing)||4.16
|compactInputLine||false||Hide search, timestamp, other buttons and labels bottom-right of input line||4.17
{{Note}} Support for labels added in Mudlet 4.15; however, it does not turn a label into a miniconsole and every time you decho it will erase any previous echo sent to the label.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+Input line
!Option!!Default !! Description!!Available in Mudlet
|inputLineStrictUnixEndings||false||Workaround option to use strict UNIX line endings for sending commands||4.16
:See also: [[#cecho|cecho()]], [[#hecho|hecho()]], [[#copy2decho|copy2decho()]]
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+Main display
!Option!!Default!!Description!!Available in Mudlet
|fixUnnecessaryLinebreaks||false||Remove extra linebreaks from output (mostly for IRE servers)||4.16
{| class="wikitable sortable"
*''name of console''
|+Mapper options
:(Optional) Name of the console to echo to. If no name is given, this will defaults to the main window.
!Option!!Default !! Description!!Available in Mudlet
:The text that you’d like to echo with embedded color tags. Tags take the RGB values only, see below for an explanation.
|mapRoomSize||5||Size of rooms on map (a good value is 5)||4.16
|mapExitSize||10||Size of exits on map (a good value is 10)||4.16
|mapRoundRooms||false||Draw rooms round or square|| 4.16
|showRoomIdsOnMap||false||Show room IDs on all rooms (if zoom permits)||4.16
|showMapInfo||-|| Map overlay text ('Full', 'Short', or any custom made. Map can show multiple at once)||4.16
|hideMapInfo||-|| Map overlay text ('Full', 'Short', or any custom made. Hide each info separately to hide all)||4.16
|show3dMapView||false||Show map as 3D||4.16
|showUpperLowerLevels|| true|| Show rooms of +1/-1 level of current level||4.20
|mapperPanelVisible|| true||Map controls at the bottom||4.16
|mapShowRoomBorders|| true||Draw a thin border for every room||4.16
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+Special options
!Option!!Default !! Description!!Available in Mudlet
|specialForceCompressionOff||false||Workaround option to disable MCCP compression, in case the game server is not working correctly||4.16
|specialForceGAOff|| false||Workaround option to disable Telnet Go-Ahead, in case the game server is not working correctly||4.16
|specialForceCharsetNegotiationOff||false||Workaround option to disable automatically setting the correct encoding, in case the game server is not working correctly||4.16
|specialForceMxpNegotiationOff|| false||Workaround option to disable MXP, in case the game server is not working correctly||4.16
|caretShortcut||"none"||For visually-impaired players - set the key to switch between input line and main window (can be "none", "tab", "ctrltab", "f6")||4.17
|blankLinesBehaviour ||"show"||For visually impaired players options for dealing with blank lines (can be "show", "hide", "replacewithspace")||4.17
Optional background transparancy parameter (BA) available in Mudlet 4.10+
*true if successful, or nil+msg if the option doesn't exist. Setting mapper options requires the mapper being open first.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
setConfig("mapRoomSize", 5)
decho("miniconsolename", "<50,50,0:0,255,0>test")
setConfig({mapRoomSize = 6, mapExitSize = 12})
decho("\n<255,0,0>Red text with <i>italics</i>, <u>underline</u>, <s>strikethrough</s>, and <b>bold</b> formatting.")
=Mudlet Object Functions=
: A collection of functions that manipulate Mudlet's scripting objects - triggers, aliases, and so forth.
decho("<\n<0,128,0><o><u>Green text with both over and underlines.</u></o>")
==deleteAllNamedTriggers PR#7767==
; deleteAllNamedTriggers(userName)
:Deletes all named triggers and prevents them from matching. Information is deleted and cannot be retrieved.
==decho2ansi PR# 5671 merged==
;See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#stopNamedTrigger|stopNamedTrigger()]]
;ansiFormattedString = decho2ansi(text)
:Converts decho formatted text to ansi formatted text. Used by dfeedTriggers, but useful if you want ansi formatted text for any other reason.
* ''userName:''
: The user name the trigger was registered under.
;See also:[[Manual:Lua_Functions#decho|decho()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#dfeedTriggers|dfeedTriggers()]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
deleteAllNamedTriggers("Zooka") -- emergency stop or debugging situation, most likely.
==deleteNamedTrigger PR#7767==
; success = deleteNamedTrigger(userName, triggerName)
{{Note}} non-color formatting added in Mudlet 4.15+
:Deletes a named trigger with name triggerName and prevents it from matching any more. Information is deleted and cannot be retrieved.
; Parameters
;See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#stopNamedTrigger|stopNamedTrigger()]]
:The decho formatted text for conversion
* String converted to ansi formatting
* ''userName:''
: The user name the trigger was registered under.
* ''triggerName:''
: The name of the trigger to stop. Same used as when you called [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]]
* true if successful, false if it didn't exist
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- replicates the functionality of dfeedTriggers() for a single line.
local deleted = deleteNamedTrigger("Zooka", "automatic drinking trigger")
-- you would most likely just use dfeedTriggers, but it makes for a tidy example.
if deleted then
feedTriggers(decho2ansi("\n<128,0,0>This is red.<r> <i>italic</i>, <b>bold</b>, <s>strikethrough</s>, <u>underline</u>\n"))
  cecho("Drinking trigger deleted forever!")
  cecho("Drinking trigger doesn't exist and so could not be deleted.")
==getHTMLformat PR#5751 merged==
;spanTag = getHTMLformat(formatTable)
==getNamedTriggers PR#7767==
; triggers = getNamedTriggers(userName)
:Takes in a table of formatting options in the same style as [[Manual:Lua_Functions#getTextFormat|getTextFormat()]] and returns a span tag which will format text after it as the table describes.
:Returns a list of all the named triggers names as a table.
;See also:[[Manual:Lua_Functions#getTextFormat|getTextFormat()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#getLabelFormat|getLabelFormat()]]
;See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]]
* ''userName:''
:Table with formatting options configured. Keys are foreground, background, bold, underline, overline, strikeout, italic, and reverse. All except for foreground and background should be boolean (true/false) values. Foreground and background are either { r, g, b, a } tables, or strings with QSS formatting directives
: The user name the triggers were registered under.
*A string with the html span tag to format text in accordance with the format table.
* a table of trigger names. { "automatic drinking trigger", "autoheal trigger" } for example. {} if none are registered
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- Returns a span tag for bold, red text on a green background
  local triggers = getNamedTriggers("Zooka")
local span = getHTMLformat({
   foreground = { 255, 0, 0 },
  -- {}
   background = "#00FF00",
   registerNamedTriggers("Zooka", "Test1", "test string", "testFunction")
   bold = true
   triggers = getNamedTriggers("Zooka")
  -- { "Test1" }
-- span will be '<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);background-color: #00FF00; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none;">'
==getLabelFormat PR#5751 merged==
;formatTable = getLabelFormat(labelName)
==registerNamedTrigger PR#7767==
; success = registerNamedTrigger(userName, triggerName, substring, functionReference, [expireAfter])
: Returns a format table like the one returned by getTextFormat and suitable for getHTMLspan which will format text the same way as simply doing an echo to the label would
:Registers a named substring trigger with name triggerName. Named triggers are protected from duplication and can be stopped and resumed, unlike normal tempTriggers. A separate list is kept for each userName, to enforce name spacing and avoid collisions
;See also:[[Manual:Lua_Functions#getTextFormat|getTextFormat()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#getHTMLspan|getHTMLspan()]]
;See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#tempTrigger|tempTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#stopNamedTrigger|stopNamedTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#resumeNamedTrigger|resumeNamedTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#deleteNamedTrigger|deleteNamedTrigger()]]
* ''userName:''
: The name of the label to scan the format of
: The user name the trigger was registered under.
* ''triggerName:''
: The name of the trigger. Used to reference the trigger in other functions and prevent duplicates. Recommended to use descriptive names, "hp" is likely to collide with something else, "automatic drinking trigger" less so.
*A table with all the formatting options to achieve a default text format for label labelName.
* ''substring:''
: The substring text to match.
* ''functionReference:''
: The function reference to run when the trigger matches. Can be the name of a function, "handlerFunction", or the lua function itself.
* ''expireAfter:''
: (optional) Delete trigger after a specified number of matches
* true if successful, otherwise errors.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- creates a test label, sets a stylesheet, and then returns the default format table for that label.
-- establish a named trigger called "automatic drinking trigger" which sends 'drink canteen' when thirsty
createLabel("testLabel", 10, 10, 300, 200, 1)
registerNamedTrigger("Zooka", "automatic drinking trigger", "You are thirsty.", function() send("drink canteen") end)
  color: rgb(0,0,180);
  border-width: 1px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: gold;
  border-radius: 10px;
  font-size: 12.0pt;
  background: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #98f041, stop: 0.1 #8cf029, stop: 0.49 #66cc00, stop: 0.5 #52a300, stop: 1 #66cc00);
local fmt = getLabelFormat("testLabel"))
==resumeNamedTrigger PR#7767==
; success = resumeNamedTrigger(userName, triggerName)
  background = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", -- this is transparent
  bold = false,
  foreground = "rgb(0,0,180)",
  italic = false,
  overline = false,
  reverse = false,
  strikeout = false,
  underline = false
:Resumes a named trigger with name triggerName and allows it to match again.
==hecho PR #5669 merged, PR5719 merged, PR5751 merged==
;See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#stopNamedTrigger|stopNamedTrigger()]]
;hecho([windowName], text)
:Echoes text that can be easily formatted with colour tags in the hexadecimal format. You can also use italics, bold, strikethrough, and underline tags.
:See Also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#decho|decho()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#cecho|cecho()]]
{{Note}} Support for labels added in Mudlet 4.15; however, it does not turn a label into a miniconsole and every time you hecho it will erase any previous echo sent to the label.
* ''userName:''
:(optional) name of the window to echo to. Can either be omitted or "main" for the main window, else specify the miniconsoles name.
: The user name the trigger was registered under.s
* ''triggerName:''
:The text to display, with color changes made within the string using the format |cFRFGFB,BRBGBB or #FRFGFB,BRBGBB where FR is the foreground red value, FG is the foreground green value, FB is the foreground blue value, BR is the background red value, etc., BRBGBB is optional. |r or #r can be used within the string to reset the colors to default. Hexadecimal color codes can be found here: https://www.color-hex.com/
: The name of the trigger to resume. Same as used when you called [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]]
Transparency for background in hex-format available in Mudlet 4.10+
* true if successful, false if it didn't exist.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
hecho("\n#ffffff White text!")
local resumed = resumeNamedTrigger("Zooka", "automatic drinking trigger")
-- your text in white
if resumed then
hecho("\n#ca0004 Red text! And now reset #rit to the default color")
  echo("Starting to automatically drink again.")
-- your text in red, then reset to default using #r
hecho("\n#ffffff,ca0004 White text with a red background!")
  echo("Drink trigger doesn't exist so cannot resume it.")
-- your text in white, against a red background
hecho("\n|c0000ff Blue text, this time using |c instead of #")
-- your text in blue, activated with |c vs #.
hecho("\n#ff0000Red text with #iitalics#/i, |uunderline|/u, #ooverline#/o, #sstrikethrough#/s, and #bbold#/b formatting.")
-- shows the various individual formatting options
hecho("\n#008000#o#uGreen text with both over and underlines.#/o#/u")
==hecho2ansi PR# 5671 merged==
;ansiFormattedString = hecho2ansi(text)
==stopAllNamedTrigger PR#7767==
; stopAllNamedTrigger(userName)
:Converts hecho formatted text to ansi formatted text. Used by hfeedTriggers, but useful if you want ansi formatted text for any other reason.
:Stops all named triggers for userName and prevents them from firing any more. Information is retained and triggers can be resumed.
;See also:[[Manual:Lua_Functions#hecho|hecho()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#hfeedTriggers|hfeedTriggers()]]
;See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#stopNamedTrigger|stopNamedTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#resumeNamedTrigger|resumeNamedTrigger()]]
{{Note}} non-color formatting added in Mudlet 4.15+
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
stopAllNamedTriggers("Zooka") -- emergency stop situation, most likely.
==stopNamedTrigger PR#7767==
; success = stopNamedTrigger(userName, triggerName)
:Stops a named trigger with name triggerName and prevents it from firing any more. Information is stored so it can be resumed later if desired.
;See also: [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#resumeNamedTrigger|resumeNamedTrigger()]]
* ''userName:''
:The hecho formatted text for conversion
: The user name the event handler was registered under.
* ''triggerName:''
: The name of the trigger to stop. Same as used when you called [[Manual:Lua_Functions#registerNamedTrigger|registerNamedTrigger()]]
*String converted to ansi formatting
* true if successful, false if it didn't exist or was already stopped
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- replicates the functionality of hfeedTriggers() for a single line.
local stopped = stopNamedTrigger("Zooka", "automatic drinking trigger")
-- you would most likely just use hfeedTriggers, but it makes for a tidy example.
if stopped then
feedTriggers(hecho2ansi("\n#800000This is red.#r #iitalic#/i, #bbold#/b, #sstrikethrough#/s, #uunderline#/u\n"))
  echo("No longer drinking automatically.")
  echo("Drinking trigger doesn't exist or already stopped; either way it won't fire any more.")
==windowType PR# 5696 open==
= Networking Functions=
;typeOfWindow = windowType(windowName)
:A collection of functions for managing networking.
:Given the name of a window, will return if it's a label, miniconsole, userwindow or a commandline.
=String Functions=
:These functions are used to manipulate strings.
;See also:[[Manual:Lua_Functions#createLabel|createLabel()]], [[Manual:Lua_Functions#openUserWindow|openUserWindow()]]
=Table Functions=
:These functions are used to manipulate tables. Through them you can add to tables, remove values, check if a value is present in the table, check the size of a table, and more.
=Text to Speech Functions=
: These functions are used to create sound from written words. Check out our [[Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Text-to-Speech|Text-To-Speech Manual]] for more detail on how this all works together.
=UI Functions=
:These functions are used to construct custom user GUIs. They deal mainly with miniconsole/label/gauge creation and manipulation as well as displaying or formatting information on the screen.
==insertPopup, revised in PR #6925==
; insertPopup([windowName], text, {commands}, {hints}[{, tool-tips}][, useCurrentFormatElseDefault])
:Creates text with a left-clickable link, and a right-click menu for more options at the end of the current line, like echo. The added text, upon being left-clicked, will do the first command in the list. Upon being right-clicked, it'll display a menu with all possible commands. The menu will be populated with hints, one for each line; if a tool-tips table is not provided the same hints will also be listed one-per-line as a tool-tip but if a matching number of tool-tips are provided they will be concatenated to provide a tool-tip when the text is hovered over by the pointer - these tool-tips can be ''rich-text'' to produce information formatted with additional content in the same manner as labels.
:The name used to create the window element. Use "main" for the main console
:(optional) name of the window as a string to echo to. Use either ''main'' or omit for the main window, or the miniconsole's or user-window's name otherwise.
:the text string to display.
:a table of lua code to do, in text strings or as functions (since Mudlet 4.11), i.e. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua" inline="">{[[send("hello")]], function() echo("hi!") end}</syntaxhighlight>.
:a table of strings which will be shown on the right-click menu (and popup if no {tool-tips} table is provided). If a particular position in both the commands and hints table are both the empty string ''""'' but there is something in the tool-tips table, no entry for that position will be made in the context menu but the tool-tip can still display something which can include images or text.
:(optional) a table of possibly ''rich-text'' strings which will be shown on the popup if provided.
:(optional) a boolean value for using either the current formatting options (color, underline, italic and other effects) if ''true'' or the link default (blue underline) if ''false'', if omitted the default format is used.
{{note}} Mudlet will distinguish between the optional tool-tips and the flag to switch between the standard link and the current text format by examining the type of the argument, as such this pair of arguments can be in either order.
*Window type as string ("label", "miniconsole", "userwindow", or "commandline") or nil+error if it does not exist.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
-- Create a Geyser label and and check its type
-- Create some text as a clickable with a popup menu, a left click will ''send "sleep"'':
testLabel = Geyser.Label:new({name = "testLabel"})
insertPopup("activities to do", {function() send "sleep" end, function() send "sit" end, function() send "stand" end}, {"sleep", "sit", "stand"})
display(windowType(testLabel.name))  -- displays "label"
-- the main console returns "miniconsole" because it uses the same formatting functions
-- alternatively, put commands as text (in [[ and ]] to use quotation marks inside)
display(windowType("main")) -- displays "miniconsole"
insertPopup("activities to do", {[[send "sleep"]], [[send "sit"]], [[send "stand"]]}, {"sleep", "sit", "stand"})
-- one can also provide helpful information
-- todo: an example with rich-text in the tool-tips(s)
-- check for the existence of a window
local windowName = "this thing does not exist"
local ok, err = windowType(windowName)
if ok then
  -- do things with it, as it does exist.
  -- the ok variable will hold the type of window it is ("label", "commandline", etc)
  cecho("<red>ALERT!! window does not exist")
;Additional development notes
=Discord Functions=
=Discord Functions=
:All functions to customize the information Mudlet displays in Discord's rich presence interface. For an overview on how all of these functions tie in together, see our [[Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Scripting#Discord_Rich_Presence|Discord scripting overview]].
:All functions to customize the information Mudlet displays in Discord's rich presence interface. For an overview on how all of these functions tie in together, see our [[Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Scripting#Discord_Rich_Presence|Discord scripting overview]].
=Mud Client Media Protocol =
:All GMCP functions to send sound and music events. For an overview on how all of these functions tie in together, see our [[Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Scripting#MUD_Client_Media_Protocol|MUD Client Media Protocol scripting overview]].
=Supported Protocols=
=Events =
:New or revised events that Mudlet can raise to inform a profile about changes. See [[Manual:Event_Engine#Mudlet-raised_events|Mudlet-raised events]] for the existing ones.
===sysLoadEvent, PR #7726 ===
Raised after Mudlet is done loading the profile, after all of the scripts, packages, and modules are installed. Note that when it does so, it also compiles and runs all scripts - which could be a good idea to initialize everything at once, but beware - scripts are also run when saved. Hence, hooking only on the sysLoadEvent would prevent multiple re-loads as you’re editing the script.
In '''4.20.0''' an extra boolean argument was provided which indicates whether the event is from loading a new profile (''true'') or after a call of the ''resetProfile()'' function (''false'').
{{note}} pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/7726
===sysMapWindowMousePressEvent, PR #6962===
Raised when the mouse is left-clicked on the mapper window.
{{MudletVersion| ?.??}}
{{note}} pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/6962
===sysSettingChanged, PR #7476 ===
This event is raised when a Preferences or Mudlet setting has changed.  The first argument contains the setting that was changed, further arguments detail the change.
Currently implemented sysSettingChanged events are;
*"main window font" - raised when the main window/console font has changed via API or Preferences window. Returns two additional arguments, the font family and the font size. e.g. {"main window font", "Times New Roman", 12 }
{{MudletVersion| ?.??}}
{{note}} pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/7476

Latest revision as of 01:08, 4 March 2025

This page is for the development of documentation for Lua API functions that are currently being worked on. Ideally the entries here can be created in the same format as will be eventually used in Lua Functions and its sub-sites.

Please use the Area_51/Template to add new entries in the sections below.

Links to other functions or parts in other sections (i.e. the main Wiki area) need to include the section details before the '#' character in the link identifier on the left side of the '|' divider between the identifier and the display text. e.g.


rather than:


which would refer to a link within the current (in this case Area 51) section. Note that this ought to be removed once the article is moved to the main wiki area!

The following headings reflect those present in the main Wiki area of the Lua API functions. It is suggested that new entries are added so as to maintain a sorted alphabetical order under the appropriate heading.

Basic Essential Functions

These functions are generic functions used in normal scripting. These deal with mainly everyday things, like sending stuff and echoing to the screen.

Database Functions

A collection of functions for helping deal with the database.

Date/Time Functions

A collection of functions for handling date & time.

File System Functions

A collection of functions for interacting with the file system.

Mapper Functions

A collection of functions that manipulate the mapper and its related features.

createMapLabel, merged #7598

labelID = createMapLabel(areaID, text, posX, posY, posZ, fgRed, fgGreen, fgBlue, bgRed, bgGreen, bgBlue[, zoom, fontSize, showOnTop, noScaling, fontName, foregroundTransparency, backgroundTransparency, temporary, outlineRed, outlineGreen, outlineBlue])
Creates a text label on the map at given coordinates, with the given background and foreground colors. It can go above or below the rooms, scale with zoom or stay a static size. From Mudlet 4.17.0 an additional parameter (assumed to be false if not given from then) makes the label NOT be saved in the map file which, if the image can be regenerated on future loading from a script can reduce the size of the saved map somewhat. It returns a label ID that you can use later for deleting it.
The coordinates 0,0 are in the middle of the map, and are in sync with the room coordinates - so using the x,y values of getRoomCoordinates() will place the label near that room.
See also: getMapLabel(), getMapLabels(), deleteMapLabel, createMapImageLabel()
Historical Version Note

Note Note: Some changes were done prior to 4.13 (which exactly? function existed before!) - see corresponding PR and update here!

  • areaID:
Area ID where to put the label.
  • text:
The text to put into the label. To get a multiline text label add a '\n' between the lines.
  • posX, posY, posZ:
Position of the label in (floating point numbers) room coordinates.
  • fgRed, fgGreen, fgBlue:
Foreground color or text color of the label.
  • bgRed, bgGreen, bgBlue:
Background color of the label.
  • zoom:
(optional) Zoom factor of the label if noScaling is false. Higher zoom will give higher resolution of the text and smaller size of the label. Default is 30.0.
  • fontSize:
(optional, but needed if zoom is provided) Size of the font of the text. Default is 50.
  • showOnTop:
(optional) If true the label will be drawn on top of the rooms and if it is false the label will be drawn as a background, defaults to true if not given.
  • noScaling:
(optional) If true the label will have the same size when you zoom in and out in the mapper, If it is false the label will scale when you zoom the mapper, defaults to true if not given.
  • fontName:
(optional) font name to use.
  • foregroundTransparency
(optional) transparency of the text on the label, defaults to 255 (in range of 0 to 255) or fully opaque if not given.
  • backgroundTransparency
(optional) transparency of the label background itself, defaults to 50 (in range of 0 to 255) or significantly transparent if not given.
  • temporary
(optional) if true does not save the image that the label makes in map save files, defaults to false if not given, or for prior versions of Mudlet.
  • outlineRed, outlineGreen, outlineBlue
(optional) the outline colour of the displayed text
-- the first 50 is some area id, the next three 0,0,0 are coordinates - middle of the area
-- 255,0,0 would be the foreground in RGB, 23,0,0 would be the background RGB
-- zoom is only relevant when when you're using a label of a static size, so we use 0
-- and we use a font size of 20 for our label, which is a small medium compared to the map
local labelid = createMapLabel( 50, "my map label", 0,0,0, 255,0,0, 23,0,0, 0,20)

-- to create a multi line text label add '\n' between lines
-- the position is placed somewhat to the northeast of the center of the map
-- this label will be scaled as you zoom the map.
local labelid = createMapLabel( 50, "1. Row One\n2. Row 2", .5,5.5,0, 255,0,0, 23,0,0, 30,50, true, false)

local x,y,z = getRoomCoordinates(getPlayerRoom())
createMapLabel(getRoomArea(getPlayerRoom()), "my map label", x,y,z, 255,0,0, 23,0,0, 0,20, false, true, "Ubuntu", 255, 100)

-- create a temporary, multiline label with purple text and a white outline lua createMapLabel(1, "This is a really long text\nwith multiple lines.", 0, 0, 0, 125, 0, 125, 0, 0, 0, 50, 48, true, false, "Noto Sans", 255, 0, true, 255, 255, 255)

mapSymbolFontInfo, PR #4038 closed

See also: setupMapSymbolFont()

Note Note: pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/4038

  • either a table of information about the configuration of the font used for symbols in the (2D) map, the elements are:
  • fontName - a string of the family name of the font specified
  • onlyUseThisFont - a boolean indicating whether glyphs from just the fontName font are to be used or if there is not a glyph for the required grapheme (character) then a glyph from the most suitable different font will be substituted instead. Should this be true and the specified font does not have the required glyph then the replacement character (typically something like ) could be used instead. Note that this may not affect the use of Color Emoji glyphs that are automatically used in some OSes but that behavior does vary across the range of operating systems that Mudlet can be run on.
  • scalingFactor - a floating point number between 0.50 and 2.00 which modifies the size of the symbols somewhat though the extremes are likely to be unsatisfactory because some of the particular symbols may be too small (and be less visible at smaller zoom levels) or too large (and be clipped by the edges of the room rectangle or circle).
  • or nil and an error message on failure.
As the symbol font details are stored in the (binary) map file rather than the profile then this function will not work until a map is loaded (or initialized, by activating a map window).

moveMapLabel, PR #6014 open

moveMapLabel(areaID/Name, labeID/Text, coordX/deltaX, coordY/deltaY[, coordZ/deltaZ][, absoluteNotRelativeMove])

Re-positions a map label within an area in the 2D mapper, in a similar manner as the moveRoom() function does for rooms and their custom exit lines. When moving a label to given coordinates this is the position that the top-left corner of the label will be positioned at; since the space allocated to a particular room on the map is ± 0.5 around the integer value of its x and y coordinates this means for a label which has a size of 1.0 x 1,0 (w x h) to position it centrally in the space for a single room at the coordinates (x, y, z) it should be positioned at (x - 0.5, y + 0.5, z).

See also: getMapLabels(), getMapLabel().
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet ?.??+

Note Note: pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/6014

  • areaID/Name:
Area ID as number or AreaName as string containing the map label.
  • labelID/Text:
Label ID as number (which will be 0 or greater) or the LabelText on a text label. All labels will have a unique ID number but there may be more than one text labels with a non-empty text string; only the first matching one will be moved by this function and image labels also have no text and will match the empty string. with mo or AreaName as string containing the map label.
  • coordX/deltaX:
A floating point number for the absolute coordinate to use or the relative amount to move the label in "room coordinates" along the X-axis.
  • coordY/deltaY:
A floating point number for the absolute coordinate to use or the relative amount to move the label in "room coordinates" along the Y-axis.
  • coordZ/deltaZ:
(Optional) A floating point number for the absolute coordinate to use or the relative amount to move the label in "room coordinates" along the Z-axis, if omitted the label is not moved in the z-axis at all.
  • absoluteNotRelativeMove:
(Optional) a boolean value (defaults to false if omitted) as to whether to move the label to the absolute coordinates (true) or to move it the relative amount from its current location (false).
true on success or nil and an error message on failure, if successful it will also refresh the map display to show the result.
-- move the first label in the area with the ID number of 2, three spaces to the east and four spaces to the north
moveMapLabel(0, 2, 3.0, 4.0)

-- move the first label in the area with the ID number of 2, one space to the west, note the final boolean argument is unneeded
moveMapLabel(0, 2, -1.0, 0.0, false)

-- move the second label in the area with the ID number of 2, three and a half spaces to the west, and two south **of the center of the current level it is on in the map**:
moveRoom(1, 2, -3.5, -2.0, true)

-- move the second label in the area with the ID number of 2, up three levels
moveRoom(1, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0)

-- move the second label in the "Test 1" area one space to the west, note the last two arguments are unneeded
moveRoom("Test 1", 1, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, false)

-- move the (top-left corner of the first) label with the text "Home" in the area with ID number 5 to the **center of the whole map**, note the last two arguments are required in this case:
moveRoom(5, "Home", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true)

-- all of the above will return the 'true'  boolean value assuming there are the indicated labels and areas

moveRoom, PR #6010 open

moveRoom(roomID, coordX/deltaX, coordY/deltaY[, coordZ/deltaZ][, absoluteNotRelativeMove])

Re-positions a room within an area, in the same manner as the "move to" context menu item for one or more rooms in the 2D mapper. Like that method this will also shift the entirety of any custom exit lines defined for the room concerned. This contrasts with the behavior of the setRoomCoordinates() which only moves the starting point of such custom exit lines so that they still emerge from the room to which they belong but otherwise remain pointing to the original place.

See also: setRoomCoordinates()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet ?.??+

Note Note: pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/6010

  • roomID:
Room ID number to move.
  • coordX/deltaX:
The absolute coordinate or the relative amount as a number to move the room in "room coordinates" along the X-axis.
  • coordY/deltaY:
The absolute coordinate or the relative amount as a number to move the room in "room coordinates" along the Y-axis.
  • coordZ/deltaZ:
(Optional) the absolute coordinate or the relative amount as a number to move the room in "room coordinates" along the Z-axis, if omitted the room is not moved in the z-axis at all.
  • absoluteNotRelativeMove:
(Optional) a boolean value (defaults to false if omitted) as to whether to move the room to the absolute coordinates (true) or the relative amount from its current location (false).
true on success or nil and an error message on failure, if successful it will also refresh the map display to show the result.
-- move the first room one space to the east and two spaces to the north
moveRoom(1, 1, 2)

-- move the first room one space to the west, note the final boolean argument is unneeded
moveRoom(1, -1, 0, false)

-- move the first room three spaces to the west, and two south **of the center of the current level it is on in the map**:
moveRoom(1, -3, -2, true)

-- move the second room up three levels
moveRoom(2, 0, 0, 3)

-- move the second room one space to the west, note the last two arguments are unneeded
moveRoom(2, -1, 0, 0, false)

-- move the second room to the **center of the whole map**, note the last two arguments are required in this case:
moveRoom(2, 0, 0, 0, true)

-- all of the above will return the 'true'  boolean value assuming there are rooms with 1 and 2 as ID numbers

setupMapSymbolFont, PR #4038 closed

setupMapSymbolFont(fontName[, onlyUseThisFont[, scalingFactor]])
configures the font used for symbols in the (2D) map.
See also: mapSymbolFontInfo()

Note Note: pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/4038

  • fontName one of:
  • - a string that is the family name of the font to use;
  • - the empty string "" to reset to the default {which is "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"};
  • - a Lua nil as a placeholder to not change this parameter but still allow a following one to be modified.
  • onlyUseThisFont (optional) one of:
  • - a Lua boolean true to require Mudlet to use graphemes (character) only from the selected font. Should a requested grapheme not be included in the selected font then the font replacement character (�) might be used instead; note that under some circumstances it is possible that the OS (or Mudlet) provided color Emoji Font may still be used but that cannot be guaranteed across all OS platforms that Mudlet might be run on;
  • - a Lua boolean false to allow Mudlet to get a different glyph for a particular grapheme from the most suitable other font found in the system should there not be a glyph for it in the requested font. This is the default unless previously changed by this function or by the corresponding checkbox in the Profile Preferences dialogue for the profile concerned;
  • - a Lua nil as a placeholder to not change this parameter but still allow the following one to be modified.
  • scalingFactor (optional): a floating point value in the range 0.5 to 2.0 (default 1.0) that can be used to tweak the rectangular space that each different room symbol is scaled to fit inside; this might be useful should the range of characters used to make the room symbols be consistently under- or over-sized.
  • true on success
  • nil and an error message on failure. As the symbol font details are stored in the (binary) map file rather than the profile then this function will not work until a map is loaded (or initialised, by activating a map window).

Miscellaneous Functions

Miscellaneous functions.

createVideoPlayer, PR #6439 on-hold

createVideoPlayer([name of userwindow], x, y, width, height)
Creates a miniconsole window for the video player to render in, the with the given dimensions. One can only create one video player at a time (currently), and it is not currently possible to have a label on or under the video player - otherwise, clicks won't register.

Note Note: A video player may also be created through use of the Mud Client Media Protocol, the playVideoFile() API command, or adding a Geyser.VideoPlayer object to ones user interface such as the example below.

Note Note: The Main Toolbar will show a Video button to hide/show the video player, which is located in a userwindow generated through createVideoPlayer, embedded in a user interface, or a dock-able widget (that can be floated free to anywhere on the Desktop, it can be resized and does not have to even reside on the same monitor should there be multiple screens in your system). Further clicks on the Video button will toggle between showing and hiding the map whether it was created using the createVideo function or as a dock-able widget.

See also: loadSoundFile(), loadMusicFile(), loadVideoFile(), playSoundFile(), playMusicFile(), playVideoFile(), stopSounds(), stopMusic(), stopVideos(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
-- Create a 300x300 video player in the top-left corner of Mudlet

-- Alternative examples using Geyser.VideoPlayer
GUI.VideoPlayer = GUI.VideoPlayer or Geyser.VideoPlayer:new({name="GUI.VideoPlayer", x = 0, y = 0, width = "25%", height = "25%"})
GUI.VideoPlayer = GUI.VideoPlayer or Geyser.VideoPlayer:new({
  name = "GUI.VideoPlayer",
  x = "70%", y = 0, -- edit here if you want to move it
  width = "30%", height = "50%"
}, GUI.Right)

loadVideoFile, PR #7721 closed

loadVideoFile(settings table) or loadVideoFile(name, [url])
Loads video files from the Internet or the local file system to the "media" folder of the profile for later use with playVideoFile() and stopVideos(). Although files could be loaded or streamed directly at playing time from playVideoFile(), loadVideoFile() provides the advantage of loading files in advance.

Note Note: Video files consume drive space on your device. Consider using the streaming feature of playVideoFile() for large files.

Required Key Value Purpose
Yes name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
  • May contain directory information (i.e. weather/maelstrom.mp4).
  • May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/congratulations.mp4")
  • May be on the local device (i.e. "C:/Users/YourNameHere/Movies/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp4")
Maybe url <url>
  • Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
  • Only required if file to load is not part of the profile or on the local file system.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedSounds(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPausedVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseSounds(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Download from the Internet
    name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , url = "https://d2qguwbxlx1sbt.cloudfront.net/"

-- OR download from the profile
loadVideoFile({name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})

-- OR download from the local file system
loadVideoFile({name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Movies/TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})

playVideoFile, PR #7721 closed

playVideoFile(settings table)
Plays video files from the Internet or the local file system for later use with stopVideos(). Video files may be downloaded to the device and played, or streamed from the Internet when the value of the stream parameter is true.
Required Key Value Default Purpose
Yes name <file name>  
  • Name of the media file.
  • May contain directory information (i.e. weather/maelstrom.mp4).
  • May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.mp4")
  • May be on the local device (i.e. "C:/Users/YourNameHere/Documents/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp4")
  • Wildcards * and ? may be used within the name to randomize media files selection.
No volume 1 to 100 50
  • Relative to the volume set on the player's client.
No start <msec> 0
  • Begin play at the specified position in milliseconds.
No finish <msec> 0
  • Finish play at the specified position in milliseconds.
No loops -1, or >= 1 1
  • Number of iterations that the media plays.
  • A value of -1 allows the media to loop indefinitely.
Yes key <key>  
  • Identifies the label or window the video will appear on the user interface.
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Halts the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>  
  • Helps categorize media.
No continue true or false true
  • Continues playing matching new video files when true.
  • Restarts matching new video files when false.
No close true or false false
  • Closes the label or window when playback is complete.
Maybe url <url>  
  • Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
  • Only required if the file is to be downloaded remotely or for streaming from the Internet.
Maybe stream true or false false
  • Streams files from the Internet when true.
  • Download files when false (default).
  • Used in combination with the `url` key.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedSounds(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPausedVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseSounds(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Stream a video file from the Internet and play it.
    name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
    , url = "https://d2qguwbxlx1sbt.cloudfront.net/"
    , stream = true

-- Play a video file from the Internet, storing it in the profile's media directory (i.e. /Users/Tamarindo/mudlet-data/profiles/StickMUD/media) so you don't need to download it over and over.  You could add ", stream = false" below, but that is the default and is not needed.

    name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
    , url = "https://d2qguwbxlx1sbt.cloudfront.net/"

-- Play a video file stored in the profile's media directory (i.e. /Users/Tamarindo/mudlet-data/profiles/StickMUD/media)
    name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback

-- OR copy once from the game's profile, and play a video file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
    , volume = 75

-- OR copy once from the local file system, and play a video file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Movies/TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window to target playback
    , volume = 75

-- OR download once from the Internet, and play a video stored in the profile's media directory
---- [fadein] and increase the volume from 1 at the start position to default volume up until the position of 10 seconds
---- [fadeout] and decrease the volume from default volume to one, 15 seconds from the end of the video
---- [start] 5 seconds after position 0 (fadein scales its volume increase over a shorter duration, too)
---- [key] reference of "textinmotion" for targeting label or window playback
---- [tag] reference of "ambience" to stop any video later with the same tag
---- [continue] playing this video if another request for the same video comes in (false restarts it) 
---- [url] resource location where the file may be accessed on the Internet
---- [stream] download once from the Internet if the video does not exist in the profile's media directory when false (true streams from the Internet and will not download to the device) 
    name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"
    , volume = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , start = 10000
    , finish = 20000
    , loops = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "textinmotion" -- label or window where this will play
    , tag = "ambience"
    , continue = true
    , close = true -- close the label or window when playback completes
    , url = "https://d2qguwbxlx1sbt.cloudfront.net/"
    , stream = false

stopVideos, PR #7721 closed

stopVideos(settings table)
Stop all videos (no filter), or videos that meet a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playVideoFile().
Required Key Value Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Halts the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedSounds(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPausedVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseSounds(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Stop all playing video files for this profile associated with the API

-- Stop playing the text mp4 by name
stopVideos({name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})

-- Stop playing the unique sound identified as "text"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "text" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

getPausedMusic, PR #7721 closed

getPausedMusic(settings table)
List all paused music (no filter), or paused music that meets a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playMusicFile().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: getPausedSounds(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPausedVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseSounds(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- List all paused music files for this profile associated with the API

-- List all paused music matching the rugby mp3 name
getPausedMusic({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})

-- List all paused music matching the unique key of "rugby"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

getPausedSounds, PR #7721 closed

getPausedSounds(settings table)
List all paused sounds (no filter), or paused sounds that meets a combination of filters (name, key, tag, and priority) intended to be paired with playSoundFile().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPausedVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseSounds(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- List all paused sounds for this profile associated with the API

-- List all paused sounds matching the rugby mp3 name
getPausedSounds({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})

-- List the paused sound matching the unique key of "rugby"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

getPausedVideos, PR #7721 closed

getPausedVideos(settings table)
List all paused videos (no filter), or playing videos that meets a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playVideoFile().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedSounds(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPlayingVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseSounds(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- List all paused videos files for this profile associated with the API

-- List all paused videos matching the unique textinmotion key name
getPausedVideos({name = "textinmotion"})

-- List all paused videos matching the textinmotion mp4 name
getPausedVideos({name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})

-- List all paused videos matching the unique key of "textinmotion"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "textinmotion" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

getPlayingVideos, PR #7721 closed

getPlayingVideos(settings table)
List all playing videos (no filter), or playing videos that meets a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playVideoFile().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedSounds(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseSounds(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- List all playing videos files for this profile associated with the API

-- List all playing videos matching the unique textinmotion key name
getPlayingVideos({name = "textinmotion"})

-- List all playing videos matching the textinmotion mp4 name
getPlayingVideos({name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})

-- List all playing videos matching the unique key of "textinmotion"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "textinmotion" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

pauseMusic, PR #7721 closed

pauseMusic(settings table)
Pause all music (no filter), or music that meet a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playMusicFile().
Required Key Value Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Pauses the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedSounds(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPausedVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseSounds(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Pause all playing music files for this profile associated with the API

-- Pause playing the music matching the rugby mp3 name
pauseMusic({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})

-- Pause playing the unique music identified as "rugby"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

pauseSounds, PR #7721 closed

pauseSounds(settings table)
Pause all sounds (no filter), or sounds that meet a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playSoundFile().
Required Key Value Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Pauses the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedSounds(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPausedVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseVideos(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Pause all playing sound files for this profile associated with the API

-- Pause all playing sounds matching the rugby mp3 name
getPlayingSounds({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})

-- Pause all playing sound matching the unique key of "rugby"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

pauseVideos, PR #7721 closed

pauseVideos(settings table)
Pause all videos (no filter), or videos that meet a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playVideoFile().
Required Key Value Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Pauses the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: getPausedMusic(), getPausedSounds(), getPausedVideos(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), getPausedVideos(), loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), loadVideoFile(), pauseMusic(), pauseSounds(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), playVideoFile(), purgeMediaCache(), receiveMSP(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), stopVideos(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.??+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Pause all playing video files for this profile associated with the API

-- Pause playing the text mp4 by name
pauseVideos({name = "TextInMotion-VideoSample-1080p.mp4"})

-- Pause playing the unique video identified as "text"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "text" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

getCustomLoginTextId, PR #3952 open


Returns the Id number of the custom login text setting from the profile's preferences. Returns 0 if the option is disabled or a number greater than that for the item in the table; note it is possible if using an old saved profile in the future that the number might be higher than expected. As a design policy decision it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, this function is intended to allow a script or package to check that the setting is what it expects.

Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined doLogin() function, a replacement for which is shown below.

See also: getCharacterName(), sendCharacterName(), sendCustomLoginText(), sendPassword().

Note Note: Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952

Only one custom login text has been defined initially:

Predefined custom login texts
Id Custom text Introduced in Mudlet version
1 "connect {character name} {password}" TBD

The addition of further texts would be subject to negotiation with the Mudlet Makers.

-- A replacement for the default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
function doLogin()
  if getCustomLoginTextId() ~= 1 then
    -- We need this particular option but it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, it can only check what it is
    echo("\nUnable to login - please select the 'connect {character name} {password}` custom login option in the profile preferences.\n")
    tempTime(2.0, [[sendCustomLoginText()]], 1)

sendCharacterName, PR #3952 open


Sends the name entered into the "Character name" field on the Connection Preferences form directly to the game server. Returns true unless there is nothing set in that entry in which case a nil and an error message will be returned instead.

Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined doLogin() function that may be replaced for more sophisticated requirements.

See also: getCharacterName(), sendCharacterPassword(), sendCustomLoginText(), getCustomLoginTextId().

Note Note: Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952

sendCharacterPassword, PR #3952 open


Sends the password entered into the "Password" field on the Connection Preferences form directly to the game server. Returns true unless there is nothing set in that entry or it is too long after (or before) a connection was successfully made in which case a nil and an error message will be returned instead.

Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined doLogin() function, reproduced below, that may be replaced for more sophisticated requirements.

See also: getCharacterName(), sendCustomLoginText(), getCustomLoginTextId(), sendCharacterName().

Note Note: Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952

-- The default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
function doLogin()
  if getCharacterName() ~= "" then
    tempTime(2.0, [[sendCharacterName()]], 1)
    tempTime(3.0, [[sendCharacterPassword()]], 1)

sendCustomLoginText, PR #3952 open


Sends the custom login text (which does NOT depend on the user's choice of GUI language) selected in the preferences for this profile. The {password} (and {character name} if present) fields will be replaced with the values entered into the "Password" and "Character name" fields on the Connection Preferences form and then sent directly to the game server. Returns true unless there is nothing set in either of those entries (though only if required for the character name) or it is too long after (or before) a connection was successfully made or if the custom login feature is disabled, in which case a nil and an error message will be returned instead.

Introduced along with four other functions to enable game server log-in to be scripted with the simultaneous movement of that functionality from the Mudlet application core code to a predefined doLogin() function, a replacement for which is shown below.

See also: getCharacterName(), sendCharacterName(), sendPassword(), getCustomLoginTextId().

Note Note: Not available yet. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/3952

Only one custom login text has been defined initially:

Predefined custom login texts
Id Custom text Introduced in Mudlet version
1 "connect {character name} {password}" TBD

The addition of further texts would be subject to negotiation with the Mudlet Makers.

-- A replacement for the default function placed into LuaGlobal.lua to reproduce the previous behavior of the Mudlet application:
function doLogin()
  if getCustomLoginTextId() ~= 1 then
    -- We need this particular option but it is not permitted for a script to change the setting, it can only check what it is
    echo("\nUnable to login - please select the 'connect {character name} {password}` custom login option in the profile preferences.\n")
    tempTime(2.0, [[sendCustomLoginText()]], 1)

setConfig PR #7654

setConfig(option, value)
Sets a Mudlet option to a certain value. This comes in handy for scripts that want to customise Mudlet settings to their preferences - for example, setting up mapper room and exit size to one that works for a certain map, or enabling MSDP for a certain game. For transparency reasons, the Debug window (when open) will show which options were modified by scripts.
To set many options at once, pass in a table of options. More options will be added over time / per request.
See also
enableMapInfo(), disableMapInfo()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.16+
  • option:
Particular option to change - see list below for available ones.
  • value:
Value to set - can be a boolean, number, or text depending on the option.
General options
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
enableGMCP true Enable GMCP (Reconnect after changing) 4.16
enableMSDP false Enable MSDP (Reconnect after changing) 4.16
enableMSSP true Enable MSSP (Reconnect after changing) 4.16
enableMSP true Enable MSP (Reconnect after changing) 4.16
compactInputLine false Hide search, timestamp, other buttons and labels bottom-right of input line 4.17
Input line
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
inputLineStrictUnixEndings false Workaround option to use strict UNIX line endings for sending commands 4.16
Main display
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
fixUnnecessaryLinebreaks false Remove extra linebreaks from output (mostly for IRE servers) 4.16
Mapper options
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
mapRoomSize 5 Size of rooms on map (a good value is 5) 4.16
mapExitSize 10 Size of exits on map (a good value is 10) 4.16
mapRoundRooms false Draw rooms round or square 4.16
showRoomIdsOnMap false Show room IDs on all rooms (if zoom permits) 4.16
showMapInfo - Map overlay text ('Full', 'Short', or any custom made. Map can show multiple at once) 4.16
hideMapInfo - Map overlay text ('Full', 'Short', or any custom made. Hide each info separately to hide all) 4.16
show3dMapView false Show map as 3D 4.16
showUpperLowerLevels true Show rooms of +1/-1 level of current level 4.20
mapperPanelVisible true Map controls at the bottom 4.16
mapShowRoomBorders true Draw a thin border for every room 4.16
Special options
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
specialForceCompressionOff false Workaround option to disable MCCP compression, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.16
specialForceGAOff false Workaround option to disable Telnet Go-Ahead, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.16
specialForceCharsetNegotiationOff false Workaround option to disable automatically setting the correct encoding, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.16
specialForceMxpNegotiationOff false Workaround option to disable MXP, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.16
caretShortcut "none" For visually-impaired players - set the key to switch between input line and main window (can be "none", "tab", "ctrltab", "f6") 4.17
blankLinesBehaviour "show" For visually impaired players options for dealing with blank lines (can be "show", "hide", "replacewithspace") 4.17
  • true if successful, or nil+msg if the option doesn't exist. Setting mapper options requires the mapper being open first.
setConfig("mapRoomSize", 5)

setConfig({mapRoomSize = 6, mapExitSize = 12})

Mudlet Object Functions

A collection of functions that manipulate Mudlet's scripting objects - triggers, aliases, and so forth.

deleteAllNamedTriggers PR#7767

Deletes all named triggers and prevents them from matching. Information is deleted and cannot be retrieved.
See also
registerNamedTrigger(), stopNamedTrigger()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.20+
  • userName:
The user name the trigger was registered under.
deleteAllNamedTriggers("Zooka") -- emergency stop or debugging situation, most likely.

deleteNamedTrigger PR#7767

success = deleteNamedTrigger(userName, triggerName)
Deletes a named trigger with name triggerName and prevents it from matching any more. Information is deleted and cannot be retrieved.
See also
registerNamedTrigger(), stopNamedTrigger()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.20+
  • userName:
The user name the trigger was registered under.
  • triggerName:
The name of the trigger to stop. Same used as when you called registerNamedTrigger()
  • true if successful, false if it didn't exist
local deleted = deleteNamedTrigger("Zooka", "automatic drinking trigger")
if deleted then
  cecho("Drinking trigger deleted forever!")
  cecho("Drinking trigger doesn't exist and so could not be deleted.")

getNamedTriggers PR#7767

triggers = getNamedTriggers(userName)
Returns a list of all the named triggers names as a table.
See also
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.20+
  • userName:
The user name the triggers were registered under.
  • a table of trigger names. { "automatic drinking trigger", "autoheal trigger" } for example. {} if none are registered
  local triggers = getNamedTriggers("Zooka")
  -- {}
  registerNamedTriggers("Zooka", "Test1", "test string", "testFunction")
  triggers = getNamedTriggers("Zooka")
  -- { "Test1" }

registerNamedTrigger PR#7767

success = registerNamedTrigger(userName, triggerName, substring, functionReference, [expireAfter])
Registers a named substring trigger with name triggerName. Named triggers are protected from duplication and can be stopped and resumed, unlike normal tempTriggers. A separate list is kept for each userName, to enforce name spacing and avoid collisions
See also
tempTrigger(), stopNamedTrigger(), resumeNamedTrigger(), deleteNamedTrigger()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.20+
  • userName:
The user name the trigger was registered under.
  • triggerName:
The name of the trigger. Used to reference the trigger in other functions and prevent duplicates. Recommended to use descriptive names, "hp" is likely to collide with something else, "automatic drinking trigger" less so.
  • substring:
The substring text to match.
  • functionReference:
The function reference to run when the trigger matches. Can be the name of a function, "handlerFunction", or the lua function itself.
  • expireAfter:
(optional) Delete trigger after a specified number of matches
  • true if successful, otherwise errors.
-- establish a named trigger called "automatic drinking trigger" which sends 'drink canteen' when thirsty
registerNamedTrigger("Zooka", "automatic drinking trigger", "You are thirsty.", function() send("drink canteen") end)

resumeNamedTrigger PR#7767

success = resumeNamedTrigger(userName, triggerName)
Resumes a named trigger with name triggerName and allows it to match again.
See also
registerNamedTrigger(), stopNamedTrigger()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.20+
  • userName:
The user name the trigger was registered under.s
  • triggerName:
The name of the trigger to resume. Same as used when you called registerNamedTrigger()
  • true if successful, false if it didn't exist.
local resumed = resumeNamedTrigger("Zooka", "automatic drinking trigger")
if resumed then
  echo("Starting to automatically drink again.")
  echo("Drink trigger doesn't exist so cannot resume it.")

stopAllNamedTrigger PR#7767

Stops all named triggers for userName and prevents them from firing any more. Information is retained and triggers can be resumed.
See also
registerNamedTrigger(), stopNamedTrigger(), resumeNamedTrigger()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.20+
stopAllNamedTriggers("Zooka") -- emergency stop situation, most likely.

stopNamedTrigger PR#7767

success = stopNamedTrigger(userName, triggerName)
Stops a named trigger with name triggerName and prevents it from firing any more. Information is stored so it can be resumed later if desired.
See also
registerNamedTrigger(), resumeNamedTrigger()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.20+
  • userName:
The user name the event handler was registered under.
  • triggerName:
The name of the trigger to stop. Same as used when you called registerNamedTrigger()
  • true if successful, false if it didn't exist or was already stopped
local stopped = stopNamedTrigger("Zooka", "automatic drinking trigger")
if stopped then
  echo("No longer drinking automatically.")
  echo("Drinking trigger doesn't exist or already stopped; either way it won't fire any more.")

Networking Functions

A collection of functions for managing networking.

String Functions

These functions are used to manipulate strings.

Table Functions

These functions are used to manipulate tables. Through them you can add to tables, remove values, check if a value is present in the table, check the size of a table, and more.

Text to Speech Functions

These functions are used to create sound from written words. Check out our Text-To-Speech Manual for more detail on how this all works together.

UI Functions

These functions are used to construct custom user GUIs. They deal mainly with miniconsole/label/gauge creation and manipulation as well as displaying or formatting information on the screen.

insertPopup, revised in PR #6925

insertPopup([windowName], text, {commands}, {hints}[{, tool-tips}][, useCurrentFormatElseDefault])
Creates text with a left-clickable link, and a right-click menu for more options at the end of the current line, like echo. The added text, upon being left-clicked, will do the first command in the list. Upon being right-clicked, it'll display a menu with all possible commands. The menu will be populated with hints, one for each line; if a tool-tips table is not provided the same hints will also be listed one-per-line as a tool-tip but if a matching number of tool-tips are provided they will be concatenated to provide a tool-tip when the text is hovered over by the pointer - these tool-tips can be rich-text to produce information formatted with additional content in the same manner as labels.
  • windowName:
(optional) name of the window as a string to echo to. Use either main or omit for the main window, or the miniconsole's or user-window's name otherwise.
  • text:
the text string to display.
  • {commands}:
a table of lua code to do, in text strings or as functions (since Mudlet 4.11), i.e. {[[send("hello")]], function() echo("hi!") end}.
  • {hints}:
a table of strings which will be shown on the right-click menu (and popup if no {tool-tips} table is provided). If a particular position in both the commands and hints table are both the empty string "" but there is something in the tool-tips table, no entry for that position will be made in the context menu but the tool-tip can still display something which can include images or text.
  • {tool-tips}:
(optional) a table of possibly rich-text strings which will be shown on the popup if provided.
  • useCurrentFormatElseDefault:
(optional) a boolean value for using either the current formatting options (color, underline, italic and other effects) if true or the link default (blue underline) if false, if omitted the default format is used.

Note Note: Mudlet will distinguish between the optional tool-tips and the flag to switch between the standard link and the current text format by examining the type of the argument, as such this pair of arguments can be in either order.

-- Create some text as a clickable with a popup menu, a left click will ''send "sleep"'':
insertPopup("activities to do", {function() send "sleep" end, function() send "sit" end, function() send "stand" end}, {"sleep", "sit", "stand"})

-- alternatively, put commands as text (in [[ and ]] to use quotation marks inside)
insertPopup("activities to do", {[[send "sleep"]], [[send "sit"]], [[send "stand"]]}, {"sleep", "sit", "stand"})

-- one can also provide helpful information

-- todo: an example with rich-text in the tool-tips(s)

Discord Functions

All functions to customize the information Mudlet displays in Discord's rich presence interface. For an overview on how all of these functions tie in together, see our Discord scripting overview.

Mud Client Media Protocol

All GMCP functions to send sound and music events. For an overview on how all of these functions tie in together, see our MUD Client Media Protocol scripting overview.

Supported Protocols


New or revised events that Mudlet can raise to inform a profile about changes. See Mudlet-raised events for the existing ones.

sysLoadEvent, PR #7726

Raised after Mudlet is done loading the profile, after all of the scripts, packages, and modules are installed. Note that when it does so, it also compiles and runs all scripts - which could be a good idea to initialize everything at once, but beware - scripts are also run when saved. Hence, hooking only on the sysLoadEvent would prevent multiple re-loads as you’re editing the script.

In 4.20.0 an extra boolean argument was provided which indicates whether the event is from loading a new profile (true) or after a call of the resetProfile() function (false).

Note Note: pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/7726

sysMapWindowMousePressEvent, PR #6962

Raised when the mouse is left-clicked on the mapper window.

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet ?.??+

Note Note: pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/6962

sysSettingChanged, PR #7476

This event is raised when a Preferences or Mudlet setting has changed. The first argument contains the setting that was changed, further arguments detail the change.

Currently implemented sysSettingChanged events are;

  • "main window font" - raised when the main window/console font has changed via API or Preferences window. Returns two additional arguments, the font family and the font size. e.g. {"main window font", "Times New Roman", 12 }
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet ?.??+

Note Note: pending, not yet available. See https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/pull/7476