Manual:Lua Functions

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Function Categories

UI Functions: These functions are used to construct custom user GUIs. They deal mainly with miniconsole/label/gauge creation and manipulation. <lua>



Table Functions: These functions are used to manipulate tables. Through them you can add to tables, remove values, check if a value is present in the table, check the size of a table, and more.

String Functions

Scripting Object Functions

Mapper Functions

Miscellaneous Functions

UI Functions

These functions are used to create, resize, print to, or otherwise manipulate UI elements such as Labels, MiniConsoles, Gauges, et al


Pastes the previously copied rich text (including text formats like color etc.) into user window name.
See also: paste
  • name:
The name of the user window to paste into. Passed as a string.

<lua> --selects and copies an entire line to user window named "Chat" selectCurrentLine() copy() appendBuffer("Chat") </lua>


Changes the background color of the text. Useful for highlighting text.
See Also: fg, setBgColor
  • colorName:
The name of the color to set the background to. Color Table

<lua> --This would change the background color of the text on the current line to magenta selectCurrentLine() bg("magenta") </lua>


Used to calculate the number of pixels wide and high a character would be on a mini console at fontSize.
Returns two numbers, width/height
See Also: setMiniConsoleFontSize, getMainWindowSize
  • fontSize:
The font size you are wanting to calculate pixel sizes for. Passed as an integer number.

<lua> --this snippet will calculate how wide and tall a miniconsole designed to hold 4 lines of text 20 characters wide --would need to be at 9 point font, and then changes miniconsole Chat to be that size local width,height = calcFontSize(9) width = width * 20 height = height * 4 resizeWindow("Chat", width, height) </lua>


Clears the window or miniconsole with the name given as argument.
  • name:
The name of the user window to clear. Passed as a string.

Examples <lua> --This would clear a label, user window, or miniconsole with the name "Chat" clearUserWindow("Chat") </lua>


Clears the window or miniconsole with the name given as argument.
See also: clearUserWindow
  • name:
The name of the user window to clear. Passed as a string.

Examples <lua> --This would clear a label, user window, or miniconsole with the name "Chat" clearWindow("Chat") </lua>


Creates a named buffer for formatted text, much like a miniconsole, but the buffer cannot be shown on the screen. Intended for temporary use in the formatting of text.
  • name:
The name of the buffer to create.

Examples <lua> --This creates a named buffer called "scratchpad" createBuffer("scratchpad") </lua>


createConsole(consoleName, fontSize, charsPerLine, numberOfLines, Xpos, Ypos)
Makes a new miniconsole. The background will be black, and the text color white.
  • consoleName:
The name of your new miniconsole. Passed as a string.
  • fontSize:
The font size to use for the miniconsole. Passed as an integer number.
  • charsPerLine:
How many characters wide to make the miniconsole. Passed as an integer number.
  • numberOfLines:
How many lines high to make the miniconsole. Passed as an integer number.
  • Xpos:
X position of miniconsole. Measured in pixels, with 0 being the very left. Passed as an integer number.
  • Ypos:
Y position of miniconsole. Measured in pixels, with 0 being the very top. Passed as an integer number.

Examples <lua> -- this will create a console with the name of "myConsoleWindow", font size 8, 80 characters wide, -- 20 lines high, at coordinates 300x,400y createConsole("myConsoleWindow", 8, 80, 20, 200, 400) </lua>


createGauge(name, width, Xpos, Ypos, gaugeText, r, g, b)
createGauge(name, width, Xpos, Ypos, gaugeText, colorName)
Creates a gauge that you can use to express completion with. For example, you can use this as your healthbar or xpbar.
See also: moveGauge, setGauge, setGaugeText
  • name:
The name of the gauge. Must be unique, you can not have two or more gauges with the same name. Passed as a string.
  • width:
The width of the gauge, in pixels. Passed as an integer number.
  • height:
The height of the gauge, in pixels. Passed as an integer number.
  • Xpos:
X position of gauge. Measured in pixels, with 0 being the very left. Passed as an integer number.
  • Ypos:
Y position of gauge. Measured in pixels, with 0 being the very top. Passed as an integer number.
  • gaugeText:
Text to display on the gauge. Passed as a string, unless you do not wish to have any text, in which case you pass nil
  • r:
The red component of the gauge color. Passed as an integer number from 0 to 255
  • g:
The green component of the gauge color. Passed as an integer number from 0 to 255
  • b:
The blue component of the gauge color. Passed as an integer number from 0 to 255
  • colorName:
the name of color for the gauge. Passed as a string.

Examples <lua> -- This would make a gauge at that's 300px width, 20px in height, located at Xpos and Ypos and is green. -- The second example is using the same names you'd use for something like fg() or bg(). createGauge("healthBar", 300, 20, 30, 300, nil, 0, 255, 0) createGauge("healthBar", 300, 20, 30, 300, nil, "green")

-- If you wish to have some text on your label, you'll change the nil part and make it look like this: createGauge("healthBar", 300, 20, 30, 300, "Now with some text", 0, 255, 0) -- or createGauge("healthBar", 300, 20, 30, 300, "Now with some text", "green") </lua>


createLabel(name, Xpos, Ypos, width, height, fillBackground)
Creates a highly manipulable overlay which can take some css and html code for text formatting. Labels are clickable, and as such can be used as a sort of button. Labels are meant for small variable or prompt displays, messages, images, and the like. You should not use them for larger text displays or things which will be updated rapidly and in high volume, as they are much slower than miniconsoles.
Returns true or false.
See also: hideWindow, showWindow, resizeWindow, setLabelClickCallback, setTextFormat, setTextFormat, setMiniConsoleFontSize, setBackgroundColor, getMainWindowSize, calcFontSize
  • name:
The name of the label. Must be unique, you can not have two or more labels with the same name. Passed as a string.
  • Xpos:
X position of the label. Measured in pixels, with 0 being the very left. Passed as an integer number.
  • Ypos:
Y position of the label. Measured in pixels, with 0 being the very top. Passed as an integer number.
  • width:
The width of the label, in pixels. Passed as an integer number.
  • height:
The height of the label, in pixels. Passed as an integer number.
  • fillBackground:
Whether or not to display the background. Passed as either 1 or 0. 1 will display the background color, 0 will not.

Examples <lua> --This example creates a transparent overlay message box to show a big warning message "You are under attack!" in the middle --of the screen. Because the background color has a transparency level of 150 (0-255, with 0 being completely transparent --and 255 non-transparent) the background text can still be read through. The message box will disappear after 2.3 seconds. local width, height = getMainWindowSize(); createLabel("messageBox",(width/2)-300,(height/2)-100,250,150,1); resizeWindow("messageBox",500,70); moveWindow("messageBox", (width/2)-300,(height/2)-100 ); setBackgroundColor("messageBox", 150,100,100,200);

echo("messageBox", [[

You are under attack!

]] );

showWindow("messageBox"); tempTimer(2.3, hideWindow("messageBox") ) -- close the warning message box after 2.3 seconds </lua>


createMiniConsole(name, posX, posY, width, height)
Opens a miniconsole window inside the main window of Mudlet. This is the ideal fast colored text display for everything that requires a bit more text, such as status screens, chat windows, etc.
Returns true or false.
See also: createLabel, hideWindow, showWindow, resizeWindow, setTextFormat, moveWindow, setMiniConsoleFontSize, handleWindowResizeEvent, setBorderTop, setWindowWrap, getMainWindowSize, calcFontSize
  • name:
The name of the miniconsole. Must be unique, you can not have two or more miniconsoles with the same name. Passed as a string.
  • Xpos:
X position of the miniconsole. Measured in pixels, with 0 being the very left. Passed as an integer number.
  • Ypos:
Y position of the miniconsole. Measured in pixels, with 0 being the very top. Passed as an integer number.
  • width:
The width of the miniconsole, in pixels. Passed as an integer number.
  • height:
The height of the miniconsole, in pixels. Passed as an integer number.

Examples <lua> --This script would create a mini text console called "sys" and write with yellow foreground color and blue background color --"Hello World".

-- set up the small system message window in the top right corner -- determine the size of your screen WindowWidth = 0; WindowHeight = 0; WindowWidth, WindowHeight = getMainWindowSize();

createMiniConsole("sys",WindowWidth-650,0,650,300) setBackgroundColor("sys",85,55,0,255) setMiniConsoleFontSize("sys", 8) -- wrap lines in window "sys" at 40 characters per line setWindowWrap("sys", 40) -- set default font colors and font style for window "sys" setTextFormat("sys",0,35,255,50,50,50,0,0,0)

echo("sys","Hello world!") </lua>


Deletes the current line under the user cursor. This is a high speed gagging tool and is very good at this task, but is only meant to be use when a line should be omitted entirely in the output. If you echo() to that line it will not be shown, and lines deleted with deleteLine() are simply no longer rendered. For replacing text, replace() is the proper option.
See Also: replace, wrapLine
No Parameters

<lua> --This example creates a temporary line trigger to test if the next line is a prompt, and if so gags it entirely. --This can be useful for keeping a pile of prompts from forming if you're gagging chat channels in the main window --Note: isPrompt() only works on servers which send a GA signal with their prompt. tempLineTrigger(1, 1, if isPrompt() then deleteLine() end) </lua>


This is used to clear the current selection (to no longer have anything selected). Should be used after changing the formatting of text, to keep from accidentally changing the text again later with another formatting call.
  • name:
The name of the buffer/miniConsole to stop having anything selected in. This is an optional argument, if name is not provided the main window will have its selection cleared. Passed as a string.

<lua> --This will change the background on an entire line in the main window to red, and then properly clear the selection to keep further --changes from effecting this line as well. selectCurrentLine() bg("red") deselect() </lua>


If used on a selection, sets the foreground color to colorName - otherwise, it will set the color of the next text-inserting calls (echo(), insertText, echoLink(), and others)
See Also: bg, setBgColor
  • colorName:
The name of the color to set the foreground to - list of possible names: Color Table

<lua> --This would change the color of the text on the current line to green selectCurrentLine() fg("green") resetFormat()

--This will echo red, green, blue in their respective colors fg("red") echo("red ") fg("green") echo("green ") fg("blue") echo("blue ") resetFormat() </lua>


Returns two numbers, the width and height in pixels.
No Parameters

<lua> --this will get the size of your main mudlet window and save them --into the variables mainHeight and mainWidth mainWidth, mainHeight = getMainWindowSize() </lua>


Resets the colour/bold/italics formatting. Always use this function when done adjusting formatting, so make sure what you've set doesn't 'bleed' onto other triggers/aliases.

<lua> -- select and set the 'Tommy' to red in the line selectString("Tommy", 1) fg("red")

-- now reset the formatting, so our echo isn't red resetFormat() echo(" Hi Tommy!")

-- another example: just highlighting some words for _, word in ipairs{"he", "she", "her", "their"} do

 if selectString(word, 1) ~= -1 then

end resetFormat() </lua>


Allows you to set the Qt stylesheet for Mudlet itself, customizing how it looks on your platform. See the stylesheet syntax on how to use it, along with the stylesheet reference to see what CSS elements can be used on which Qt widgets. You may also might want to take a peek at stylesheet examples.

This is not a perfect example. It will change the settings windows, and triggers/aliases/scripts/etc window to silver, but certain section positions will be moved. Test this out on a blank profile to see how it changes. <lua> setAppStyleSheet([[ QGroupBox {

    background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1,
                                      stop: 0 #E0E0E0, stop: 1 #FFFFFF);
    border: 2px solid gray;
    border-radius: 5px;
    margin-top: 1ex; /* leave space at the top for the title */
QGroupBox::title {
    subcontrol-origin: margin;
    subcontrol-position: top center; /* position at the top center */
    padding: 0 3px;
    background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1,
                                      stop: 0 #FFOECE, stop: 1 #FFFFFF);


Added in Mudlet 2.0-rc5

Table Functions
























String Functions




string.cut(string, maxLen)
Cuts string to the specified maximum length.
Returns the modified string.
  • string:
The text you wish to cut. Passed as a string.
  • maxLen
The maximum length you wish the string to be. Passed as an integer number.

<lua> --The following call will return 'abc' and store it in myString mystring = string.cut("abcde", 3) --You can easily pad string to certain length. Example below will print 'abcde ' e.g. pad/cut string to 10 characters. local s = "abcde" s = string.cut(s .. " ", 10) -- append 10 spaces echo("'" .. s .. "'") </lua>



Wraps a string with [[ ]]
Returns the altered string.
  • String: The string to enclose. Passed as a string.

<lua> --This will echo 'Oh noes!' to the main window echo("'" .. string.enclose("Oh noes!") .. "'") </lua>


string.ends(String, Suffix)
Test if string is ending with specified suffix.
Returns true or false.
See also: string.starts
  • String:
The string to test. Passed as a string.
  • Suffix:
The suffix to test for. Passed as a string.

<lua> --This will test if the incoming line ends with "in bed" and if not will add it to the end. if not string.ends(line, "in bed") then

 echo("in bed\n")

end </lua>



string.findPattern(text, pattern) Return first matching substring or nil.



Usage: Following example will print: "I did find: Troll" string. <lua>

   local match = string.findPattern("Troll is here!", "Troll")
   if match then
   echo("I did find: " .. match)

</lua> This example will find substring regardless of case.

   local match = string.findPattern("Troll is here!", string.genNocasePattern("troll"))
   if match then
   echo("I did find: " .. match)

Return value:

   nil or first matching substring 

See also:





Generate case insensitive search pattern from string.



Usage: Following example will generate and print "123[aA][bB][cC]" string.


Return value:

  case insensitive pattern string 










string.split(String, delimiter)
Splits a string into a table by the given delimiter. Can be called against a string (or variable holding a string) using the second form above.
Returns a table containing the split sections of the string.
  • String:
The string to split. Parameter is not needed if using second form of the syntax above. Passed as a string.
  • delimiter:
The delimiter to use when splitting the string. Passed as a string.

<lua> -- This will split the string by ", " delimiter and print the resulting table to the main window. names = "Alice, Bob, Peter" name_table = string.split(names, ", ") display(name_table)

--The alternate method names = "Alice, Bob, Peter" name_table = names:split(", ") display(name_table) </lua>

Either method above will print out:

   table {
   1: 'Alice'
   2: 'Bob'
   3: 'Peter'


string.starts(String, Prefix)
Test if string is starting with specified prefix.
Returns true or false
See also: string.ends
  • String:
The string to test. Passed as a string.
  • Prefix:
The prefix to test for. Passed as a string.

<lua> --The following will see if the line begins with "You" and if so will print a statement at the end of the line if string.starts(line, "You") then

 echo("====oh you====\n")

end </lua>



Capitalizes the first character in a string.
Returns the altered string.
  • String
The string to modify. Not needed if you use the second form of the syntax above.

<lua> --Variable testname is now Anna. testname = string.title("anna") --Example will set test to "Bob". test = "bob" test = test:title() </lua>


Trims String, removing all 'extra' white space at the beginning and end of the text.
Returns the altered string.
  • String:
The string to trim. Passed as a string.

<lua> --This will print 'Troll is here!', without the extra spaces. local str = string.trim(" Troll is here! ") echo("'" .. str .. "'") </lua>


Mudlet Object Functions


tempTimer(time, code to do)

Creates a temporary single shot timer and returns the timer ID for subsequent enableTimer(), disableTimer() and killTimer() calls. You can use 2.3 seconds or 0.45 etc. After it has fired, the timer will be deactivated and killed.

  • time: the time in seconds for which to set the timer for
  • code to do: the code to do when the timer is up - wrap it in [[ ]], or provide a Lua function

<lua> -- wait half a second and then run the command tempTimer( 0.5, send("kill monster") )

-- or an another example - two ways to 'embed' variable in a code for later: local name = matches[2] tempTimer(2, send("hello,!")) -- or: tempTimer(2, function()

 send("hello, "

end) </lua>


[[ ]] can be used to quote strings in Lua. The difference to the usual `" " quote syntax is that `[[ ]] also accepts the character ". Consequently, you don’t have to escape the " character in the above script. The other advantage is that it can be used as a multiline quote, so your script can span several lines. Also note that the Lua code that you provide as an argument is compiled from a string value when the timer fires. This means that if you want to pass any parameters by value e.g. you want to make a function call that uses the value of your variable myGold as a parameter you have to do things like this:

<lua> tempTimer( 3.8, echo("at the time of the tempTimer call I had .. myGold .. gold.") ) tempTimer also accepts functions (and thus closures) - which can be an easier way to embed variables and make the code for timers look less messy:

local variable = matches[2] tempTimer(3, function () send("hello, " .. variable) end) </lua>

Mapper Functions

These are functions that are to be used with the Mudlet Mapper. The mapper is designed to be MUD-generic - it only provides the display and pathway calculations, to be used in Lua scripts that are tailored to the MUD you're playing. For a collection of pre-made scripts and general mapper talk, visit the[mapper section] of the forums.

To register a script as a mapping one with Mudlet (so Mudlet knows the profile has one and won't bother the user when they open the map), please do this in your script:

<lua> mudlet = mudlet or {}; mudlet.mapper_script = true </lua>



Creates a new room with the given ID, returns true if the room was successfully created.

<lua> local newroomid = createRoomID() addRoom(newroomid) </lua>


centerview (room number)

Centers the map view onto the given room ID. The map must be open to see this take effect. This function can also be used to see the map of an area if you know the number of a room there and the area and room are mapped.


createMapper(x, y, width, height)

Creates a miniconsole window for mapper to render in, the with the given dimensions. You can only create one at a time at the moment.

<lua> createMapper(0,0,300,300) -- creates a 300x300 mapper top-right of Mudlet setBorderLeft(305) -- adds a border so text doesn't underlap the mapper display </lua>


getAreaRooms(area id)

Returns an indexed table with all rooms IDs for a given area ID (room IDs are values)

<lua> -- using the sample findAreaID() function defined in the getAreaTable() example, -- we'll define a function that echo's us a nice list of all rooms in an area with their ID function echoRoomList(areaname)

 local id, msg = findAreaID(areaname)
 if id then
   local roomlist, endresult = getAreaRooms(id), {}
   -- obtain a room list for each of the room IDs we got
   for _, id in ipairs(roomlist) do
     endresult[id] = getRoomName(id)
   -- now display something half-decent looking
     "List of all rooms in %s (%d):\n", msg, table.size(endresult)))
   for roomid, roomname in pairs(endresult) do
       "%6s: %s\n", roomid, roomname))
 elseif not id and msg then
   echo("ID not found; " .. msg)
   echo("No areas matched the query.")

end </lua>



Returns a key(area name)-value(area id) table with all known areas and their IDs. There is an area with the name of and an ID of 0 included in it, you should ignore that.

<lua> -- example function that returns the area ID for a given area

function findAreaID(areaname)

 local list = getAreaTable()
 -- iterate over the list of areas, matching them with substring match. 
 -- if we get match a single area, then return it's ID, otherwise return
 -- 'false' and a message that there are than one are matches
 local returnid, fullareaname
 for area, id in pairs(list) do
   if area:find(areaname, 1, true) then
     if returnid then return false, "more than one area matches" end
     returnid = id; fullareaname = area
 return returnid, fullareaname


-- sample use: local id, msg = findAreaID("blahblah") if id then

 echo("Found a matching ID: " .. id")

elseif not id and msg then

 echo("ID not found; " .. msg)


 echo("No areas matched the query.")

end </lua>


getPath(roomID from, roomID to)

Returns a boolean true/false if a path between two room IDs is possible. If it is, the global `speedWalkPath` table is set to all of the directions that have to be taken to get there, and the global `speedWalkDir` table is set to all of the roomIDs you'll encounter on the way.

<lua> -- check if we can go to a room - if yes, go to it if getPath(34,155) then



 echo("\nCan't go there!")

end </lua>


x,y,z = getRoomCoordinates(room ID)

Returns the room coordinates of the given room ID.

<lua> local x,y,z = getRoomCoordinates(roomID) echo("Room Coordinates for "..roomID..":") echo("\n X:"..x) echo("\n Y:"..y) echo("\n Z:"..z) </lua>


getRoomExits (roomID) Returns the currently known non-special exits for a room in an key-index form: exit = exitroomid, ie:

<lua> table {

 'northwest': 80
 'east': 78

} </lua>


gotoRoom (roomID) Speedwalks you to the given room from your current room if it is able and knows the way. You must turn the map on for this to work, else it will return "(mapper): Don't know how to get there from here :(".


lockRoom (roomID, lock = true/false)

Locks a given room id from future speed walks (-> never enter that room).

<lua> lockRoom(1, true) -- locks a room if from being walked through when speedwalking. lockRoom(1, false) -- unlocks the room, adding it back to possible rooms that can be walked through. </lua>



Returns a boolean true/false depending if the room with that ID exists (is created) or not.


searchRoom (room name)

Searches for rooms that match (by case-insensitive, substring match) the given room name. It returns a key-value table in form of roomid = roomname, like so:

<lua> display(searchRoom("master"))

--[[ would result in: table {

 17463: 'in the branches of the Master Ravenwood'
 3652: 'master bedroom'
 10361: 'Hall of Cultural Masterpieces'
 6324: 'Exhibit of the Techniques of the Master Artisans'
 5340: 'office of the Guildmaster'
 19067: 'the master's gallery'
 21546: 'the Grand Master's Chambers'
 6592: 'hall before the Master Chambers'
 4395: 'customs Office and Harbourmaster's'
 18978: 'the master's salon'
 1622: 'before the office of the harbourmaster'
 18869: 'Master's gallery and reception suite'
 14456: 'north of the Master Gear'
 14624: 'beastmaster's hangout'
 9078: 'chambers of the Master of the Bloodhunt'
 6593: 'Master Quettle's Chambers'
 10210: 'the chambers of Master Blasterson'
 14465: 'south of the Master Gear'
 5341: 'the chamber of the Guildmaster'
 7712: 'central hall in the beastmaster apartments'
 2004: 'office of the guildmaster'
 14457: 'the Master Gear'
 1337: 'before the Master Ravenwood Tree'

} ]]</lua>

If no rooms are found, then an empty table is returned.


setExit(from roomID, to roomID, direction)

Creates a one-way exit from one room to another using a standard direction - which can be either one of n, ne, nw, e, w, s, se, sw, u, d, in, out.

Returns false if the exit creation didn't work.

<lua> -- alias pattern: ^exit (\d+) (\w+)$

if setExit(mmp.currentroom, tonumber(matches[2]),matches[3]) then echo("\nExit set to room:"..matches[2]..", Direction:"..string.upper(matches[3])) centerview(mmp.currentroom) else mmp.echo("Failed to set the exit.") end </lua>

This function can also delete exits from a room if you use it like so: setExit(from roomID, -1, direction)

Which will delete an outgoing exit in the specified direction from a room.

<lua> -- locate the room on the other end, so we can unlink it from there as well if necessary local otherroom if getRoomExits(getRoomExits(mmp.currentroom)[dir])[mmp.ranytolong(dir)] then

 otherroom = getRoomExits(mmp.currentroom)[dir]


if setExit(mmp.currentroom, -1, dir) then

 if otherroom then
   if setExit(otherroom, -1, mmp.ranytolong(dir)) then
     mmp.echo(string.format("Deleted the %s exit from %s (%d).",
       dir, getRoomName(mmp.currentroom), mmp.currentroom))
    else mmp.echo("Couldn't delete the incoming exit.") end
   mmp.echo(string.format("Deleted the one-way %s exit from %s (%d).",
     dir, getRoomName(mmp.currentroom), mmp.currentroom))


 mmp.echo("Couldn't delete the outgoing exit.")

end </lua>


setGridMode(area, true/false)

Enables grid/wilderness view mode for an area - this will cause the rooms to lose their visible exit connections, like you'd see on compressed ASCII maps, both in 2D and 3D view mode.

<lua> setGridMode(55,true) -- set area with ID 55 to be in grid mode </lua>


setRoomCoordinates(roomID, x, y, z)

Sets the given room ID to be at the following coordinates visually on the map, where z is the up/down level.

0,0,0 is the center of the map.

<lua> -- alias pattern: ^set rc (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+)$ local x,y,z = getRoomCoordinates(previousRoomID) local dir = matches[2]

if dir == "n" then y = y+1 elseif dir == "ne" then y = y+1 x = x+1 elseif dir == "e" then x = x+1 elseif dir == "se" then y = y-1 x = x+1 elseif dir == "s" then y = y-1 elseif dir == "sw" then y = y-1 x = x-1 elseif dir == "w" then x = x-1 elseif dir == "nw" then y = y+1 x = x-1 elseif dir == "u" or dir == "up" then z = z+1 elseif dir == "down" then z = z-1 end setRoomCoordinates(roomID,x,y,z) centerview(roomID) </lua>

You can make them relative as well:

<lua> -- alias pattern: ^src (\w+)$

local x,y,z = getRoomCoordinates(previousRoomID) local dir = matches[2]

if dir == "n" then y = y+1 elseif dir == "ne" then y = y+1 x = x+1 elseif dir == "e" then x = x+1 elseif dir == "se" then y = y-1 x = x+1 elseif dir == "s" then y = y-1 elseif dir == "sw" then y = y-1 x = x-1 elseif dir == "w" then x = x-1 elseif dir == "nw" then y = y+1 x = x-1 elseif dir == "u" or dir == "up" then z = z+1 elseif dir == "down" then z = z-1 end setRoomCoordinates(roomID,x,y,z) centerview(roomID) </lua>


setRoomWeight(roomID, weight) Sets a weight to the given roomID. By default, all rooms have a weight of 0 - the higher the weight is, the more likely the room is to be avoided for pathfinding. For example, if travelling across water rooms takes more time than land ones - then you'd want to assign a weight to all water rooms, so they'd be avoided if there are possible land pathways.

<lua> setRoomWeight(1532, 1) -- avoid using this room if possible, but don't completely ignore it </lua>

To completely avoid a room, make use of lockRoom().

Miscellaneous Functions


t = spawn(read function, process to spawn)
Spawns a process and opens a communicatable link with it - read function is the function you'd like to use for reading output from the process, and t is a table containing functions specific to this connection - send(data), true/false = isRunning(), and close().

<lua> -- simple example on a program that quits right away, but prints whatever it gets using the 'display' function local f = spawn(display, "ls") display(f.isRunning()) f.close() </lua>


downloadFile(saveto, url)
Downloads the resource at the given url into the saveto location on disk. This does not pause the script until the file is downloaded - instead, it lets it continue right away and downloads in the background. When a download is finished, the sysDownloadDone event is raised (with the saveto location as the argument), or when a download fails, the sysDownloadError event is raised with the reason for failure. You may call downloadFile multiple times and have multiple downloads going on at once - but they aren’t guaranteed to be downloaded in the same order that you started them in.
Requires Mudlet 2.0+

<lua> -- this example will check the Imperian homepage to see how many players are on right now

-- in an alias, download the Imperian homepage for stats processing downloadFile(getMudletHomeDir().."/page.html", "")

-- then create a new script with the name of downloaded_file, add the event handler -- for sysDownloadDone, and use this to parse the webpage and display the amount function downloaded_file(_, filename)

 -- is the file that downloaded ours?
 if not filename:match("page", 1, true) then return end
 -- parse our ownloaded file for the player count
 local s ="*all")
 local pc = s:match([[<a href='players.php%?search=who'>(%d+)</a>]])
 display("Imperian has "..tostring(pc).." players on right now.")

end </lua>


sendIrc(channel, message)
Sends a message to an IRC channel or person. You must have the IRC window open, and if speaking to a channel, be joined in that channel. IRC currently only works on the freenode network and password-protected channels aren't supported.
  • channel:
The channel to send the message to. Can be #<channelname> to send to a channel, or <person name> to send to a person. Passed as a string.
  • message:
The message to send. Passed as a string.

<lua> --This would send "hello from Mudlet!" to the channel #mudlet on sendIrc("#mudlet", "hello from Mudlet!") --This would send "identify password" in a private message to Nickserv on sendIrc("Nickserv", "identify password") </lua>


shows the named colors currently available in Mudlet's color table.
See Also: bg, fg, cecho
  • columns:
Number of columns to print the color table in. Passed as an integer number.

<lua> showColors(4) </lua> The output for this is:
