Ansi escape code

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Note Note: Technical description for game administrators

If you are using Bold to select the second set of 8 of 16 colours - you should set the BoldIsBright option in Mudlet Preferences and include the 1 for bold in the SAME ANSI Esc SGR sequence (i.e. one with <ESC>[ at the begining and m at the end) as the one that selects 30 to 37 for a bright foreground, if you want to use one of those colours for the background you should do it in a separate sequence to one that sets the foreground (and in include the 1 in the SAME sequence as the 40 to 48). If you want to use bold or faint (or bold AND faint together) then they should be in a separate sequence from any with the 30 to 37 or 40 to 47 values.

If the MUD uses any other number of colours or mode to select them - including the "aixterm" 90-97 or 100 to 107 codes then leave the "BoldIsBright" option disabled and then the bold (and faint) codes can be used even in the same ANSI Esc SGR sequence for bold or faint text effects.

The first four images in Github PR#7280 (comment) shows how the groups now affects the colour/font effects.

See also: Wikipedia ANSI escape code