Manual:Basic Essentials

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Basic Essentials

These functions are generic functions used in normal scripting. These deal with mainly everyday things, like sending stuff and echoing to the screen.


send( command, show on screen )
This sends "command" directly to the network layer, skipping the alias matching. The optional second argument of type boolean (print) determines if the outgoing command is to be echoed on the screen.

See also: sendAll()

Note Note: If you want your command to be checked as if it's an alias, use expandAlias() instead - send() will ignore them.

<lua> send( "Hello Jane" ) --echos the command on the screen send( "Hello Jane", true ) --echos the command on the screen send( "Hello Jane", false ) --does not echo the command on the screen

-- use a variable in the send: send("kick " </lua>


echo( windowName, text )
This function appends text at the end of the current line. The current cursor position is ignored. Use moveCursor() and insertText() if you want to print at a different cursor position.
If you'd like to write to a miniconsole instead of the main window, provide its name as the first argument.

Note Note: You can use \n in an echo to insert a new line.

Examples: <lua> echo( "Hello world\n" ) -- writes "Hello world" to the main screen. echo( "info", "Hello this is the info window" ) -- writes text to the mini console named "info" if such a window exists </lua>