Manual:Screen Readers

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What Is A Screen Reader

The term, "Screen reader", refers to a piece of software on a computing device that is capable of examining the screen of the device and relaying that information to someone who is blind or visually impaired through the use of synthetic speech or Braille. Screen readers exist on desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and even gaming consoles.

Screen reader agnostic tips

Trigger Tips

In Mudlet, triggers can have a parent/child relationship. But for those new to creating triggers, this may not be what you want. At this time, this relationship is not indicated by screen readers. To ensure that you are not creating a child trigger, simply arrow up to the top of the list. You'll hear the announcement, "Triggers". When you do so, and you click the, "Add Item button, you are guaranteed to create a trigger that is not grouped under one of your previous ones.

Screen Reader and Operating System Specific Information

The pages linked below will serve to detail how to use Mudlet with a screen reader. As Mudlet is a cross-platform client, hints and tips to get the most out of using it will be given for each of the platforms it's available on.