Update lua function list

From Mudlet
Revision as of 21:19, 8 February 2022 by Vadi (talk | contribs)
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Lua function list for Mudlet's autocompletion is updated automatically every Friday. If you'd like to update it by hand, select Run workflow how to run it.

By hand

This will download the list of all lua functions from Mudlet wiki and prepare it for usage in Mudlet's autocomplete functionality

  • Get the script - download from dicenes scraping script
  • Paste the script - Create a new Mudlet script called "scapeit", paste the contents in there, and activate
  • Run the script - write in Mudlet's main input line: lua scrapeit()
  • Wait for Mudlet to complete - Script will download data from Wiki and run the scraper on it
  • Get the results - There will be a new user window, also a new file was created in Mudlet's config dir (you can find it by running "lua getMudletHomeDir()" and remove the parts beginning with "/profiles/" - Both will have the same contents. Select all and copy to clipboard
  • Prettify the results - We use a website for this and recommend http://novicelab.org/jsonabc/ - Preferrably it will also sort the results alphabetically, so they are easier to compare with past versions in revision control.
  • Save the results - Copy & paste the prettified json back into the lua-function-list.json file mentioned above or save it elsewhere.
  • Include the results - Create a new PR for Mudlet to include this in /src/lua-function-list.json in the next release version