Manual:Miscellaneous Functions

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Miscellaneous Functions


Adds file watch on directory or file. Every change in that file (or directory) will raise sysPathChanged event.
See also: removeFileWatch()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.12+
herbs = {}
local herbsPath = getMudletHomeDir() .. "/herbs.lua"
function herbsChangedHandler(_, path)
  if path == herbsPath then
    table.load(herbsPath, herbs)

registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysPathChanged", "herbsChangedHandler")


Adds a telnet option, which when queried by a game server, Mudlet will return DO (253) on. Use this to register the telnet option that you will be adding support for with Mudlet - see additional protocols section for more.
<event handlers that add support for MSDP... see for an example>

-- register with Mudlet that it should not decline the request of MSDP support
local TN_MSDP = 69


alerts the user to something happening - makes Mudlet flash in the Windows window bar, bounce in the macOS dock, or flash on Linux.
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.2+
  • seconds:
(optional) number of seconds to have the alert for. If not provided, Mudlet will flash until the user opens Mudlet again.
-- flash indefinitely until Mudlet is open

-- flash for just 3 seconds


Like feedTriggers, but you can add color information using color names, similar to cecho.
  • text: The string to feed to the trigger engine. Include colors by name as black,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan,white and light_* versions of same. You can also use a number to get the ansi color corresponding to that number.
See also: feedTriggers
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.10+
cfeedTriggers("<green:red>green on red<r> reset <124:100> foreground of ANSI124 and background of ANSI100<r>\n")


Closes Mudlet and all profiles immediately.
See also: saveProfile()

Note Note: Use with care. This potentially lead to data loss, if "save on close" is not activated and the user didn't save the profile manually as this will NOT ask for confirmation nor will the profile be saved. Also it does not consider if there are other profiles open if multi-playing: they all will be closed!

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.1+


Deletes all named event handlers for userName and prevents them from firing any more. Information is deleted and cannot be retrieved.
See also
registerNamedEventHandler(), stopNamedEventHandler()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.14+
  • userName:
The user name the event handler was registered under.
deleteAllNamedEventHandlers("Demonnic") -- emergency stop or debugging situation, most likely.


success = deleteNamedEventHandler(userName, handlerName)
Deletes a named event handler with name handlerName and prevents it from firing any more. Information is deleted and cannot be retrieved.
See also
registerNamedEventHandler(), stopNamedEventHandler()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.14+
  • userName:
The user name the event handler was registered under.
  • handlerName:
The name of the handler to stop. Same as used when you called registerNamedEventHandler()
  • true if successful, false if it didn't exist
local deleted = deleteNamedEventHandler("Demonnic", "Vitals")
if deleted then
  cecho("Vitals deleted forever!!")
  cecho("Vitals doesn't exist and so could not be deleted.")


Cancels a send() or user-entered command, but only if used within a sysDataSendRequest event.
-- cancels all "eat hambuger" commands
function cancelEatHamburger(event, command)
  if command == "eat hamburger" then
    cecho("<red>Denied! Didn't let the command through.\n")

registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysDataSendRequest", "cancelEatHamburger")


Like feedTriggers, but you can add color information using <r,g,b>, similar to decho.
  • str: The string to feed to the trigger engine. Include color information inside tags like decho.
See also
cfeedTriggers, decho
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.11+
dfeedTriggers("<0,128,0:128,0,0>green on red<r> reset\n")


Stops syncing the given module.
  • name: name of the module.
See also: enableModuleSync(), getModuleSync()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.8+


Enables the sync for the given module name - any changes done to it will be saved to disk and if the module is installed in any other profile(s), it'll be updated in them as well on profile save.
  • name: name of the module to enable sync on.
See also: disableModuleSync(), getModuleSync()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.8+


expandAlias(command, [echoBackToBuffer])
Runs the command as if it was from the command line - so aliases are checked and if none match, it's sent to the game unchanged.
  • command
Text of the command you want to send to the game. Will be checked for aliases.
  • echoBackToBuffer
(optional) If false, the command will not be echoed back in your buffer. Defaults to true if omitted.

Note Note: Using expandAlias is not recommended anymore as it is not very robust and may lead to problems down the road. The recommendation is to use lua functions instead. See Manual:Functions_vs_expandAlias for details and examples.

Note Note: If you want to be using the matches table after calling expandAlias, you should save it first, as, e.g. local oldmatches = matches before calling expandAlias, since expandAlias will overwrite it after using it again.

Note Note: Since Mudlet 3.17.1 the optional second argument to echo the command on screen will be ineffective whilst the game server has negotiated the telnet ECHO option to provide the echoing of text we send to him.

expandAlias("t rat")

-- don't echo the command
expandAlias("t rat", false)


feedTriggers(text[, dataIsUtf8Encoded = true])
This function will have Mudlet parse the given text as if it came from the game - one great application is trigger testing. The built-in `echo alias provides this functionality as well.
  • text:
string which is sent to the trigger processing system almost as if it came from the game server. This string must be byte encoded in a manner to match the currently selected Server Encoding.
  • dataIsUtf8Encoded (available in Mudlet 4.2+):
Set this to false, if you need pre-Mudlet 4.0 behavior. Most players won't need this.
(Before Mudlet 4.0 the text had to be encoded directly in whatever encoding the setting in the preferences was set to.
(Encoding could involve using the Lua string character escaping mechanism of \ and a base 10 number for character codes from \1 up to \255 at maximum)
Since Mudlet 4.0 it is assumed that the text is UTF-8 encoded. It will then be automatically converted to the currently selected game server encoding.
Preventing the automatic conversion can be useful to Mudlet developers testing things, or possibly to those who are creating handlers for Telnet protocols within the Lua subsystem, who need to avoid the transcoding of individual protocol bytes, when they might otherwise be seen as extended ASCII characters.)
Returns (available in Mudlet 4.2+)
  • true on success, nil and an error message if the text contains characters that cannot be conveyed by the current Game Server encoding.

Note Note: It is important to ensure that in Mudlet 4.0.0 and beyond the text data only contains characters that can be encoded in the current Game Server encoding, from 4.2.0 the content is checked that it can successfully be converted from the UTF-8 that the Mudlet Lua subsystem uses internally into that particular encoding and if it cannot the function call will fail and not pass any of the data, this will be significant if the text component contains any characters that are not plain ASCII.

-- try using this on the command line
`echo This is a sample line from the game

-- You can use \n to represent a new line - you also want to use it before and after the text you’re testing, like so:
feedTriggers("\nYou sit yourself down.\n")

-- The function also accept ANSI color codes that are used in games. A sample table can be found
feedTriggers("\nThis is \27[1;32mgreen\27[0;37m, \27[1;31mred\27[0;37m, \27[46mcyan background\27[0;37m," ..
"\27[32;47mwhite background and green foreground\27[0;37m.\n")


Returns the name entered into the "Character name" field on the Connection Preferences form. Can be used to find out the name that might need to be handled specially in scripts or anything that needs to be personalized to the player. If there is nothing set in that entry will return an empty string.
See also: getProfileName()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.16+
-- cast glamor on yourself

send("cast 'glamor' " .. getCharacterName())


Returns configuration options similar to those that can be set with setConfig. One could use this to decide if a script should notify the user of suggested changes.

See also: setConfig()

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.17+
  • option:
Particular option to retrieve - see list below for available ones. This may be a string or an array of strings.
General options
Option Description Available in Mudlet
enableGMCP Enable GMCP 4.17
enableMSDP Enable MSDP 4.17
enableMSSP Enable MSSP 4.17
enableMSP Enable MSP 4.17
Input line
Option Description Available in Mudlet
inputLineStrictUnixEndings Workaround option to use strict UNIX line endings for sending commands 4.17
Main display
Option Description Available in Mudlet
fixUnnecessaryLinebreaks Remove extra linebreaks from output (mostly for IRE servers) 4.17
Mapper options
Option Description Available in Mudlet
mapRoomSize Size of rooms on map 4.17
mapExitSize Size of exits on map 4.17
mapRoundRooms Draw rooms round or square 4.17
showRoomIdsOnMap Show room IDs on all rooms 4.17
show3dMapView Show map as 3D 4.17
mapperPanelVisible Map controls at the bottom 4.17
mapShowRoomBorders Draw a thin border for every room 4.17
Special options
Option Description Available in Mudlet
specialForceCompressionOff Workaround option to disable MCCP compression, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.17
specialForceGAOff Workaround option to disable Telnet Go-Ahead, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.17
specialForceCharsetNegotiationOff Workaround option to disable automatically setting the correct encoding, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.17
specialForceMxpNegotiationOff Workaround option to disable MXP, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.17
caretShortcut For visually-impaired players - get the key to switch between input line and main window (can be "none", "tab", "ctrltab", "f6") 4.17
blankLinesBehaviour For visually impaired players options for dealing with blank lines (can be "show", "hide", "replacewithspace") 4.17
  • It returns a table of options or the value of a single option requested. They are only the configuration options, for example "enableGMCP" means that the "Enable GMCP" box is checked and does not mean that it has been negotiated with the server.

-- Suggest enabling GMCP if it is unchecked
if not getConfig("enableGMCP") then
  echo("\nMy script works best with GMCP enabled. You may ")
  cechoLink("<red>click here", function() setConfig("enableGMCP",true) echo("GMCP enabled\n") end, "Enable GMCP", true)
  echo(" to enable it.\n")


path = getModulePath(module name)
Returns the location of a module on the disk. If the given name does not correspond to an installed module, it'll return nil
See also: installModule()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.0+


priority = getModulePriority(module name)
Returns the priority of a module as an integer. This determines the order modules will be loaded in - default is 0. Useful if you have a module that depends on another module being loaded first, for example.
Modules with priority -1 will be loaded before scripts (Mudlet 4.11+).
See also: setModulePriority()


Returns installed modules as table.
See also: getPackages
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.12+
--Check if the module myTabChat is installed and if it isn't install it and enable sync on it
if not table.contains(getModules(),"myTabChat") then


getModuleInfo(moduleName, [info])
Returns table with meta information for a package
  • moduleName:
Name of the package
  • info:
(optional) specific info wanted to get, if not given all available meta-info is returned
See also: getPackageInfo, setModuleInfo
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.12+


returns false if module sync is not active, true if it is active and nil if module is not found.
  • name: name of the module
See also: enableModuleSync(), disableModuleSync()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.8+


Returns the current home directory of the current profile. This can be used to store data, save statistical information, or load resource files from packages.

Note Note: intentionally uses forward slashes / as separators on Windows since stylesheets require them.

-- save a table"/myinfo.dat", myinfo)

-- or access package data. The forward slash works even on Windows fine
local path = getMudletHomeDir().."/mypackagename"


Prints debugging information about the Mudlet that you're running - this can come in handy for diagnostics.

Don't use this command in your scripts to find out if certain features are supported in Mudlet - there are better functions available for this.

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.8+


Returns the current Mudlet version. Note that you shouldn't hardcode against a specific Mudlet version if you'd like to see if a function is present - instead, check for the existence of the function itself. Otherwise, checking for the version can come in handy if you'd like to test for a broken function or so on.

See also: mudletOlderThan()

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.0+
  • style:
(optional) allows you to choose what you'd like returned. By default, if you don't specify it, a key-value table with all the values will be returned: major version, minor version, revision number and the optional build name.
Values you can choose
  • "string":
Returns the full Mudlet version as text.
  • "table":
Returns the full Mudlet version as four values (multi-return)
  • "major":
Returns the major version number (the first one).
  • "minor":
Returns the minor version number (the second one).
  • "revision":
Returns the revision version number (the third one).
  • "build":
Returns the build of Mudlet (the ending suffix, if any).
-- see the full Mudlet version as text:
-- returns for example "3.0.0-alpha"

-- check that the major Mudlet version is at least 3:
if getMudletVersion("major") >= 3 then echo("You're running on Mudlet 3+!") end
-- but mudletOlderThan() is much better for this:
if mudletOlderThan(3) then echo("You're running on Mudlet 3+!") end 

-- if you'd like to see if a function is available however, test for it explicitly instead:
if setAppStyleSheet then
  -- example credit to
  QScrollBar:vertical {
      border: 2px solid grey;
      background: #32CC99;
      width: 15px;
      margin: 22px 0 22px 0;
  QScrollBar::handle:vertical {
      background: white;
      min-height: 20px;
  QScrollBar::add-line:vertical {
      border: 2px solid grey;
      background: #32CC99;
      height: 20px;
      subcontrol-position: bottom;
      subcontrol-origin: margin;
  QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical {
      border: 2px solid grey;
      background: #32CC99;
      height: 20px;
      subcontrol-position: top;
      subcontrol-origin: margin;
  QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical {
      border: 2px solid grey;
      width: 3px;
      height: 3px;
      background: white;
  QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical {
      background: none;


Returns an IDManager object, for manager your own set of named events and timers isolated from the rest of the profile.
See also
registerNamedEventHandler(), registerNamedTimer()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.14+

Note Note: Full IDManager usage can be found at IDManager

  • an IDManager for managing your own named events and timers
demonnic = demonnic or {}
demonnic.IDManager = getNewIDManager()
local idm = demonnic.IDManager
-- assumes you have defined demonnic.vitalsUpdate and demonnic.balanceChecker as functions
idm:registerEvent("DemonVitals", "gmcp.Char.Vitals", demonnic.vitalsUpdate)
idm:registerTimer("Balance Check", 1, demonnic.balanceChecker)


handlers = getNamedEventHandlers(userName)
Returns a list of all userName's named event handlers' names as a table.
See also
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.14+
  • userName:
The user name the event handler was registered under.
  • a table of handler names. { "DemonVitals", "DemonInv" } for example. {} if none are registered
  local handlers = getNamedEventHandlers()
  -- {}
  registerNamedEventHandler("Test1", "testEvent", "testFunction")
  registerNamedEventHandler("Test2", "someOtherEvent", myHandlerFunction)
  handlers = getNamedEventHandlers()
  -- { "Test1", "Test2" }


Returns the name of the Operating System (OS). Useful for applying particular scripts only under particular operating systems, such as applying a stylesheet only when the OS is Windows.
Returned text will be one of these: "windows", "mac", "linux", as well as "cygwin", "hurd", "freebsd", "kfreebsd", "openbsd", "netbsd", "bsd4", "unix" or "unknown" otherwise.
Additionally returns the version of the OS, and if using Linux, the distribution in use (as of Mudlet 4.12+).

if getOS() == "windows" then
  echo("\nWindows OS detected.\n")
  echo("\nDetected Operating system is NOT windows.\n")

if mudlet.supports.osVersion then
  local os, osversion = getOS()
  print(f"Running {os} {osversion}")


Returns installed packages as table.
See also: getModules
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.12+
--Check if the generic_mapper package is installed and if so uninstall it
if table.contains(getPackages(),"generic_mapper") then


getPackageInfo(packageName, [info])
Returns table with meta information for a package
  • packageName:
Name of the package
  • info:
(optional) specific information to retrieve which can be one of; author, created, description, icon, mpackage (package name), title or version. If not given all available meta-info is returned.
See also: getModuleInfo, setPackageInfo
getPackageInfo("myPackage", "version")
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.12+


getPlayingMusic(settings table)
List all playing music (no filter), or playing music that meets a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playMusicFile().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.

See also: loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), getPlayingSounds(), stopSounds(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.18+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- List all playing music files for this profile associated with the API

-- List all playing music matching the rugby mp3 name
getPlayingMusic({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})

-- List all playing music matching the unique key of "rugby"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
---- Ordered Parameter Syntax of getPlayingMusic([name][,key][,tag]) ----

-- List all playing music files for this profile associated with the API

-- List all playing music matching the rugby mp3 name

-- List all playing music matching the unique key of "rugby"
    nil -- name
    , "rugby" -- key
    , nil -- tag


getPlayingSounds(settings table)
List all playing sounds (no filter), or playing sounds that meets a combination of filters (name, key, tag, and priority) intended to be paired with playSoundFile().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.
No priority <priority>
  • Matches media files with equal or lower priority.

See also: loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), getPlayingMusic(), stopSounds(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.18+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- List all playing sounds for this profile associated with the API

-- List all playing sounds matching the rugby mp3 name
getPlayingSounds({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})

-- List the playing sound matching the unique key of "rugby"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
---- Ordered Parameter Syntax of getPlayingSounds([name][,key][,tag][,priority]) ----

-- List all playing sounds for this profile associated with the API

-- List all playing sounds matching the rugby mp3 name

-- List the playing sound matching the unique key of "rugby"
    nil -- name
    , "rugby" -- key
    , nil -- tag
    , nil -- priority


Returns the name of the profile. Useful when combined with raiseGlobalEvent() to know which profile a global event came from.
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.1+
-- if connected to the Achaea profile, will print Achaea to the main console


Returns the command separator in use by the profile.
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.18+
-- if your command separator is ;;, the following would send("do thing 1;;do thing 2"). 
-- This way you can determine what it is set to and use that and share this script with 
-- someone who has changed their command separator.
-- Note: This is not really the preferred way to send this, using sendAll("do thing 1", "do thing 2") is,
--       but this illustates the use case.
local s = getCommandSeparator()
expandAlias("do thing 1" .. s .. "do thing 2")


Returns the current server data encoding in use.
See also: setServerEncoding(), getServerEncodingsList()


Returns an indexed list of the server data encodings that Mudlet knows. This is not the list of encodings the servers knows - there's unfortunately no agreed standard for checking that. See encodings in Mudlet for the list of which encodings are available in which Mudlet version.
See also: setServerEncoding(), getServerEncoding()
-- check if UTF-8 is available:
if table.contains(getServerEncodingsList(), "UTF-8") then
  print("UTF-8 is available!")


Returns the current codepage of your Windows system.
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.22+

Note Note: This function only works on Windows - It is only needed internally in Mudlet to enable Lua to work with non-ASCII usernames (e.g. Iksiński, Jäger) for the purposes of IO. Linux and macOS work fine with with these out of the box.



Like feedTriggers, but you can add color information using #RRGGBB in hex, similar to hecho.
  • str: The string to feed to the trigger engine. Include color information in the same manner as hecho.
See also: dfeedTriggers
See also: hecho
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.11+
hfeedTriggers("#008000,800000green on red#r reset\n")


Installs a Mudlet XML, zip, or mpackage as a module.
  • location:
Exact location of the file install.
See also: uninstallModule(), Event: sysLuaInstallModule, setModulePriority()
installModule([[C:\Documents and Settings\bub\Desktop\myalias.xml]])


installPackage(location or url)
Installs a Mudlet XML or package. Since Mudlet 4.11+ returns true if it worked, or false.
  • location:
Exact location of the xml or package to install.

Since Mudlet 4.11+ it is possible to pass download link to a package (must start with http or https and end with .xml, .zip, .mpackage or .trigger)

See also: uninstallPackage()
installPackage([[C:\Documents and Settings\bub\Desktop\myalias.xml]])


killAnonymousEventHandler(handler id)
Disables and removes the given event handler.
  • handler id
ID of the event handler to remove as returned by the registerAnonymousEventHandler function.
See also: registerAnonymousEventHandler
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.5+
-- registers an event handler that prints the first 5 GMCP events and then terminates itself

local counter = 0
local handlerId = registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp", function(_, origEvent)
  counter = counter + 1
  if counter == 5 then


loadMusicFile(settings table) or loadMusicFile(name, [url])
Loads music files from the Internet or the local file system to the "media" folder of the profile for later use with playMusicFile() and stopMusic(). Although files could be loaded directly at playing time from playMusicFile(), loadMusicFile() provides the advantage of loading files in advance.
Required Key Value Purpose
Yes name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
  • May contain directory information (i.e. weather/lightning.wav).
  • May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.mp3")
  • May be on the local device (i.e. "C:/Users/YourNameHere/Documents/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp3")
Maybe url <url>
  • Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
  • Only required if file to load is not part of the profile or on the local file system.

See also: loadSoundFile(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.15+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Download from the Internet
    name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"
    , url = ""

-- OR download from the profile
loadMusicFile({name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})

-- OR download from the local file system
loadMusicFile({name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Documents/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})
---- Ordered Parameter Syntax of loadMusicFile(name[, url]) ----

-- Download from the Internet
    , ""

-- OR download from the profile
loadMusicFile(getMudletHomeDir().. "/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3")

-- OR download from the local file system


loadSoundFile(settings table) or loadSoundFile(name, [url])
Loads sound files from the Internet or the local file system to the "media" folder of the profile for later use with playSoundFile() and stopSounds(). Although files could be loaded directly at playing time from playSoundFile(), loadSoundFile() provides the advantage of loading files in advance.
Required Key Value Purpose
Yes name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
  • May contain directory information (i.e. weather/lightning.wav).
  • May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.mp3")
  • May be on the local device (i.e. "C:/Users/YourNameHere/Documents/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp3")
Maybe url <url>
  • Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
  • Only required if file to load is not part of the profile or on the local file system.

See also: loadMusicFile(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.15+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Download from the Internet
    name = "cow.wav"
    , url = ""

-- OR download from the profile
loadSoundFile({name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.wav"})

-- OR download from the local file system
loadSoundFile({name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Documents/cow.wav"})
---- Ordered Parameter Syntax of loadSoundFile(name[,url]) ----

-- Download from the Internet
loadSoundFile("cow.wav", "")

-- OR download from the profile
loadSoundFile(getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.wav")

-- OR download from the local file system


mudletOlderThan(major, [minor], [patch])
Returns true if Mudlet is older than the given version to check. This is useful if you'd like to use a feature that you can't check for easily, such as coroutines support. However, if you'd like to check if a certain function exists, do not use this and use if mudletfunction then - it'll be much more readable and reliable.

See also: getMudletVersion()

  • major:
Mudlet major version to check. Given a Mudlet version 3.0.1, 3 is the major version, second 0 is the minor version, and third 1 is the patch version.
  • minor:
(optional) minor version to check.
  • patch:
(optional) patch version to check.
-- stop doing the script of Mudlet is older than 3.2
if mudletOlderThan(3,2) then return end

-- or older than 2.1.3
if mudletOlderThan(2, 1, 3) then return end

-- however, if you'd like to check that a certain function is available, like getMousePosition(), do this instead:
if not getMousePosition then return end

-- if you'd like to check that coroutines are supported, do this instead:
if not mudlet.supports.coroutines then return end


Opens the browser to the given webpage.
  • URL:
Exact URL to open.

Note: This function can be used to open a local file or file folder as well by using "file:///" and the file path instead of "http://".



playMusicFile(settings table)
Plays music files from the Internet or the local file system to the "media" folder of the profile for later use with stopMusic().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
Yes name <file name>  
  • Name of the media file.
  • May contain directory information (i.e. weather/lightning.wav).
  • May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.mp3")
  • May be on the local device (i.e. "C:/Users/YourNameHere/Documents/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp3")
  • Wildcards * and ? may be used within the name to randomize media files selection.
No volume 1 to 100 50
  • Relative to the volume set on the player's client.
No fadein <msec>
  • Volume increases, or fades in, ranged across a linear pattern from one to the volume set with the "volume" key.
  • Start position: Start of media.
  • End position: Start of media plus the number of milliseconds (msec) specified.
  • 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
No fadeout <msec>
  • Volume decreases, or fades out, ranged across a linear pattern from the volume set with the "volume" key to one.
  • Start position: End of the media minus the number of milliseconds (msec) specified.
  • End position: End of the media.
  • 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
No start <msec> 0
  • Begin play at the specified position in milliseconds.
No finish <msec>
  • End play at the specified position in milliseconds.
No loops -1, or >= 1 1
  • Number of iterations that the media plays.
  • A value of -1 allows the media to loop indefinitely.
No key <key>  
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Halts the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>  
  • Helps categorize media.
No continue true or false true
  • Continues playing matching new music files when true.
  • Restarts matching new music files when false.
Maybe url <url>  
  • Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
  • Only required if the file is to be downloaded remotely.

See also: loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), playSoundFile(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Note Note: on Windows and certain files are not playing? Try installing the 3rd party K-lite codec pack.

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.15+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Play a music file stored in the profile's media directory (i.e. /Users/Tamarindo/mudlet-data/profiles/StickMUD/media)
    name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"

-- OR copy once from the game's profile, and play a music file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"
    , volume = 75

-- OR copy once from the local file system, and play a music file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Documents/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"
    , volume = 75

-- OR download once from the Internet, and play music stored in the profile's media directory
---- [fadein] and increase the volume from 1 at the start position to default volume up until the position of 20 seconds
---- [fadeout] and decrease the volume from default volume to one, 53 seconds from the end of the music
---- [start] 10 seconds after position 0 (fadein scales its volume increase over a shorter duration, too)
---- [finish] 110 seconds from the track start (fadeout scales its volume decrease over a shorter duration, too)
---- [key] reference of "rugby" for stopping this unique music later
---- [tag] reference of "ambience" to stop and music later with the same tag
---- [continue] playing this music if another request for the same music comes in (false restarts it) 
---- [url] to download once from the Internet if the music does not exist in the profile's media directory
    name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"
    , volume = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , fadein = 20000
    , fadeout = 53000
    , start = 10000
    , finish = 110000
    , loops = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby"
    , tag = "ambience"
    , continue = true
    , url = ""
---- Ordered Parameter Syntax of playMusicFile(name[,volume][,fadein][,fadeout][,loops][,key][,tag][,continue][,url][,finish]) ----

-- Play a music file stored in the profile's media directory (i.e. /Users/Tamarindo/mudlet-data/profiles/StickMUD/media)
    "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"  -- name

-- OR copy once from the game's profile, and play a music file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    getMudletHomeDir().. "/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3" -- name
    , 75 -- volume

-- OR copy once from the local file system, and play a music file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Documents/167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3" -- name
    , 75 -- volume

-- OR download once from the Internet, and play music stored in the profile's media directory
---- [fadein] and increase the volume from 1 at the start position to default volume up until the position of 20 seconds
---- [fadeout] and decrease the volume from default volume to one, 53 seconds from the end of the music
---- [start] 10 seconds after position 0 (fadein scales its volume increase over a shorter duration, too)
---- [finish] 110 seconds from the track start (fadeout scales its volume decrease over a shorter duration, too)
---- [key] reference of "rugby" for stopping this unique music later
---- [tag] reference of "ambience" to stop and music later with the same tag
---- [continue] playing this music if another request for the same music comes in (false restarts it) 
---- [url] to download once from the Internet if the music does not exist in the profile's media directory
    "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3" -- name
    , nil -- volume
    , 20000 -- fadein
    , 53000 -- fadeout
    , 10000 -- start
    , nil -- loops
    , "rugby" -- key 
    , "ambience" -- tag
    , true -- continue
    , "" -- url
    , 110000 -- finish


playSoundFile(settings table)
Plays sound files from the Internet or the local file system to the "media" folder of the profile for later use with stopSounds().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
Yes name <file name>  
  • Name of the media file.
  • May contain directory information (i.e. weather/lightning.wav).
  • May be part of the profile (i.e. getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.mp3")
  • May be on the local device (i.e. "C:/Users/YourNameHere/Documents/nevergoingtogiveyouup.mp3")
  • Wildcards * and ? may be used within the name to randomize media files selection.
No volume 1 to 100 50
  • Relative to the volume set on the player's client.
No fadein <msec>
  • Volume increases, or fades in, ranged across a linear pattern from one to the volume set with the "volume" key.
  • Start position: Start of media.
  • End position: Start of media plus the number of milliseconds (msec) specified.
  • 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
No fadeout <msec>
  • Volume decreases, or fades out, ranged across a linear pattern from the volume set with the "volume" key to one.
  • Start position: End of the media minus the number of milliseconds (msec) specified.
  • End position: End of the media.
  • 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
No start <msec> 0
  • Begin play at the specified position in milliseconds.
No finish <msec>
  • Finish play at the specified position in milliseconds.
No loops -1, or >= 1 1
  • Number of iterations that the media plays.
  • A value of -1 allows the media to loop indefinitely.
No key <key>  
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Halts the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>  
  • Helps categorize media.
No priority 1 to 100  
  • Halts the play of current or future played media files with a lower priority while this media plays.
Maybe url <url>  
  • Resource location where the media file may be downloaded.
  • Only required if the file is to be downloaded remotely.

See also: loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), playMusicFile(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), stopMusic(), stopSounds(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Note Note: on Windows and certain files are not playing? Try installing the 3rd party K-lite codec pack.

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.15+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Play a sound file stored in the profile's media directory (i.e. /Users/Tamarindo/mudlet-data/profiles/StickMUD/media)
    name = "cow.wav"

-- OR copy once from the game's profile, and play a sound file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    name = getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.wav"
    , volume = 75

-- OR copy once from the local file system, and play a sound file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    name = "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Documents/cow.wav"
    , volume = 75

-- OR download once from the Internet, and play a sound stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75
---- [loops] of 2 (-1 for indefinite repeats, 1+ for finite repeats)
---- [key] reference of "cow" for stopping this unique sound later
---- [tag] reference of "animals" to stop a group of sounds later with the same tag
---- [priority] of 25 (1 to 100, 50 default, a sound with a higher priority would stop this one)
---- [url] to download once from the Internet if the sound does not exist in the profile's media directory
    name = "cow.wav"
    , volume = 75
    , fadein = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , fadeout = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , start = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , finish = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , loops = 2
    , key = "cow"
    , tag = "animals"
    , priority = 25
    , url = ""
---- Ordered Parameter Syntax of playSoundFile(name[,volume][,fadein][,fadeout][,loops][,key][,tag][,priority][,url][,finish]) ----

-- Play a sound file stored in the profile's media directory (i.e. /Users/Tamarindo/mudlet-data/profiles/StickMUD/media)
    "cow.wav" -- name

-- OR copy once from the game's profile, and play a sound file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    getMudletHomeDir().. "/cow.wav" -- name
    , 75 -- volume

-- OR copy once from the local file system, and play a sound file stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75 (1 to 100)
    "C:/Users/Tamarindo/Documents/cow.wav" -- name
    , 75 -- volume

-- OR download once from the Internet, and play a sound stored in the profile's media directory
---- [volume] of 75
---- [loops] of 2 (-1 for indefinite repeats, 1+ for finite repeats)
---- [key] reference of "cow" for stopping this unique sound later
---- [tag] reference of "animals" to stop a group of sounds later with the same tag
---- [priority] of 25 (1 to 100, 50 default, a sound with a higher priority would stop this one)
---- [url] to download once from the Internet if the sound does not exist in the profile's media directory
    "cow.wav" -- name
    , 75 -- volume
    , nil -- fadein
    , nil -- fadeout
    , nil -- start
    , 2 -- loops
    , "cow" -- key 
    , "animals" -- tag
    , 25 -- priority
    , "" -- url
    , nil -- finish


Purge all media file stored in the media cache within a given Mudlet profile (media used with MCMP and MSP protocols). As game developers update the media files on their games, this enables the media folder inside the profile to be cleared so that the media files could be refreshed to the latest update(s).
  • Instruct a player to type lua purgeMediaCache() on the command line, or
  • Distribute a trigger, button or other scriptable feature for the given profile to call purgeMediaCache()
See also: Supported Protocols MSP, Scripting MCMP


Receives a well-formed Mud Sound Protocol (MSP) message to be processed by the Mudlet client. Reference the Supported Protocols MSP manual for more information on about what can be sent and example triggers.
See also: Supported Protocols MSP
--Play a cow.wav media file stored in the media folder of the current profile. The sound would play twice at a normal volume.
receiveMSP("!!SOUND(cow.wav L=2 V=50)")

--Stop any SOUND media files playing stored in the media folder of the current profile.

--Play a city.mp3 media file stored in the media folder of the current profile. The music would play once at a low volume.
--The music would continue playing if it was triggered earlier by another room, perhaps in the same area.
receiveMSP([[!!MUSIC(city.mp3 L=1 V=25 C=1)]])

--Stop any MUSIC media files playing stored in the media folder of the current profile.


registerAnonymousEventHandler(event name, functionReference, [one shot])
Registers a function to an event handler, not requiring you to set one up via script. See here for a list of Mudlet-raised events. The function may be refered to either by name as a string containing a global function name, or with the lua function object itself.
The optional one shot parameter allows you to automatically kill an event handler after it is done by giving a true value. If the event you waited for did not occur yet, return true from the function to keep it registered.
The function returns an ID that can be used in killAnonymousEventHandler() to unregister the handler again.
If you use an asterisk ("*") as the event name, your code will capture all events. Useful for debugging, or integration with external programs.

Note Note: The ability to refer lua functions directly, the one shot parameter and the returned ID are features of Mudlet 3.5 and above.

Note Note: The "*" all-events capture was added in Mudlet 4.10.

See also
killAnonymousEventHandler(), raiseEvent(), list of Mudlet-raised events
-- example taken from the God Wars 2 ( Mudlet UI - forces the window to keep to a certain size
function keepStaticSize()
end -- keepStaticSize

if keepStaticSizeEventHandlerID then killAnonymousEventHandler(keepStaticSizeEventHandlerID) end -- clean up any already registered handlers for this function
keepStatisSizeEventHandlerID = registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysWindowResizeEvent", "keepStaticSize") -- register the event handler and save the ID for later killing
-- simple inventory tracker for GMCP enabled games. This version does not leak any of the methods
-- or tables into the global namespace. If you want to access it, you should export the inventory
-- table via an own namespace.
local inventory = {}

local function inventoryAdd()
  if gmcp.Char.Items.Add.location == "inv" then
    inventory[#inventory + 1] = table.deepcopy(gmcp.Char.Items.Add.item)
if inventoryAddHandlerID then killAnonymousEventHandler(inventoryAddHandlerID) end -- clean up any already registered handlers for this function
inventoryAddHandlerID = registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Char.Items.Add", inventoryAdd) -- register the event handler and save the ID for later killing

local function inventoryList()
  if gmcp.Char.Items.List.location == "inv" then
    inventory = table.deepcopy(gmcp.Char.Items.List.items)
if inventoryListHandlerID then killAnonymousEventHandler(inventoryListHandlerID) end -- clean up any already registered handlers for this function
inventoryListHandlerID = registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Char.Items.List", inventoryList) -- register the event handler and save the ID for later killing

local function inventoryUpdate()
  if gmcp.Char.Items.Remove.location == "inv" then
    local found
    local updatedItem = gmcp.Char.Items.Update.item
    for index, item in ipairs(inventory) do
      if == then
        found = index
    if found then
      inventory[found] = table.deepcopy(updatedItem)
if inventoryUpdateHandlerID then killAnonymousEventHandler(inventoryUpdateHandlerID) end -- clean up any already registered handlers for this function
inventoryUpdateHandlerID = registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Char.Items.Update", inventoryUpdate)

local function inventoryRemove()
  if gmcp.Char.Items.Remove.location == "inv" then
    local found
    local removedItem = gmcp.Char.Items.Remove.item
    for index, item in ipairs(inventory) do
      if == then
        found = index
    if found then
      table.remove(inventory, found)
if inventoryRemoveHandlerID then killAnonymousEventHandler(inventoryRemoveHandlerID) end -- clean up any already registered handlers for this function
inventoryRemoveHandlerID = registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Char.Items.Remove", inventoryRemove)
-- downloads a package from the internet and kills itself after it is installed.
local saveto = getMudletHomeDir().."/"
local url = ""

if myPackageInstallHandler then killAnonymousEventHandler(myPackageInstallHandler) end
myPackageInstallHandler = registerAnonymousEventHandler(
  function(_, filename)
    if filename ~= saveto then
      return true -- keep the event handler since this was not our file

downloadFile(saveto, url)
cecho("<white>Downloading <green>"..url.."<white> to <green>"..saveto.."\n")


success = registerNamedEventHandler(userName, handlerName, eventName, functionReference, [oneShot])
Registers a named event handler with name handlerName. Named event handlers are protected from duplication and can be stopped and resumed, unlike anonymous event handlers. A separate list is kept per userName
See also
registerAnonymousEventHandler(), stopNamedEventHandler(), resumeNamedEventHandler(), deleteNamedEventHandler(), registerNamedTimer()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.14+
  • userName:
The user name the event handler was registered under.
  • handlerName:
The name of the handler. Used to reference the handler in other functions and prevent duplicates. Recommended you use descriptive names, "hp" is likely to collide with something else, "DemonVitals" less so.
  • eventName:
The name of the event the handler responds to. See here for a list of Mudlet-raised events.
  • functionReference:
The function reference to run when the event comes in. Can be the name of a function, "handlerFuncion", or the lua function itself.
  • oneShot:
(optional) if true, the event handler will only fire once when the event is raised. If you need to extend a one shot event handler for "one more check" you can have the handler return true, and it will keep firing until the function does not return true.
  • true if successful, otherwise errors.
-- register a named event handler. Will call demonVitalsHandler(eventName, ...) when gmcp.Char.Vitals is raised.
local ok = registerNamedEventHandler("Demonnic", "DemonVitals", "gmcp.Char.Vitals", "demonVitalsHandler")
if ok then
  cecho("Vitals handler switched to demonVitalsHandler")

-- something changes later, and we want to handle vitals with another function, demonBlackoutHandler()
-- note we do not use "" around demonBlackoutHandler but instead pass the function itself. Both work.
-- using the same handlerName ("DemonVitals") means it will automatically unregister the old handler
-- and reregister it using the new information.
local ok = registerNamedEventHandler("Demonnic", "DemonVitals", "gmcp.Char.Vitals", demonBlackoutHandler)
if ok then
  cecho("Vitals handler switched to demonBlackoutHandler")

-- Now you want to check your inventory, but you only want to do it once, so you pass the optional oneShot as true
local function handleInv()
  local list = gmcp.Char.Items.List
  if list.location ~= "inventory" then
    return true -- if list.location is, say "room" then we need to keep responding until it's "inventory"
  display(list.items) -- you would probably store values and update displays or something, but here I'll just show the data as it comes in

-- you can ignore the response from registerNamedEventHandler if you want, it's always going to be true
-- unless there is an error, in which case it throws the error and halts execution anyway. The return is
-- in part for feedback when using the lua alias or other REPL window.
registerNamedEventHandler("Demonnic", "DemonInvCheck", "gmcp.Char.Items.List", handleInv, true)


reloadModule(module name)
Reload a module (by uninstalling and reinstalling).
See also: installModule(), uninstallModule()


Remove file watch on directory or file. Every change in that file will no longer raise sysPathChanged event.
See also: addFileWatch()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.12+
herbs = {}
local herbsPath = getMudletHomeDir() .. "/herbs.lua"
function herbsChangedHandler(_, path)
  if path == herbsPath then
    table.load(herbsPath, herbs)

registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysPathChanged", "herbsChangedHandler")


Reloads your entire Mudlet profile - as if you've just opened it. All UI elements will be cleared, so this useful when you're coding your UI.

The function used to require input from the game to work, but as of Mudlet 3.20 that is no longer the case.

Note Note: Don't put resetProfile() in the a script-item in the script editor as the script will be reloaded by resetProfile() as well better use

lua resetProfile()

in your commandline or make an Alias containing resetProfile().


success = resumeNamedEventHandler(userName, handlerName)
Resumes a named event handler with name handlerName and causes it to start firing once more.
See also
registerNamedEventHandler(), stopNamedEventHandler()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.14+
  • userName:
The user name the event handler was registered under.
  • handlerName:
The name of the handler to resume. Same as used when you called registerNamedEventHandler()
  • true if successful, false if it didn't exist.
local resumed = resumeNamedEventHandler("Demonnic", "DemonVitals")
if resumed then
  cecho("DemonVitals resumed!")
  cecho("DemonVitals doesn't exist, cannot resume it")


Saves the current Mudlet profile to disk, which is equivalent to pressing the "Save Profile" button.
  • location:
(optional) folder to save the profile to. If not given, the profile will go into the default location.

-- save to the desktop on Windows:


Sends given binary data as-is to the game. You can use this to implement support for a new telnet protocol, simultronics login or etcetera.
TN_IAC = 255
TN_WILL = 251
TN_DO = 253
TN_SB = 250
TN_SE = 240
TN_MSDP = 69


sendSocket( string.char( TN_IAC, TN_DO, TN_MSDP ) ) -- sends IAC DO MSDP

local msg = string.char( TN_IAC, TN_SB, TN_MSDP, MSDP_VAR ) .. " LIST " ..string.char( MSDP_VAL ) .. " COMMANDS " .. string.char( TN_IAC, TN_SE )
sendSocket( msg )

Note Note: Remember that should it be necessary to send the byte value of 255 as a data byte and not as the Telnet IAC value it is required to repeat it for Telnet to ignore it and not treat it as the latter.


setConfig(option, value)
Sets a Mudlet option to a certain value. This comes in handy for scripts that want to customise Mudlet settings to their preferences - for example, setting up mapper room and exit size to one that works for a certain map, or enabling MSDP for a certain game. For transparency reasons, the Debug window (when open) will show which options were modified by scripts.
To set many options at once, pass in a table of options. More options will be added over time / per request.
See also
enableMapInfo(), disableMapInfo()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.16+
  • option:
Particular option to change - see list below for available ones.
  • value:
Value to set - can be a boolean, number, or text depending on the option.
General options
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
enableGMCP true Enable GMCP (Reconnect after changing) 4.16
enableMSDP false Enable MSDP (Reconnect after changing) 4.16
enableMSSP true Enable MSSP (Reconnect after changing) 4.16
enableMSP true Enable MSP (Reconnect after changing) 4.16
compactInputLine false Hide search, timestamp, other buttons and labels bottom-right of input line 4.17
Input line
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
inputLineStrictUnixEndings false Workaround option to use strict UNIX line endings for sending commands 4.16
Main display
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
fixUnnecessaryLinebreaks false Remove extra linebreaks from output (mostly for IRE servers) 4.16
Mapper options
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
mapRoomSize 5 Size of rooms on map (a good value is 5) 4.16
mapExitSize 10 Size of exits on map (a good value is 10) 4.16
mapRoundRooms false Draw rooms round or square 4.16
showRoomIdsOnMap false Show room IDs on all rooms (if zoom permits) 4.16
showMapInfo - Map overlay text ('Full', 'Short', or any custom made. Map can show multiple at once) 4.16
hideMapInfo - Map overlay text ('Full', 'Short', or any custom made. Hide each info separately to hide all) 4.16
show3dMapView false Show map as 3D 4.16
mapperPanelVisible true Map controls at the bottom 4.16
mapShowRoomBorders true Draw a thin border for every room 4.16
Special options
Option Default Description Available in Mudlet
specialForceCompressionOff false Workaround option to disable MCCP compression, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.16
specialForceGAOff false Workaround option to disable Telnet Go-Ahead, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.16
specialForceCharsetNegotiationOff false Workaround option to disable automatically setting the correct encoding, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.16
specialForceMxpNegotiationOff false Workaround option to disable MXP, in case the game server is not working correctly 4.16
caretShortcut "none" For visually-impaired players - set the key to switch between input line and main window (can be "none", "tab", "ctrltab", "f6") 4.17
blankLinesBehaviour "show" For visually impaired players options for dealing with blank lines (can be "show", "hide", "replacewithspace") 4.17
  • true if successful, or nil+msg if the option doesn't exist. Setting mapper options requires the mapper being open first.
setConfig("mapRoomSize", 5)

setConfig({mapRoomSize = 6, mapExitSize = 12})


Makes Mudlet merge the table of the given GMCP or MSDP module instead of overwriting the data. This is useful if the game sends only partial updates which need combining for the full data. By default "Char.Status" is the only merged module.
  • module:
Name(s) of the GMCP or MSDP module(s) that should be merged as a string - this will add it to the existing list.
setMergeTables("Char.Skills", "Char.Vitals")


setModuleInfo(moduleName, info, value)
Sets a specific meta info value for a module
  • moduleName:
Name of the module
  • info:
specific info to set (for example "version")
  • value:
specific value to set (for example "1.0")
See also: getModuleInfo, getPackageInfo
setModuleInfo("myModule", "version", "1.0")
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.12+


setModulePriority(moduleName, priority)
Sets the module priority on a given module as a number - the module priority determines the order modules are loaded in, which can be helpful if you have ones dependent on each other. This can also be set from the module manager window.
Modules with priority -1 will be loaded before scripts (Mudlet 4.11+).
See also: getModulePriority()
setModulePriority("mudlet-mapper", 1)


setPackageInfo(packageName, info, value)
Sets a specific meta info value for a package
  • packageName:
Name of the module
  • info:
specific info to set (for example "version")
  • value:
specific value to set (for example "1.0")
See also: getPackageInfo, setModuleInfo
setPackageInfo("myPackage", "title", "This is my test package")
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.12+


Makes Mudlet use the specified encoding for communicating with the game.
  • encoding:
Encoding to use.
See also: getServerEncodingsList(), getServerEncoding()
-- use UTF-8 if Mudlet knows it. Unfortunately there's no way to check if the game's server knows it too.
if table.contains(getServerEncodingsList(), "UTF-8") then


showNotification(title, [content], [expiryTimeInSeconds])
Shows a native (system) notification.
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.11+

Note Note: This might not work on all systems, this depends on the system.

  • title - plain text notification title
  • content - optional argument, plain text notification content, if omitted title argument will be used as content as well
  • expiryTimeInSeconds - optional argument, sets expiration time in seconds for notification, very often ignored by OS
showNotification("Notification title", "Notification content", 5)


spawn(readFunction, processToSpawn[, ...arguments])
Spawns a process and opens a communicatable link with it - read function is the function you'd like to use for reading output from the process, and t is a table containing functions specific to this connection - send(data), true/false = isRunning(), and close().
This allows you to setup RPC communication with another process.
-- simple example on a program that quits right away, but prints whatever it gets using the 'display' function
local f = spawn(display, "ls")
local f = spawn(display, "ls", "-la")


Control logging of the main console text as text or HTML (as specified by the "Save log files in HTML format instead of plain text" setting on the "General" tab of the "Profile preferences" or "Settings" dialog). Despite being called startLogging it can also stop the process and correctly close the file being created. The file will have an extension of type ".txt" or ".html" as appropriate and the name will be in the form of a date/time "yyyy-MM-dd#hh-mm-ss" using the time/date of when logging started. Note that this control parallels the corresponding icon in the "bottom buttons" for the profile and that button can also start and stop the same logging process and will reflect the state as well.
  • state:
Required: logging state. Passed as a boolean
Returns (4 values)
  • successful (bool)
true if the logging state actually changed; if, for instance, logging was already active and true was supplied then no change in logging state actually occurred and nil will be returned (and logging will continue).
  • message (string)
A displayable message given one of four messages depending on the current and previous logging states, this will include the file name except for the case when logging was not taking place and the supplied argument was also false.
  • fileName (string)
The log will be/is being written to the path/file name returned.
  • code (number)
A value indicating the response to the system to this instruction:
 *  0 = logging has just stopped
 *  1 = logging has just started
 * -1 = logging was already in progress so no change in logging state
 * -2 = logging was already not in progress so no change in logging state
-- start logging
local success, message, filename, code = startLogging(true)
if code == 1 or code == -1 then print(f"Started logging to {filename}") end

-- stop logging


Stops all named event handlers and prevents them from firing any more. Information is retained and handlers can be resumed.
See also
registerNamedEventHandler(), stopNamedEventHandler(), resumeNamedEventHandler()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.14+
  • userName:
The user name the event handler was registered under.
stopAllNamedEventHandlers() -- emergency stop situation, most likely.


stopMusic(settings table)
Stop all music (no filter), or music that meets a combination of filters (name, key, and tag) intended to be paired with playMusicFile().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Halts the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.
No fadeaway true or false false
  • Decrease volume from the current position for a given duration, then stops the track.
  • Given duration is the lesser of the remaining track duration or the fadeout specified in playMusicFile().
  • If fadeout was not specified in playMusicFile(), then the optional fadeout parameter from stopMusic() or a default of 5000 milliseconds will be applied.
No fadeout 5000
  • Default duration in milliseconds to decrease volume to the end of the track.
  • Only used if fadeout was not defined in playMusicFile().

See also: loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), stopSounds(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.15+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Stop all playing music files for this profile associated with the API

-- Stop playing the rugby mp3 by name
stopMusic({name = "167124__patricia-mcmillen__rugby-club-in-spain.mp3"})

-- Stop playing the unique sound identified as "rugby"
    name = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = "rugby" -- key
    , tag = nil  -- nil lines are optional, no need to use

-- Decrease volume for 5 seconds and then stop all playing music files for this profile associated with the API
    fadeaway = true

-- Decrease volume for 10 seconds (or apply the duration of fadeout set in playMusicFile()) and then stop all playing music files for this profile associated with the API
    fadeaway = true
    , fadeout = 10000

-- Decrease volume for 5 seconds and then stop all the unique "rugby" music for this profile associated with the API
    key = "rugby"
    , fadeaway = true
---- Ordered Parameter Syntax of stopMusic([name][,key][,tag][,fadeaway][,fadeout]) ----

-- Stop all playing music files for this profile associated with the API

-- Stop playing the rugby mp3 by name

-- Stop playing the unique sound identified as "rugby"
    nil -- name
    , "rugby" -- key
    , nil -- tag

-- Decrease the volume for 10 seconds then stop playing the unique sound identified as "rugby"
    nil -- name
    , "rugby" -- key
    , nil -- tag
    , true -- fadeaway
    , 10000 -- fadeout


success = stopNamedEventHandler(userName, handlerName)
Stops a named event handler with name handlerName and prevents it from firing any more. Information is stored so it can be resumed later if desired.
See also
registerNamedEventHandler(), resumeNamedEventHandler()
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.14+
  • userName:
The user name the event handler was registered under.
  • handlerName:
The name of the handler to stop. Same as used when you called registerNamedEventHandler()
  • true if successful, false if it didn't exist or was already stopped
local stopped = stopNamedEventHandler("DemonVitals")
if stopped then
  cecho("DemonVitals stopped!")
  cecho("DemonVitals doesn't exist or already stopped; either way it won't fire any more.")


stopSounds(settings table)
Stop all sounds (no filter), or sounds that meets a combination of filters (name, key, tag, and priority) intended to be paired with playSoundFile().
Required Key Value Default Purpose
No name <file name>
  • Name of the media file.
No key <key>
  • Uniquely identifies media files with a "key" that is bound to their "name" or "url".
  • Halts the play of current media files with the same "key" that have a different "name" or "url" while this media plays.
No tag <tag>
  • Helps categorize media.
No priority 1 to 100
  • Halts the play of current or future played media files with a matching or lower priority.
No fadeaway true or false false
  • Decrease volume from the current position for a given duration, then stops the track.
  • Given duration is the lesser of the remaining track duration or the fadeout specified in playSoundFile().
  • If fadeout was not specified in playSoundFile(), then the optional fadeout parameter from stopSounds() or a default of 5000 milliseconds will be applied.
No fadeout 5000
  • Default duration in milliseconds to decrease volume to the end of the track.
  • Only used if fadeout was not defined in playSoundFile().

See also: loadMusicFile(), loadSoundFile(), playMusicFile(), playSoundFile(), getPlayingMusic(), getPlayingSounds(), stopMusic(), purgeMediaCache(), Mud Client Media Protocol

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.15+
---- Table Parameter Syntax ----

-- Stop all playing sound files for this profile associated with the API

-- Stop playing the cow sound
stopSounds({name = "cow.wav"})

-- Stop playing any sounds tagged as "animals" with a priority less than or equal to 50
---- This would not stop sounds tagged as "animals" greater than priority 50.  This is an "AND" and not an "OR".
    name = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , key = nil -- nil lines are optional, no need to use
    , tag = "animals"
    , priority = 50

-- Decrease volume for 5 seconds and then stop all playing sound files for this profile associated with the API
    fadeaway = true

-- Decrease volume for 10 seconds (or apply the duration of fadeout set in playSoundFile()) and then stop all playing music files for this profile associated with the API
    fadeaway = true
    , fadeout = 10000

-- Decrease volume for 3 seconds and then stop all the tagged "animals" music for this profile associated with the API
    tag = "animals"
    , fadeaway = true
    , fadeout = 3000
---- Ordered Parameter Syntax of stopSounds([name][,key][,tag][,priority][,fadeaway][,fadeout]) ----

-- Stop all playing sound files for this profile associated with the API

-- Stop playing the cow sound

-- Stop playing any sounds tagged as "animals" with a priority less than or equal to 50
---- This would not stop sounds tagged as "animals" greater than priority 50.  This is an "AND" and not an "OR".
    nil -- name
    , nil -- key
    , "animals" -- tag
    , 50 -- priority

-- Decrease the volume for 7 seconds and then stop playing sounds
    nil -- name
    , nil -- key
    , nil -- tag
    , nil -- priority
    , true -- fadeaway
    , 7000 -- fadeout


timeframe(vname, true_time, nil_time, ...)
A utility function that helps you change and track variable states without using a lot of tempTimers.
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.6+
  • vname:
A string or function to use as the variable placeholder.
  • true_time:
Time before setting the variable to true. Can be a number or a table in the format: {time, value}
  • nil_time:
(optional) Number of seconds until vname is set back to nil. Leaving it undefined will leave it at whatever it was set to last. Can be a number of a table in the format: {time, value}
  • ...:
(optional) Further list of times and values to set the variable to, in the following format: {time, value}
-- sets the global 'limiter' variable to true immediately (see the 0) and back to nil in one second (that's the 1).
timeframe("limiter", 0, 1)

-- An angry variable 'giant' immediately set to "fee", followed every second after by "fi", "fo", and "fum" before being reset to nil at four seconds.
timeframe("giant", {0, "fee"}, 4, {1, "fi"}, {2, "fo"}, {3, "fum"})

-- sets the local 'width' variable to true immediately and back to nil in one second.
local width
timeframe(function(value) width = value end, 0, 1)


translateTable(directions, [languagecode])
Given a table of directions (such as speedWalkDir), translates directions to another language for you. Right now, it can only translate it into the language of Mudlet's user interface - but let us know if you need more.
Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet3.22+
  • directions:
An indexed table of directions (eg. {"sw", "w", "nw", "s"}).
  • languagecode:
(optional) Language code (eg ru_RU or it_IT) - by default, mudlet.translations.interfacelanguage is used.
-- get the path from room 2 to room 5 and translate directions
if getPath(2, 5) then
speedWalkDir = translateTable(speedWalkDir)
print("Translated directions:")


Uninstalls a Mudlet module with the given name.
See also: installModule(), Event: sysLuaUninstallModule


Uninstalls a Mudlet package with the given name.
See also: installPackage()


unzipAsync(path, location)
Unzips the zip file at path, extracting the contents to the location provided. Returns true if it is able to start unzipping, or nil+message if it cannot.

Raises the sysUnzipDone event with the zip file location and location unzipped to as arguments if unzipping is successful, and sysUnzipError with the same arguments if it is not.

Do not use the unzip() function as it is synchronous and will impact Mudlet's performance (ie, freeze Mudlet while unzipping).

Mudlet VersionAvailable in Mudlet4.6+
function handleUnzipEvents(event, ...)
  local args = {...}
  local zipName = args[1]
  local unzipLocation = args[2]
  if event == "sysUnzipDone" then
    cecho(string.format("<green>Unzip successful! Unzipped %s to %s\n", zipName, unzipLocation))
  elseif event == "sysUnzipError" then
    cecho(string.format("<firebrick>Unzip failed! Tried to unzip %s to %s\n", zipName, unzipLocation))
if unzipSuccessHandler then killAnonymousEventHandler(unzipSuccessHandler) end
if unzipFailureHandler then killAnonymousEventHandler(unzipFailureHandler) end
unzipSuccessHandler = registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysUnzipDone", "handleUnzipEvents")
unzipFailureHandler = registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysUnzipError", "handleUnzipEvents")
--use the path to your zip file for this, not mine
local zipFileLocation = "/home/demonnic/Downloads/" 
--directory to unzip to, it does not need to exist but you do need to be able to create it
local unzipLocation = "/home/demonnic/Downloads/Junkyard_Orcs" 
unzipAsync(zipFileLocation, unzipLocation) -- this will work
unzipAsync(zipFileLocation .. "s", unzipLocation) --demonstrate error, will happen first because unzipping takes time


Encodes a Lua table into JSON data and returns it as a string. This function is very efficient - if you need to encode into JSON, use this.
-- on IRE MUD games, you can send a GMCP request to request the skills in a particular skillset. Here's an example:
sendGMCP("Char.Skills.Get "..yajl.to_string{group = "combat"})

-- you can also use it to convert a Lua table into a string, so you can, for example, store it as room's userdata
local toserialize = yajl.to_string(continents)
setRoomUserData(1, "areaContinents", toserialize)


Decodes JSON data (as a string) into a Lua table. This function is very efficient - if you need to dencode into JSON, use this.
-- given the serialization example above with yajl.to_string, you can deserialize room userdata back into a table
local tmp = getRoomUserData(1, "areaContinents")
if tmp == "" then return end

local continents = yajl.to_value(tmp)