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It will pop up whether or not your mudlet window has focus - first true makes it priority, and therefor something that will always show.<br>
It will pop up whether or not your mudlet window has focus - first true makes it priority, and therefor something that will always show.<br>
This will pop up a sticky alert - second true makes it sticky.<br>
This will pop up a sticky alert - second true makes it sticky.<br>

Revision as of 06:25, 26 October 2011

This script is made by ThePhoenix to work with the Mac app, Growl. It requires an additional bit that allows growl from terminal, called growlNotify.



-- This script works with Growl for Mac -- -- Must have growlnotify installed as well --

function growlNotify(title, message, priority, sticky) --sounds --Change these sounds to what you want, and have. --playSoundFile is buggy on a mac, and will crash you eventually. -- use a beep along with the notification for the appropriate program inside Growl itself.

local  soundAlert = "/System/Library/Sounds/Indigo.aiff"
local  soundNotify = "/System/Library/Sounds/Temple.aiff"

local path, icon -- Do not touch this line

--Path: This is the default path, change it if you have it somewhere else.

       path = "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify"

--Icon: This is an advanced change, try it if you want.

       icon = "-a Mudlet.app"

       assert(type(priority)=="boolean" or type(priority)=="nil",
        "Wrong type for the priority!")
       assert(type(sticky)=="boolean" or type(sticky)=="nil",
        "Wrong type for the priority!")
       sticky = sticky and "-s" or ""
       message = string.gsub(message, ", "'") or ""
       priority = priority or false
       title = title or "Mudlet"
  if not priority and not hasFocus() then
       --playSoundFile(soundNotify) --playSoundFile is buggy on a mac, and will crash you eventually.

--use a beep along with the notification for the appropriate program inside Growl itself.

       os.execute( path .. " ".. sticky .. " " .. icon .. -m "  ..
        message .. " " ..title..")
  if priority then

-- --playSoundFile(soundAlert) --playSoundFile is buggy on a mac, and will crash you eventually. --use a beep along with the notification for the appropriate program inside Growl itself.

       os.execute( path .. " ".. sticky .. " " .. icon .. -p 2 -m "  ..
        message .. " " ..title..")

end </lua>

Example Script from Trigger

Exact match trigger
A soulmaster entity lets loose a horrible scream as a dark stream of primal chaos flows from it and into your very being. <lua> growlNotify("ANTITHEFT!", "A soulmaster has taken possesion of you!", true,true) </lua> It will pop up whether or not your mudlet window has focus - first true makes it priority, and therefor something that will always show.
This will pop up a sticky alert - second true makes it sticky.