Release Checklist

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3.0 release checklist

  1. ☑ sort out windows installer for 3.0 (
  2. ☑ sort out mac installer for 3.0
  3. ☑ sort out linux generic installer for 3.0
  4. ☑ sort out ubuntu ppa
  5. ☑ update Mudlet/mudlet-lua with latest from vadi2/mudlet-lua (
  6. ☑ go through every single commit and ensure all new functionality is documented
  7. ☑ update
  8. ☑ update built-in packages and scripts (
    1. ☑ need to update ire-mapping-script again (
  9. ☑ need to merge crashing issue on custom exit lines dialog from development (
  10. ☑ go through every single commit and write up a newspost with the latest highlights
    1. ☑ check wiki documentation while doing this to ensure everything is documented
    2. ☑ document if not
  11. ☑ tag in git (release process starts here)
  12. merge latest release to master branch
  13. ☑ make windows installer
  14. ☑ make macos installer
  15. ☑ make linux installer
  16. ☑ update Ubuntu PPA
  17. ☑ regenerate geyser docs
  18. ☑ post news on
  19. ☑ post news to
  20. ☑ make a proper github release
  21. ☑ post thread on
  22. ☑ post update on achaea, lusternia, imperian,,, forums
  23. ☑ post update on twitter
  24. ☑ send update to softpedia
  25. ☑ update Linux distro maintainers
  26. ☑ update 'fix commited' bugs on (release process ends here)

Post 3.0 checklist

  1. merge release_30 into development and remove the branch (see for some period discussion):
  2. ☑ migrate the project from to (help wanted)
  3. merge release_31 into development and remove the branch:
  4. add vadi2/mudlet-lua as a submodule to main tree
  5. apply clang-format to all files
  6. enforce clang-format on commit & pr acceptance
  7. upgrade linode image (help wanted)
  8. in general, 4.0 is about i18n support - but as always, feel free to work on whatever interests you
  9. (From SlySven): unify exit "directions" into single QPair<quint8,QString> item {Existing DirCodeNumber + 13 for special exits, QString() for normal/QString("special exit name") for special exits} - makes it possible to streamline TRoom class and helps for I18n as we can drop NLS {Native Language Support} strings in for directions 1-12 if needed...!
  10. (From SlySven): Revamp 2D mapper:
    • use "stub" out to 0.5x inter-room distance for all actual orthogonal/diagonal exits and draw exit lines from end of there to corresponding opposite exit in destination room (if present)/reverse exit in destination room (otherwise)/center of exit room (fallback). Choosing to call this "Z" exits to reflect east exit from one room going to west exit in second room where the first room is north of the second.
    • add drawing support for doors on stub exits/custom lines
    • add stub special exits (for those odd exits which you do no yet know where they go) together with room indications for (at least) one of such things being present and also indication of a special exit without a custom exit line representation (again to show presence of such a thing).
  11. (From SlySven): Revamp 3D mapper:
    • port away from deprecated QGLWidget usage (it'll cause us less issues on mac too)
    • rewrite code to use modern (indirect) OpenGL 3.0+ - would be needed to port to OpenGLES (e.g. Raspberry Pi) platforms anyway.
    • generally clean up the 3D paintGL() code - it is rather messy at present with redundant/ineffective calls.

Individual contributor TODOs