Simple logger

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Game non-mud specific
By Wyd
Dependencies Mudlet 4.17


The Simple logger is a basic logging system for Mudlet, that allows you to log text out to a file. The difference between this logger and the inbuild mudlet one, is that the Simple Logger allows you to log out only certain lines (For example, "You have slain <blah>."), or split your log files up into files of a certain size.


  • Logger:Log(file, line_to_save, options_table) - Simply appends line_to_save to file.txt. See the "options" section below to see the currently valid options.
  • Logger:LogSection(file, options_table) - The logger will append every line that comes from the MUD until you call Logger:StopLogging(). Not, this will only output stuff directly from the MUD, and not show echo's or such. See the "options" section below to see the currently valid options. When you log a section, the logged output will be put between [[[START OF SECTION]]] and [[[END OF SECTION]]] to make sections easier to find.
  • Logger:StopLogging() - Stops logging after Logger:LogSection() is called.
  • Logger:SearchLog(file, pattern) - Searches through file.txt for the given pattern, and output matched lines. This uses rex_pcre to search, so the pattern can be regular expression.
  • Logger:CloseLog(file) - To be used with the keepOpen option (explained below). The file parameter is optional, and if omitted, then the Logger will close all open log files.

There are currently three recognized options:

  • timestamp - When included in the options table, the Logger will prefix each logged line with a time stamp. Note: Dates in the order (dd/mm/yyyy). If you want to change this around, just modify the time_format variable in Logger:Log().
  • split = <number> - This tells the logger to ensure that the log file gets no larger then <number> kilobytes. If the log file gets larger then the given number, the logger will backup the old file.txt, and create a new one. If this option is used with Logger:Log(), then it will check each time the function is called. With Logger:LogSection(), the file size is checked when logging first begins, and every 10 minutes after that, for performance reasons.
  • keepOpen - This option tells the Logger to not close the handle to the log file, and to keep it open until Logger:CloseLog(file) is called. This allows a substantial performance gain when logging large amounts of data at once. If you use this, then Logger:CloseLog() should be called when you close the connection to your MUD, to ensure that the Logger closes all open logs.

Note: LogSection uses keepOpen by default, and closes the log when the logging is stopped. This means you'll need to ensure that Logger:StopLogging() is called at some point.

Two examples of using the option table would be;

  • Logger:Log("kills", { "timestamp"})
  • Logger:LogSection("arena", {split = 5000})

See also: Mudlet Forums


I have included the following aliases to demonstrate its use:

  • log <file> - Will call Logger:LogSection(<file>). If <type> is "off", it will call Logger:StopLogging()
  • searchlog <file> <pattern> - Will call Logger:SearchLog(<type>, <pattern>)
  • A "slain" trigger for Achaea to demonstrate how to use the Logger:Log() function.