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How to test your own scripts

Are you a package maker and would like to add some automated (unit) tests? Automated tests can be extremely useful in a medium to large package to ensure you don't break something else when you change one thing. Check out the LuaUnit package for this.

How to test Mudlet

Are you a Mudlet developer or Mudlet tester looking to test Mudlet itself? See below for some common scenarios:

Simulate a fresh install

To simulate a fresh install of Mudlet, close Mudlet first, then:

  • on Windows - find your windows account folder (typically C:\Users\YourUserName on English language versions), then the .config folder and then rename/delete the mudlet folder within. Also rename/delete the Mudlet registry entry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mudlet
  • on Linux - find your home folder, then show hidden files, and find the .config and then rename/delete the mudlet/Mudlet folders within
  • on Mac - find your user (home) folder, then the .config and then rename/delete the mudlet/Mudlet folders within

Note that if you delete the relevant folder then you will destroy all the data for any previous MUDs you have played with Mudlet!

Create graphical tests for Mudlet

Check out Rainforest Testing on creating no-code tests for Mudlet.

Create Lua tests for Mudlet

Much of Mudlet's API can be tested with Lua, see github.

Create C++ tests for Mudlet

For the few pieces of functionality that can't be tested graphically nor with Lua, we have C++ tests available as well.