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datetime:parse(source, format, as_epoch)
Parses the specified source string, according to the format if given, to return a representation of the date/time. If as_epoch is provided and true, the return value will be a Unix epoch — the number of seconds since 1970. This is a useful format for exchanging date/times with other systems. If as_epoch is false, then a Lua time table will be returned. Details of the time tables are provided in the Lua Manual.
Supported Format Codes
%b = Abbreviated Month Name
%B = Full Month Name
%d = Day of Month
%H = Hour (24-hour format)
%I = Hour (12-hour format, requires %p as well)
%p = AM or PM
%m = 2-digit month (01-12)
%M = 2-digit minutes (00-59)
%S = 2-digit seconds (00-59)
%y = 2-digit year (00-99), will automatically prepend 20 so 10 becomes 2010 and not 1910.
%Y = 4-digit year.